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yán rè
  • scorching;blazing;burning hot;torridness;sweltering;be burning hot
炎热 [yán rè]
  • [sweetering;be burning hot] 气候极热

  • 炎热的阳光

炎热[yán rè]
  1. 担心在这炎热的天气中被晒伤。

    Apprehensive about getting burnt on such a scorching day .

  2. 处暑表示炎热的天气快要过去了。

    The Limit of Heat shows that scorching summer days will soon be gone .

  3. 炎热的天气使得他们委靡不振。

    In the heat they sank into a state of torpor .

  4. 天气炎热,连一丝风都没有。

    The weather was hot , without a breath of wind .

  5. 天气炎热,各家葡萄园的葡萄都蔫了。

    The hot weather had shrivelled the grapes in every vineyard .

  6. 这些毛料西服不是为炎热气候下穿着的。

    These woollen suits are not designed for wear in hot climates .

  7. 因天气炎热他脱掉了夹克。

    He had discarded his jacket because of the heat .

  8. 看得出观众在炎热的阳光下快支撑不住了。

    The spectators were wilting visibly in the hot sun .

  9. 有时天气炎热得几乎令人难以忍受。

    At times , the heat was barely tolerable .

  10. 疟疾是许多气候炎热国家的流行病。

    Malaria is endemic in many hot countries .

  11. 沙漠中极其炎热。

    The heat in the desert was extreme .

  12. 炎热使他觉得快要晕倒了。

    The heat made him feel faint .

  13. 你喜欢这种炎热的天气吗?

    Do you like this hot weather ?

  14. 反常的炎热令他虚弱无力。

    The unaccustomed heat made him weary .

  15. 炎热的天气使得牛奶变酸了。

    The heat turned the milk sour .

  16. 炎热开始变得难以忍受。

    The heat was becoming unbearable .

  17. 炎热没有减弱的迹象。

    The heat was unrelenting .

  18. 炎热让人受不了。

    The heat was intolerable .

  19. 外面很热——非常炎热而且非常潮湿。

    It 's hot out — very hot , very humid .

  20. 我们通过投棒球玩打发了一个个漫长、炎热的下午。

    We passed long , hot afternoons pitching a baseball .

  21. 他们会在一天中最炎热的时刻小睡一会儿。

    They have a siesta during the hottest part of the day .

  22. 今年初夏我逃离了伦敦的炎热,飞往科克去避暑。

    I escaped the heatwave in London earlier this summer and flew to Cork

  23. 在炎热的夏夜,我们会在屋前走廊上吃晚饭。

    We 'd eat during the hot summer evenings on the front porch .

  24. 空气会变得特别炎热干燥,特别是在一个小玻璃房里。

    It can become extremely hot and dry , specially in a small glasshouse

  25. 一阵凉风吹来,让炎热的天气变得稍微舒适了一些。

    A cool breeze made the heat pleasantly bearable .

  26. 炎热的天气和供水的减少正危及很多行业。

    The combination of hot weather and decreased water supplies is hurting many industries

  27. 炎热快把我逼疯了。

    The heat is driving me up the wall

  28. 这是个炎热潮湿的夏日。

    It was a hot , humid summer day

  29. 由于天气炎热,我们在一家乡村小旅馆停下来稍作歇息。

    Because of the heat we broke our journey at a small country hotel .

  30. 在整个炎热、安静的假日,埃米一直在晒太阳。

    All through the hot , still days of their holiday Amy basked in the sun