
  1. 韩佳,俗话说,人往高处走。

    Han Jia , as the saying goes , man .

  2. 人往高处走&专家传授转换职业诀窍燕山及邻区中新生代挤压与伸展的转换和成矿作用

    The Mesozoic-Cenozoic Compression and Extension Transformation Process and Ore-forming Process in Yanshan and Adjacent Area

  3. 潮水使我们漂流向前。水向低处流,人往高处走。

    The current was drifting us along .

  4. 正所谓人往高处走,这是人类思维的一个非常自然的规律。

    People prefer to goto high , which is a very natural law of the human mind .

  5. 员工参加培训,特别是年轻的员工,实际上是“人往高处走”的表现,企业应该在培训中表现出员工在企业“很有盼头”。

    Staff attended training , especially young employees , in fact , it is the show up of upgrating , companies should show " very rewarding " to the employees in the training .

  6. 她理解可她认为人应该往高处走

    She does . But she thinks one 's trajectory needs to keep moving up and

  7. 每个人都想做的更好,人往高处走不是一种心态,而是一种本能。

    Everyone wants to do better , The human walks toward the high place is not a state of mind , but an instinct .