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chǎo nào
  • wrangle;kick up a row;bicker;disturb;racket;bruit;uproar;noisily;stink;clamour;argy-bargy;shindy
吵闹 [chǎo nào]
  • (1) [wrangle; bicker]∶大声争吵;声音杂乱

  • 学生们正在大厅里吵闹得不可开交

  • (2) [disturb]∶搅扰;扰乱

吵闹[chǎo nào]
  1. 虽然有时会吵闹,但那是代表我们之间的感情。

    Although being able to kick up a row sometimes , that is to represent the affection between us .

  2. 如果你发现你的男人出轨,不要和他吵闹,那样只能证明你很没有修养而不能解决根本问题。

    Be derailed if you discover your man , essential points and he do not kick up a row , like that , can only testify you not having accomplishment very much but can not resolve the basic problem .

  3. 吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中精神。

    I can 't concentrate with all that noise going on .

  4. 吵闹声像是从楼房里传出来的。

    The noise seems to be coming from within the building .

  5. 大家都吵闹着想知道他们能得到多少。

    Everyone was clamouring to know how much they would get .

  6. 孩子们在楼上吵闹地玩耍。

    The children were playing noisily upstairs .

  7. 要是哪位太太嫌邻居太吵闹,打电话投诉,你跟她怎么说?

    What would you say to Mrs So-and-so who has called to complain about a noisy neighbour ?

  8. 为了谁做主角的问题爆发了一场吵闹。

    A catfight has erupted over who will get top billing .

  9. 她能听得见外面路上的吵闹声。

    She could hear a clamour in the road outside .

  10. 屋子里太吵闹,他需要安静。

    There was too much noise in the room and he needed peace

  11. 要是让她离开房间,她会暴跳如雷,吵闹不休。

    She will flounce and argue when asked to leave the room .

  12. 吵闹本会引起担忧和好意的关注。

    The noise would have provoked alarm and neighbourly concern

  13. 他向警方投诉邻居们太吵闹。

    He has complained to the police about rowdy neighbours

  14. 我的睡梦被隔壁极为恼人的吵闹声给搅了。

    My dream was interrupted by the most awful racket coming through the walls

  15. 这一番吵闹使得所有关于团结和谐的乐观言论听起来都显得有几分空洞。

    The rumpus has made all the optimistic statements about unity and harmony ring a little hollow .

  16. 求求你,请不要那么吵闹了。

    For pity 's sake , please stop making so much noise .

  17. 孩子们吵闹着闯进房间。

    The children barged into the room , shouting .

  18. 他们俩各不相让,吵闹不休。

    Neither was willing to give way , so they kept on quarrelling .

  19. 这孩子吵闹得我整整一上午不得安宁。

    The child has been bothering me all morning .

  20. 这样的吵闹使我头痛。

    Such a racket made me headache .

  21. 关窗使街上吵闹的声音不能进来。

    Closing the windows excludes street noises .

  22. 艾德对那些吵闹的孩子紧皱眉头表示不悦。

    Ade frowned at the noisy children .

  23. 楼上的那些人非常吵闹。

    The people upstairs are very annoying .

  24. 夜间爆竹声吵闹得很。

    The night was noisy with crackers .

  25. 吵闹声使学生心不在焉。

    The noise abstracted the students'attention .

  26. 吵闹声完全停止了。

    The noise has altogether stopped .

  27. 我从没试过在火车上朗读报纸,但几年前,我为我那几个无聊又吵闹的孩子念了几章《哈利波特》。

    I have not tried reading my newspaper out loud on a train , but , several years ago , I read some chapters from Harry Porter to my bored and noisy children .

  28. 到了那里,他走进一间宽敞、忙碌的办公室,里面十分吵闹,夹杂着电报的声音。

    When he arrived , he walked into a large , busy office filled with noise , including the sound of the telegraph .

  29. 对其他人来说,这些吵闹的小动物只会引起混乱。

    For others , the noisy critters are just downright disruptive .

  30. 杰玛的邻居很吵闹,这是近来最让她头疼的事。

    Gemma 's loud neighbour has been her biggest bugbear recently .
