
fù fā
  • recurrence;relapse;recur;recrudesce;have a relapse;flare-up
复发 [fù fā]
  • [have a relapse;recur;recrudesce;recurrence] 在变得好一些以后又滑回或退回从前的状态(如疾病或罪恶)

  1. 初治与复发B细胞急性淋巴细胞白血病患者白血病相关免疫表型的比较

    Comparison of the immunophenotype of patients with B lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia at diagnosis and relapse

  2. 而即使初治CR患者大部分也会出现复发,一旦复发,预后差。

    And most of the initial treatment CR patients will relapse resulting in poor prognosis .

  3. 癌症可能在多年之后复发。

    The cancer may re-emerge years later .

  4. 病情缓解6年后,癌症又复发了。

    After six years of remission , cancer reappeared .

  5. 如果癌症复发,放射性疗法有90%的治愈率。

    If the cancer returns , radiation therapy is successful in 90 per cent of cases .

  6. 战祸复发,生灵涂炭。

    War broke out again , plunging the people into misery and suffering .

  7. 他的关节炎复发了。

    He 's suffering from arthritis again .

  8. 这种寒热病好起来很慢,它经常会在你认为已好转时复发。

    This kind of feverish cold is slow to cure , it often kicks back just when you think you are better .

  9. 多次复发者复发间期逐渐缩短

    The interval without tumor burden turned shorter after multiple recurrences .

  10. 视网膜小动脉弯曲合并复发性视网膜出血在1958第一次被提出

    Retinal arteriolar tortuosity with retinal hemorrhage was first described in 1958 .

  11. 随访3年无一例复发,牙齿无松动,咬合关系正常

    After 3 years follow-up , there was no recidivism and loosening of tooth but normal occluding relation .

  12. 不管医学扫描是为了诊断病情、监测治疗、检测复发、还是仅仅为了随访,等待的过程就是让人害怕。

    Whether scans are being done for diagnosis1 , to monitor treatment , to check for a recurrence2 , or simply for follow-up , it doesn 't matter . It 's scary to wait !

  13. 鼻咽癌放疗后鼻咽局部复发的早期CT诊断

    Early CT Diagnosis of Local Recurrence of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma after Radiotherapy

  14. 结肠癌术后复发的钡灌肠与CT诊断

    Barium Enema and CT Diagnosis of Postoperative Recurrence of Co

  15. 直肠癌术后局部复发的CT和MRI诊断

    CT and MRI Diagnosis of Local Recurrence following Resection of Rectal Cancer

  16. 随访3~18个月,无复发。结论:MRI检查是诊断继发性三叉神经痛的主要依据;

    Conclusion : MRI examination is chiefly diagnosis evidence of secondary trigeminal neuralgia .

  17. N2肺癌根治术后肿瘤复发模式的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Recurrence Patterns in patients with Resected Stage ⅲ ( N2 disease ) Lung Carcinoma

  18. 目的观察更昔洛韦治疗尖锐湿疣(CA)后的复发率降低情况。

    Objective To observe reducing recurrent rate of condyloma acuminata ( CA ) with ganciclovir .

  19. TNFα激活的星形胶质细胞在慢性癫痫复发中的作用

    The role of astrocytes activated by tnf α in the relapse of chronic epilepsy

  20. 按CT影像评价为PR的10例中8例在治疗后12个月内局部复发。

    Of the 10 PR patients evaluated by CT scan , the lesion of 8 recurred locally in 12 months .

  21. 鼻咽癌放射治疗后复发因素Cox模型评价

    Analysis of the factors causing nasopharynx carcinoma recurring after irradiation with Cox model

  22. 目的明确外周血微转移检测在肝细胞癌(Hepatocellularcarcinoma,HCC)转移复发中的诊断价值。

    Objective To determine the value of detection of micrometastasis in peripheral blood to hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) metastasis or recurrence .

  23. 性别比例、发病年龄、复发与再复发间隔时间及大体与组织学表现,两组间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    However there was not significant difference in sex , onset age , interval of recurrence and re-recurrence , microscopic and histological appearance between the two groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  24. 难治与复发急性白血病MDR1和WT1与临床多药耐药的关系

    The correlation between mdr_1 , wt_1 and clinical multidrug resistance in refractory / relapse acute leukemia

  25. 预防性抗凝治疗是预防BCS介入治疗后妊娠期复发的有效措施,且对孕妇和新生儿无明显影响。

    Pregnancy outcome after intervention treatment of BCS was good .

  26. 目的探讨频复发性肾病(FRNS)核转录因子κB(NF-κB)活性改变的临床意义。

    Objective To study the clinical significance of the change of nuclear factor - κ _B activity in frequently relapsed nephropathy syndrome .

  27. 目的探讨影响原发性自发性气胸(PSP)复发的因素。

    Objective To study the influential factors of recurrence of primary spontaneous pneumothorax ( PSP ) .

  28. 目的探讨BAE术后肺咯血复发原因。

    Objective To study the recurrent cause of pulmonary hemoptysis post-BAE .

  29. 手术失败的主要原因是PVR复发。

    PVR recurrent is major reason of failure .

  30. LAK细胞和IL-2联合应用膀胱灌注预防肿瘤复发的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on the Effect of Bladder Irrigation with LAK Cell and IL-2 for Preventing Postoperative Recurrence of Bladder Cancer