
huāng luàn
  • Flustered;flurried;in a hurry;dither;hurry and confusion;flutter;tizzy;mayhem;tailspin;alarmed and bewilered
慌乱 [huāng luàn]
  • [flurried;in a hurry] 慌张忙乱

  • 一阵慌乱

慌乱[huāng luàn]
  1. 在什么情况下你会走得很匆忙,但是不慌乱?

    What circumstance under you will walk very hurriedly , but not flurried ?

  2. 保持镇静,不要慌乱,稳住各区域内的客人,防止跑单。

    Keep calm , not flurried , live firmly the guest inside each area , prevent to run odd .

  3. 在随后的慌乱中他便与父母分散了。

    He had become separated from his parents in the ensuing panic .

  4. “可是,可是…你不能啊!”她急促而慌乱地说。

    ' But , but … you can 't ! ' she spluttered .

  5. 她的突然来到引起一片慌乱。

    Her sudden arrival caused quite a flutter .

  6. 马奥尼脉搏跳得很快,他感到很慌乱。

    Mahoney 's pulse was racing , and he felt confused .

  7. 一堵墙倒了,慌乱中有39人死于踩踏事故。

    A wall collapsed and 39 people , were killed in the panic-stricken stampede .

  8. 如果他们不慌乱,我相信他们生还的概率将在95%以上。

    Providing they do not panic , I believe that their chances of survival will be beyond 95 per cent .

  9. 起初是一阵静电干扰声,紧接着是一连串刺耳,慌乱,令人毛骨悚然的尖叫声。

    At first there was a burst of static , then immediately a succession of piercing , frantic , chilling screams .

  10. 即便在受死亡威胁的慌乱中也不会被突袭。

    Not to be stormed even in death 's confusion .

  11. 一只乌鸦独自待在屋里,慢慢的擦洗着嘴巴,俯瞰着下面的一片慌乱。

    A crow upon a roof that slowly cleaned her beak , perched apart .

  12. 例句听到那条消息后,除了特蕾西以外,房间里的所有人都陷入了慌乱之中。但她看起来泰然自若。

    Hearing the news , everyone in the room panicked except for Tracey - she looked as cool as a cucumber .

  13. 那天晚上离开的时候,brandon看起来很慌乱。

    Brandon seemed pretty rattled when he left the other night .

  14. vt.使慌乱,使不安n.慌乱,不安她是个非常沉着的人。

    eg. She was a very calm person .

  15. 消失,消散敌人被击败后慌乱地逃窜。vt.履行;

    flee The enemy were defeated and fled in disorder .

  16. 这次阻挠是由TourdeFrance的主任ChristianPrudhomme造成的。不久抗议者就慌乱的弃自行车运动员而去。

    An intervention by none other than the Tour de France director Christian Prudhomme apparently walked to wonders the protestors were soon hustled away from the cyclists .

  17. 数月前,科技企业高管戴夫·戈德堡(DaveGoldberg)度假期间在跑步机上锻炼时突然去世的消息,令健身圈的人悲痛之余也引发一片慌乱。

    The recent death of the tech executive Dave Goldberg , reportedly during a treadmill workout on a vacation , has saddened and rattled the fitness community .

  18. 这篇讽刺报道发表于周三,标题为“FIFA慌乱宣布2015年夏季世界杯在美国举办”。文章嘲讽地表示,FIFA为了讨好美国官员而增设了一届世界杯,而且将在同一天开幕。

    The satirical article , published Wednesday under the headline , " FIFA Frantically Announces 2015 Summer World Cup in the United States , " mockingly suggested that , to placate American officials , the governing body had added a new tournament , which would begin the very same day .

  19. 富兰克慌乱地从裤兜里拉出一条肮脏的蓝手帕。

    Frank jerked a dirty blue handkerchief from his trousers pocket .

  20. 他们一想到要离开家就感到慌乱。

    They felt panic at the thought of leaving their family .

  21. 当我让他作解释时,他看上去相当慌乱。

    He looked pretty flustered when I asked him to explain .

  22. 在大中心车站是一片慌乱的景象。

    It 's a mob scene here at Grand Central station .

  23. 他觉得在她面前并不慌乱,而且相当自在。

    He found himself peaceful and fairly comfortable in her presence .

  24. 许多人陷入前门拥挤慌乱的人群中难以脱身。

    Many people get stuck in the stampede at the front .

  25. 他前一天的慌乱都平静下来了。

    His frenzy of the previous day had all calmed down .

  26. 在大中心车站是一片慌乱的景象

    It 's a mob1 scene here at Grand Central Station .

  27. 他们企图逃避罪责,慌乱中撞毁了车子。

    In their attempt to escape , they wrecked the car .

  28. 他们在压力下冷静沉着,不轻易感到慌乱。

    Cool and calm under pressure , they not easily rattled .

  29. 例句她很镇静,遇事不慌乱。

    She 's so calm , nothing seems to faze her .

  30. 他可能会慌乱的爬过河岸,为了跟上你。

    He may scramble up the bank to follow you .
