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chén zhòng
  • heavy;burdensome;be low but powerful;inspissate
沉重 [chén zhòng]
  • (1) [heavy]

  • (2) 分量大;必需费力才能举起或移动的

  • 沉重的负荷

  • (3) 心思重重的,心情极度忧虑或不安(心情沉重)

  • (4) [burdensome]∶责任大

  • 一项沉重的责任

  • (5) [be low but powerful]∶声音低沉而有力

  • 郑瑾听见了 道静沉重的呼吸。—— 杨沫《青春之歌》

沉重[chén zhòng]
  1. 我背着几个沉重的包吃力地爬上山去。

    I struggled up the hill with the heavy bags .

  2. 他们用沉重的木制压榨机把橄榄压碎。

    They crush the olives with a heavy wooden press .

  3. 沉重的背包压弯了他们的脊背。

    Their backs were bowed under the weight of their packs .

  4. 失业给他造成了沉重的打击。

    Losing his job came as a terrible blow to him .

  5. 这一决定对于钢铁业是一个沉重的打击。

    The decision is a hammer blow for the steel industry .

  6. 失掉工作对他的自尊是个沉重的打击。

    Losing his job was a real blow to his pride .

  7. 那一个差错使他多年来付出了沉重的代价。

    That one mistake has cost him dear over the years .

  8. 她无法使自己沉重的心情不流露在话音之中。

    She could not keep the dismay from her voice .

  9. 她提着两只沉重的手提箱下了公共汽车。

    She got off the bus , burdened with two heavy suitcases .

  10. 我倾诉我的苦恼时他心情沉重地点了点头。

    He nodded gravely as I poured out my troubles .

  11. 他试图推开那扇沉重的门。

    He tried to push the heavy door open .

  12. 儿子的意外死亡给他们带来沉重的打击。

    The unexpected death of their son shattered them .

  13. 我听到他在楼梯上的沉重脚步声。

    I heard his heavy tread on the stairs .

  14. 她心情沉重地看着他走了。

    She watched him go with a sinking heart .

  15. 沉重的潜水装备使蛙人行动困难。

    The frogmen were encumbered by their diving equipment .

  16. 我所能听到的只有沉重的呼吸声。

    Heavy breathing was all I could hear .

  17. 一群大象迈着缓慢而沉重的步子从旁边经过。

    A family of elephants lumbered by .

  18. 卧室门上发出一声沉重的撞击声。

    There was a heavy thudding noise against the bedroom door .

  19. 我慢慢地把那些沉重的黑色尼龙袋的拉链拉上并锁好。

    I slowly zipped and locked the heavy black nylon bags .

  20. 失去它们将会是对我们工程行业的一个沉重打击。

    Their loss would be a grievous blow to our engineering industries

  21. 他们穿上外套,拖着沉重的步子行走在飞雪中。

    They put on their coats and tramped through the falling snow

  22. 尼加拉瓜背负着110亿美元的沉重外债。

    Nicaragua was burdened with a foreign debt of $ 11 billion

  23. 他的辞职是对该队的沉重打击。

    His resignation was a body blow to the team .

  24. 他匆匆地迈着沉重的步伐绕过湖边向花园走去。

    He tramped hurriedly round the lake towards the garden .

  25. 他的商业帝国无力承担沉重的债务负担而垮掉了。

    His business empire collapsed under a massive burden of debt

  26. 我们现在可以非常清楚地听到他们沉重的脚步声。

    We could now very plainly hear their heavy tread .

  27. 他现在正为酗酒付出沉重的代价。

    He drank too much and is paying dearly for it

  28. 他们也感觉到了同样沉重压抑的寂静。

    The same heavy , brooding silence descended on them .

  29. 麦迪逊先生心情沉重地递上自己的辞呈。

    Mr Maddison handed over his resignation letter with a heavy heart .

  30. 他听到楼梯上传来缓慢沉重的脚步声。

    He heard the slow , heavy tramp of feet on the stairs .