
  • 网络Settlement analysis;Sedimentation
  1. ZrO2、β-SiC和Al2O3粉末的离心沉降分析数据都适合Weibull方程。

    Data from the centrifugal sedimentation measurement for ZrO_2 , β - SiC and Al_2O_3 powder fit with the Weibull equation very well .

  2. CFG桩网复合地基处理深厚层软土地基,与传统的CFG桩复合地基相比,具有对天然地基进行双向加强的特性,这使得其变形及沉降分析更为复杂。

    To deal with the deep layers of soft clay ground , comparing with traditional composite foundation of CFG piles , the CFG pile-net composite foundation can strengthen the natural ground from two directions : vertically and horizontally , which makes more complex to analyze its deformation and sedimentation .

  3. 双圆盾构(DOT)隧道的地表沉降分析

    Analysis of surface settlement induced by DOT shield tunnel

  4. 路堤荷载下CFG桩复合地基沉降分析

    Settlement Analysis of Composite Ground Improved by CFG Piles under Road Embankment

  5. 基于Biot理论的沙井地基固结沉降分析

    Consolidation Settlement of Sand Drain Subgrade Based on Biot Theory

  6. 层状粘土地基上柔性条形基础的Biot固结沉降分析

    Analysis of Biot 's Consolidation Settlement of Flexible Strip Foundation on Layered Clay

  7. 地铁车站PBA工法施工技术及沉降分析

    Construction Technology of Subway Station with PBA Method and Settlement Analysis

  8. SLS路堤的稳定性和沉降分析聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料轻质填土(SLS)的特性

    The properties of stabilized light soil ( SLS ) with expanded polystyrene The Nature of Light

  9. Box-Cox变换及其在顶管施工引起地面沉降分析中的应用

    Application of Box-Cox transformation in analyzing the ground subsidence induced by pipe jacking

  10. 运用ANSYS接触分析对水闸整体和局部结构进行了分析研究,包括防渗墙的结构计算和水闸的沉降分析,为水闸和水闸防渗体系有效运行提供保证。

    The Whole and part structure study of the sluice including the settlement of the sluice and the cut & off wall is studied by adopting surface-to-surface contact analysis in ANSYS to assure it run safely .

  11. GPS地心坐标与地理坐标变换公式是GPS应用中的常用公式,对其进行只改变大地高的公式推演可以用来估计天线量高误差及垂直沉降分析。

    The changing equation between GPS earth core coordinate and geography coordinate is a common one in GPS application . The equation deduction was performed to only change the elevations so as to evaluate the measured errors of the antenna height and perform the vertical settlement analysis .

  12. 成层土中基坑开挖降水引起的地表沉降分析

    Analysis of settlement induced by dewatering during excavation in layered soil

  13. 散体材料桩复合地基的沉降分析与计算

    Settlement Analysis & Computation for Composite Foundation of Friable Material Pile

  14. 本文简要介绍了国内外地基沉降分析的发展过程。

    This paper briefly introduced the evolution of base subsidence analyses .

  15. 支护结构作用下高层建筑筏型基础的沉降分析研究

    Study on Raft Foundation Settlement of Tall Building with Supporting Structure

  16. 上海浦东地面沉降分析中土层变形面沉降参数分析

    Analysis on the coefficient of subsidence at pudong , shanghai City

  17. 盾构法隧道始发段引起的地表沉降分析

    Analysis on Ground Settlement Caused from Beginning Section of Shield Tunnel

  18. 软土固结的非线性特征与沉降分析

    Non - Linear Consolidation Characteristics and Settlement Analysis of Soft Soil

  19. 散体材料结构剪阻力与自组织沉降分析

    Analysis of shearing resistance and self-organize sedimentation of granule materials structure

  20. 基坑开挖降水引起的地表沉降分析

    Analysis of Settlement of Ground Surface Induced by Dewatering in Excavation

  21. 客运专线铁路砂桩处理软基沉降分析

    Analysis on Soft Soil Settlement by Sand Piles of High-speed Railway

  22. 桩体加固液化砂土模型地基沉降分析

    Study on Settlement of Liquefiable Sand Soil Model Improved by Pile

  23. 爆炸排淤填石法堤坝的沉降分析与计算

    Analysis and calculation of settlement of groynes built by toe-shooting method

  24. 软土地基采用真空堆载联合预压法时沉降分析

    Settlement Analysis of Soft Soil Foundation Applied with Vacuum-surcharge Preloading Method

  25. 水平静载荷下复合地基的不均匀沉降分析

    Analysis on Non-uniform Settlement of Composite Foundation under Horizontal Static Load

  26. 矩形浅基础作用下地基的沉降分析

    Analysis on Settlement of the Ground under Square Shallow Foundation

  27. 嵌岩桩的荷载传递及沉降分析

    Analyses on Load Transmission and Settlement of Embedded Rock pile

  28. 地铁隧道盾构法施工引起的地表沉降分析

    Analysis on ground surface subsidence of metro tunnel induced by shield construction

  29. 目前选矿工艺中最常采用的是沉降分析法。

    Grain sizing by sedimentation is now widely used in ore dressing .

  30. 单桩非线性沉降分析模型

    A new model for nonlinear settlement analysis of single pile