
chén miǎn
  • Indulge in;wallow in;be given to
沉湎 [chén miǎn]
  • [be given to] 沉溺,耽于。比喻潜心于某事物或处于某种境界或思维活动中

  • 沉湎于酒

沉湎[chén miǎn]
  1. 我只想沉湎于自己的悲伤中。

    I wanted only to wallow in my own grief .

  2. 日本仍旧沉湎于自己是受害者的神话。

    Japan continues to wallow in its own mythology of the Japanese as victims .

  3. 她沉湎于旅馆豪华奢侈的享乐之中。

    She wallowed in the luxury of the hotel .

  4. 他沉湎于过去的记忆。

    He had clung to the remembrance of things past .

  5. 我不想再沉湎于过去了。

    I 'd rather not dwell on the past .

  6. 他们沉湎于饮酒。

    They abandon themselves to drinking .

  7. 在HD高清技术的制作基础上,这些令人惊异的地球生态画面以及沉湎于动物之间的生活记事活生生地展现在我们眼前。

    Using state of the art HD technology , these amazing programmes capture the Earth 's most dramatic and epic wildlife spectacles and the intimate stories of the animals caught up in them .

  8. 这座寺庙建立于15世纪,它的创始人DrukpaKinley被人尊称为“神圣的疯子”。他酗酒,沉湎女色,藐视神灵,还讲粗俗的笑话。尽管如此,在这座寺院里,他还是很受人尊敬。

    Built in the 15th century , the temple 's founder , Drukpa Kinley , was known as a " Divine Madman " and thought of as a saint despite his affinity for alcohol , womanizing , blasphemy , and crude humor . Neverthless , Kinley is revered within this monastery .

  9. 最近一段时间我一直沉湎于过去的痛苦中。

    Recently I put myself in the pain of the past .

  10. 他们沉湎于国家受到的挫折,因为这证实了他们的偏见。

    They revel in national setbacks because it confirms their prejudices .

  11. 他沉湎于美酒、女人和歌曲之中。

    What he cared about was wine , woman and song .

  12. 我深呼吸,沉湎于感情中。

    I filled my lungs , luxuriating in the sensation .

  13. 他沉湎于同僚们对他的过誉之中。

    He wallows in the undeserved praise of his colleagues .

  14. 不要整个晚上都沉湎于对过去的回忆。

    Don 't let the entire evening be dominated by the past .

  15. 但沉湎于这种诱惑将是灾难性的。

    But to indulge such a temptation would be disastrous .

  16. “我是沉湎在空想中了,”范妮疲倦地想道。

    ' I am being fanciful , 'fanny thought wearily .

  17. 他整天无所事事,沉湎于幻想之中。

    He idled all day long , indulging in fantasy .

  18. 她那种沉湎于过去的态度不明智。

    It 's not healthy the way she clings to the past .

  19. 他实际上成了它们的俘虏,沉湎于一片赞美声中。

    He in fact became their prisoner , wallowing in their applause .

  20. 沉湎于不负责的活着奢华的生活方式。

    Indulge in a carefree or voluptuous way of life .

  21. 最近约翰沉湎于喝酒。

    John has taken to drinking too much recently .

  22. 我发誓,我不会把自己再次扔进并沉湎与浪漫爱情之中。

    I vow to never settle or abandon myself in romantic partnerships again .

  23. 你会沉湎于做法国菜的。

    Should you choose to indulge in French cooking .

  24. 莫要沉湎于过去所受的侮辱或者不公平。

    Don 't ruminate on past affronts or injustices .

  25. 不要沉湎于虚幻的梦想,而忘记现实的生活。

    It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live .

  26. 他沉湎于自己的内心思想之中。

    He was deep in his own private thoughts .

  27. 让过去的成为过去,不要沉湎于其中。

    Let bygones be bygones . don 't dwell on the past too much .

  28. 他沉湎于交谈和饮酒。

    He indulged heavily in conversation and drink .

  29. 一般说来,她并非是一个沉湎于享乐的女人。

    Normally she was not a sensual woman .

  30. 你就永远的沉湎在了自己的幻想中。

    You slipped permanently into your fantasy world .