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huāng máng
  • hurriedly;in a flurry;in a great rush;hurried and flustered
慌忙 [huāng máng]
  • [in a great rush;in a flurry] 紧张、急迫的样子

  • 慌忙跳过悬崖

慌忙[huāng máng]
  1. 他慌忙奔逃,跑了一里多路。

    He dashed hurriedly for over one li .

  2. 她慌忙地把盘子从桌上拿走。

    She () the dishes () the table hurriedly .

  3. 他溜进门里,慌忙地四处张望着。

    He ducked through the door and looked about frantically .

  4. 马特慌忙躲进他的办公室。

    Matt ducked into his office

  5. 你为什么慌忙拿起书包就往外跑?

    Why did you catch up your bag and dash out ?

  6. 我们都慌忙上楼看看发生了什么事。

    We all hurried upstairs to see what was going on .

  7. 一天晚上,在为登台准备,Dana正慌忙地搜着他的隐形眼睛包。

    One night while getting ready to go onstage , Dana was frantically searching through his contact bag .

  8. 两个孩子慌忙中试图把划艇划向岸边。

    The pair panicked and tried to row back to shore .

  9. 别理她,麦克费尔太太慌忙悄悄地说。

    " Don 't answer her ," Whispered Mrs. Macphail hurriedly .

  10. 别慌忙,时间多的是。

    Don 't rush ; there is plenty of time .

  11. 我关掉水龙头,慌忙地裹上浴巾,又开始匆忙起来。

    I shut off the water , toweling hastily , rushing again .

  12. 黄某慌忙逃跑,撞上电线杆倒地。

    Hwang hurried escape and hit the pole lying on the ground .

  13. 范得以暂时躲开杰森,慌忙逃命。

    Van manages to momentarily evade Jason and runs for her life .

  14. 我们进来时,他慌忙站起身。

    He scrambled to his feet as we came in .

  15. 那小偷慌忙转过拐角,消失在人群中。

    The thief whipped round the corner and disappeared in the crowd .

  16. 他慌忙地赶到我家请求帮助。

    He hurried to my house to demand help .

  17. 她慌忙把书塞进柜子里。

    She hastily threw her books into the cupboard .

  18. 他象一头狼,看见笼门开了,总要慌忙出逃。

    He escaped impetuously , like the wolf who finds his cage open .

  19. 慌忙中,他爬上了一棵树,那两头灰熊也紧跟着往上爬。

    Kit climbed up a tree immediately , and the bears followed him .

  20. .曼太太透过楼前的窗户看见他站在大门口,慌忙转向和她一起干活的女孩。

    Mrs Mann saw him , and quickly the girl

  21. 他慌忙回家,心里充满了恐惧。

    A He hurried home , full of fear .

  22. 她斜视着他,露出长着苔藓的牙齿,哈利慌忙后退。

    She leered at him , showing mossy teeth . Harry backed away .

  23. 他慌忙走开,一直走到险些儿跌倒在地才停下来。

    He hurried off , and walked till he almost dropped upon the ground ;

  24. 可他还是不敢过,一只脚刚触到木板,就慌忙缩了回来。

    When he put one of his feet on the board , he shrank immediately .

  25. 警方来到时,他慌忙逃走[夺门而逃]了。

    When the police arrived he made a bolt for it / for the door .

  26. 她慌忙地把他推进出租汽车。

    She bundled him into the taxi .

  27. 他让本人进了房间,却又慌忙的把一个大包藏在桌子底下。

    He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk .

  28. 我慌忙赶到格鲁门那里。

    I streaked off to grumman .

  29. 他慌忙奔逃,跑了一里多路。忽然,他“哎呀”一声,后悔地说:

    He dashed hurriedly for over one li.All of a sudden , he exclaimed with regret :

  30. 他慌忙地去赶火车的时候,把行李忘在计程车上。

    In his hurry to catch the train , he left his luggage in the taxi .
