首页 / 词典 / good


suí biàn
  • any;casual;random;informal;immediately;anyhow;be free and easy;do as one chooses (likes) pleases
随便 [suí biàn]
  • (1) [be free and easy;random]∶不加限制;不受拘束

  • 随便聊聊

  • (2) [anyhow; any]∶任凭,无论

  • 顺着弯曲的运输便道走去,随便你什么时候抑面看只能看见巴掌大的一块天。--《夜走灵官峡》

  • (3) [immediately]∶随即,马上

  • 家书随便修下,谁人去走一遭?--《水浒传》

  • (4) [do as one chooses (likes) pleases]不多加斟酌,怎么方便就怎么做

  • 我说话很随 便,请不要见怪

  • 雕刻家的意见,随 随 便便雕一个石像不如不雕。--《古代英雄的石像》

随便[suí biàn]
  1. 再围上一条围巾以显得随便些。

    Add a scarf for a casual effect .

  2. 你随便说的一句话,可能就被曲解了。

    What you mean as a casual remark could be misinterpreted

  3. 你要是不懂,可以随便提问。

    Feel free to ask questions if you don 't understand .

  4. 随便翻阅一下历史就足以证实这种观点。

    A brief dip into history serves to confirm this view .

  5. 随便一个高中生都可以告诉你答案。

    Any high school student could tell you the answer .

  6. 他会随便找个借口来逃避洗碗。

    He 'll grab at any excuse to avoid doing the dishes .

  7. 你似乎和你的导师之间很随便。

    You seem to be on very familiar terms with your tutor .

  8. 我饿慌了,随便吃什么都行。

    I 'm so hungry , I 'll eat anything .

  9. 在墙上随便刷点漆,就看着漂亮了。

    Just slap some paint on the walls and it 'll look fine .

  10. 别理她——她只是随便说说。

    Don 't mind her ─ she didn 't mean what she said .

  11. 你不要的我随便拿一个。

    I 'll take any you don 't want .

  12. 名字是从名单中随便点的。

    Names were chosen at random from a list .

  13. 欢迎您光临本店随便看看。

    You are welcome to come in and browse .

  14. 想一个数字,随便一个。

    Think of a number , any number .

  15. 她很随便地斜倚着墙。

    She was leaning negligently against the wall .

  16. 一个人如果对自己掌握的事实没有把握,就绝不该随便批评。

    One should never criticize if one is not sure of one 's facts .

  17. 别拿着你的信用卡随便花。

    Don 't use your credit card willy-nilly .

  18. 她把文件在桌上随便搁成一堆。

    She piled the papers in a heap on her desk , just anyhow .

  19. 请随便取用——还多着呢。

    Help yourself ─ there 's heaps more .

  20. “我们去哪里吃饭?”“随便。”

    ' Where shall we eat ? ' ' I 'm not bothered . ' .

  21. 请随便拿一条干净毛巾用。

    Help yourself to a clean towel .

  22. 把你的袋子随便搁在哪儿吧。

    Just plonk your bag anywhere .

  23. 把箱子随便放在哪儿都可以。

    Put the box down anywhere .

  24. 随便他们干什么坏事吧,我们一定和他们拼到底。

    Let them do their worst ─ we 'll fight them every inch of the way .

  25. 我们不让随便什么人都来使用俱乐部的酒吧。

    We don 't want any Tom , Dick , or Harry using the club bar .

  26. 她随便谈了谈她认为一个秘书应有的品质。

    She chatted for a few minutes about the qualities she considered desirable in a secretary .

  27. 随便种几丛黄水仙。

    Plant daffodils in informal drifts .

  28. 请大家随便吃。

    Just help yourselves .

  29. 我可不是个随便浪费时间在任何人身上的人。

    I 'm not one to waste time on just anyone .

  30. 两个历史问题——你可以随便回答。

    Two historical questions — you can answer them how you like