
jīng chéng
  • Sincerity;good faith;absolute sincerity
精诚 [jīng chéng]
  • [absolute sincerity]∶真心诚意;至诚

  • 真者,精诚之至也,不精不诚,不能动人。--《庄子.渔父》

  • 精诚所加,金石为开。--《后汉书.广陵思王荆传》

精诚[jīng chéng]
  1. 海森愿与国内外动物保健品的同行和朋友精诚合作,携手共进,共创辉煌!

    The Haisen hope with the domestic and foreign animal healthy product colleague and the friend absolute sincerity cooperation , hand in hand advances together , creates together brilliant achievements !

  2. 我们的宗旨:传承创新,精诚至善。

    Our purpose : inheritance and innovation , absolute sincerity and supreme good ;

  3. 作为一位将军,他得到了部队的精诚效忠。

    As a general , he inspired great loyalty in his troops .

  4. ICS的技术人员会与项目的设计、承包商和施工商精诚合作,完成项目。

    Our ICS product experts work across the spectrum of people involved in your project including the designer , the general contractor and the applicator on your job site .

  5. 欧洲的拜占庭式决策结构于事无补,但德国需要确保决策迅速做出,确保欧洲以一个声音说话&并确保以与IMF精诚合作。

    Europe 's Byzantine decision-making structure does not help but Germany needs to ensure that decisions are reached fast , that Europe speaks with one voice & and that co-ordination with the IMF is smooth .

  6. 而爱情的最后阶段,即长期的附属关系,却使父母在养育孩子方面得以精诚合作——这种状态,Fisher博士认为,它的特征恰恰是平稳感、安全感、社会性的慰籍以及情感的最佳结合。

    But the final stage of love , long-term attachment , allows parents to co-operate in raising children . This state , says Dr Fisher , is characterised by feelings of calm , security , social comfort and emotional union .

  7. 杭州成功电子有限公司愿与各位用户精诚合作,共同发展。

    Success Electron expects to cooperate with you for mutual development .

  8. 公司核心价值观:精诚创造价值。

    Core value of dsast : good faith decides our values .

  9. 精诚所致,废泥变金子

    With Good Faith , Waste Mud Changed to " Gold "

  10. 我-你们两个从现在开始要精诚合作了?

    I-what , you two are gonna start working together now ?

  11. 让我们精诚合作,共同发展创造辉煌的明天。

    Let us sincere cooperation and common development and create brilliant tomorrow .

  12. 如果这两家公司能精诚合作,那会是一个极佳的组合。

    Put the two together , and you have a great combination .

  13. 现在的问题是,各国领导人能否精诚合作,迎接挑战。

    The question is whether leaders can cooperate in steering these changes .

  14. 与你精诚合作,共创繁荣市场!

    Sincere cooperation with you to create a booming market !

  15. 全过程精诚服务是知识经济的内在要求和价值取向;

    Full-range quality service is the intrinsic requirement and value of knowledge economy .

  16. 建立以“勇于创新、精诚合作”为基础的企业文化。

    Create a culture based on innovation and cooperation .

  17. 而且拥有奋发向上、精诚合作的良好氛围。

    Here is also a positive and cooperative atmosphere .

  18. 对民族医学院校大学生正确处理精诚关系的研究

    Study on Students'Capacity in Dealing with Skill and Moral in Nationality Medical College

  19. 我们应该把分歧抛在一边,为了共同的事业而精诚合作。

    We should set our differences by and work together for a common course .

  20. 我们真诚欢迎新老客户,精诚合作、共同发展。

    We sincerely welcome customers old and new , sincere cooperation and common development .

  21. 齐心协力谋发展,精诚合作展宏图。

    Seek the development shoulder to shoulder , establish the grand prospect with sincere cooperation .

  22. 浙江精诚模具机械有限公司。

    Zhejiang Jingcheng Mold Machinery Co. , Ltd.

  23. 热忱欢迎国内外用户前来参观指导,精诚合作。

    We warmly welcome domestic and foreign customers to visit the guidance , sincere cooperation .

  24. 想象一下你们精诚合作会达成怎样的效果

    imagine what a partnership can do .

  25. 同时愿与各位同仁精诚合作,共铸辉煌。

    At the same time is willing to sincerely cooperate with you Tongren , create glory .

  26. 精诚合一:医学哲学事业的永恒主题

    The Combination of Skill and Morality : The Eternal Subject of the Cause of Medical Philosophy

  27. 我公司将以优质的服务和合理的价格精诚与您合作。

    I will be the company 's quality service and reasonable prices sincerely work with you .

  28. 宇德人愿与各界同仁精诚合作,再创辉煌!

    All colleagues of YuDe look forward to cooperating with the community and create great glories !

  29. “飞虎起重,质量保证”。飞虎公司愿与您精诚合作,共创美好未来!

    We would like to go forward hand by hand and create a brilliant future together .

  30. 但是,学习创新机制还处于相对较低的层次,尚未形成一种以精诚合作为主要内涵的创新性文化。

    While Learning-innovation is at a relatively low level , an innovative culture has not yet formed .