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píng tǎn
  • flat;smooth;level;even
平坦 [píng tǎn]
  • (1) [flat]

  • (2) 无显著倾斜、也无明显的升高或降低

  • 平坦的高原

  • (3) 与通常不言而喻的某物相比是光滑或平平的

  • 一张宽而平坦的脸

平坦[píng tǎn]
  1. 这条路不平坦。

    The road is not even .

  2. 经页岩标准化(NASC)后,REE配分模式曲线平坦,弱的正Eu异常和弱的负Ce异常。

    After normalization by NASC , REE allocation schema is even , with weak positive Eu abnormity and weak negative Ce abnormity .

  3. 公路向前延伸,经过一片平坦的地。

    The road stretched ahead across the flat landscape .

  4. 这一地区非常平坦,根本没法进行防御。

    The land was flat , giving no scope for defence

  5. 通过采取更好的坐姿,你的腹部马上就会看起来平坦一些。

    You can make your stomach look flatter instantly by improving your posture

  6. 正在退潮,沙滩平坦,闪着微光。

    The tide was going out , and the sand was smooth and glittering

  7. 公路平坦而笔直地向前延伸。

    The highway stretched out flat and straight ahead .

  8. 路变得陡直起来,然后又突然变平坦了。

    The road steepened and then levelled out suddenly .

  9. 北边是索尔韦平原平坦而肥沃的农田。

    To the north lie the flat and fertile farmlands of the Solway plain

  10. 该市建于平坦之地。

    The city was built on a level terrain .

  11. 过了树林,地面就平坦了。

    The ground levels off beyond the woods .

  12. 我背着山走了不久,就发现了一条通往该村的比较平坦的下山小路。

    Heading away from the mountains , I soon found an easier path leading downhill to the village .

  13. 最流行的观点是,埃及工人沿着平坦的道路滑动石块。

    The most popular view is that Egyptian workers slid the blocks along smooth paths .

  14. 这可能是在平坦的道路上竞走或者骑车。

    This could be fast walking or cycling on a flat road .

  15. 这里地势平坦,其视野之开阔令人敬畏

    The land is flat , and the views are awesomely extensive .

  16. 眼前是一望无际的平坦空地。

    The ocean of flat empty land stretched before us .

  17. 单瓣深浅不一的亮粉红色星形缟花,花瓣端有凹痕。平坦尖型叶。大型。

    Single chimera light pink two-tone fluted star . Plain , pointed . Large .

  18. 峡谷东面地势变得平坦起来。

    East of the gorge leveled out .

  19. 过了牛津以远乡村逐渐平坦。

    After Oxford the countryside flattens out .

  20. 生活的路不总是平坦的。

    Life is not always smooth .

  21. 溶液和熔体的粘度等性能曲线并不呈现平坦

    Among the properties which do not show a leveling-off are the viscosities of solutions and melts .

  22. Shapewear就是能够临时改变穿着者体型的内衣,比如让腹部显得平坦、让整个身材从外部看来更苗条、更有吸引力,也就是我们所说的“塑形内衣”。

    Shapewear is simply underwear which is designed to temporarily alter the shape of the wearer 's body , typically to flatten and / or upper body .

  23. 我国航天科研人员已经在火星上的“乌托邦平原”南部选定了一块相对平坦的区域作为着陆点。

    Chinese space engineers and scientists have chosen a relatively flat region in the southern part of the Utopia Planitia , a large plain , as the potential landing zone .

  24. 早在2014年,另一组科学家就研制出了最黑的黑色涂层,是一种名为“纳米碳管黑体(Vantablack)”的材料,可吸收的光线之多使每个涂层表面看起来都几乎平坦无形。

    Back in 2014 , another group of scientists developed the blackest possible black coating , a material called ' Vantablack ' , that absorbs so much light it makes every surface look almost invisibly flat .

  25. C波段增益平坦掺铒光纤放大器的优化设计

    Optimal Design of Gain-flattened EDFA in C Band

  26. 宽带平坦型软X射线多层反射膜的设计

    The Design of Soft X ray Broadband and Flat Multilayer

  27. 平坦地区转换GPS高程的混合转换方法

    Conversion of GPS Height in Plainness Area by the CF & NNM Method

  28. 当k2≥1.5时,平衡腔内压力p变化平坦。

    If £ 2 > 1.5 , the variety of pressure P in balance cavity is smoothness .

  29. D值越大,或G值越小,意味着表面拓扑越平坦。

    The larger value of D or smaller value of G signifies the smoother surface topography .

  30. A.没有船舱的船安全性和平坦的高尔夫球场差不多。

    A. A BOAT WITHOUT A cabin is about as safe as a golf course .