
bì nàn
  • take refuge;seek asylum;refuge;asylum
避难 [bì nàn]
  • (1) [take refuge]∶逃离战争或动乱不安的地方

  • (2) [seek asylum]∶寻求庇护所

避难[bì nàn]
  1. 有些偷渡去避难,一去不回。

    Some take refuge and don 't come out .

  2. 这些人跟当地的安达卢西亚人一起,被迫在安达卢西亚山区避难。

    Along with native andalucians , they were forced to take refuge in the Andalucian mountains .

  3. 又有300人在美国大使馆避难。

    A further 300 people have taken refuge in the US embassy .

  4. 寻求避难的人中有几个将遭递解出境。

    Several of the asylum seekers now face deportation .

  5. 只有真正的难民才能申请政治避难。

    Only genuine refugees can apply for asylum .

  6. 对是否应该修改政治避难法展开了一场全国性的大辩论。

    There was a nationwide debate on whether the asylum laws should be changed .

  7. 他要求政治避难。

    He claimed political asylum .

  8. 政府把寻求避难者划分为经济移民与真正的难民。

    The government divides asylum-seekers into economic migrants and genuine refugees .

  9. 他的家成了信徒们的避难之处。

    His home became a place of refuge for the believers .

  10. 寻求避难的家庭户增加了17%。

    The number of families seeking shelter rose by 17 percent

  11. 4名在意大利大使馆寻求避难的人已经自愿离开了。

    Four people who sought refuge in the Italian embassy have left voluntarily

  12. 他们中的一些人在教堂避难。

    Some of them have sought sanctuary in the church .

  13. 寻求避难者中有不到7%的人被视作政治难民。

    Fewer than 7 % of asylum seekers are accepted as political refugees .

  14. 9名阿尔巴尼亚人穿过边境进入希腊境内并寻求政治避难。

    Nine Albanians have crossed the border into Greece and asked for political asylum

  15. 多数去避难的医生永远没有机会在英国医院行医。

    Most refugee doctors never get the chance to practice medicine in British hospitals

  16. 法国已经同意给予他政治避难。

    France has agreed to grant him political asylum

  17. 他们在防空洞中避难。

    They took refuge in a bomb shelter

  18. 会议制定了用以确定由哪个国家负责受理避难请求的规约。

    The Convention set down rules for deciding which country should deal with an asylum request .

  19. 那时候内政部称其准备驳回他的政治避难申请。

    The Home Office said at that time that it was minded to reject his application for political asylum

  20. 那些申请政治避难者大多数都是难民。

    Most of those who claimed asylum were refugees .

  21. 他给我提供了避难处。

    He offered me shelter .

  22. 他到教堂避难。

    He sought asylum in the church .

  23. 但汤姆,一位42岁的避难者,说事实不尽然如此。

    Not quite true , said Tom , a 42-year-old evacuee .

  24. 他们昨天是在一个洞里避难的。

    They took refuge in a cave yesterday .

  25. 人们请求政治避难。

    The people ask for political asylum .

  26. 年3月25日星期五,日本福岛县相马市,为福岛核设施泄露而设立的避难中心里,一位妇女一动不动地坐在那里。

    A woman sits motionless at an evacuee center for leaked radiation from the damaged fukushima nuclear facilities friday march 25 2011 in soma fukushima prefecture japan.2011

  27. 第十五条对因为政治原因要求避难的外国人,经中国政府主管机关批准,准许在中国居留。

    Article 15 Aliens who seek asylum for political reasons shall be permitted to reside in China upon approval by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government .

  28. 基于有界数据包络分析(DEA)模型的应急避难场所效率评价

    Efficiency Assessment of Emergency Shelter Based on Bounded Variables DEA Model

  29. 《Alone》这一集的剧情简介:有一组幸存者找到了避难所;一组避难者找到了真正的保护。

    The synopsis for Alone reads : One group finds a shelter ; a group has a realization about protection .

  30. 临时避难间HVAC系统防火设计

    The Fireproofing Design of HVAC for Temporary Refuge