首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 他能把极平常的事儿说得很动听。

    He can make ordinary things sound interesting .

  2. 有理慢慢儿说,何必发脾气。

    Speak calmly if you think you 're in the right ; there 's no need to get angry .

  3. 你有什么意见就敞开儿说吧。

    Don 't hesitate to tell me your complaints .

  4. 桑儿说:“他是个机灵鬼,是咱们家族从来也没有碰到过的最机灵的家伙

    Sonny said , " He 's a smart guy , the smartest our Family ever came up against .

  5. 周一在社交媒体上,《ELLE》的杂志模特儿说,非常感谢上帝,让她找到命中注定的那个人。没有什么能够话语能够表达自己的感谢

    Taking to the social media on Monday , the Elle model confessed that she was ' utterly grateful to God ' and had ' no words ' to express her gratitude after finding the one .

  6. “这事太美了,”一个老头儿说。

    " A very agreeable thing ," said an old man .

  7. 它往北游去啦,老头儿说。

    " He 's headed north ," the old man said .

  8. 那个老头儿说,狠狠地挺起腰板。

    Said the old man , straightening his shoulders pugnaciously .

  9. 整个儿说起来,我们的日子是过得挺痛快的。

    Take it all round , we lived pretty high .

  10. 你已经替我买了一瓶啤酒,老头儿说。

    " You bought me a beer ," the old man said .

  11. 猪儿说:你是一只怪狼。

    You 're a strange sort of wolf , @ said the pig .

  12. 驴儿说:“我们就在这儿呆下吧!”

    The little donkey said ," This is where we will stay . "

  13. 我想他正招手同爱蕊儿说再见呢。

    I think he 's waving goodbye to ariel .

  14. 老头儿说他活不了几年了。

    The old man said he had not many more years to live .

  15. “老鹰真是得力的帮手,”老头儿说。

    " The bird is a great help ," the old man said .

  16. 那是珊瑚,老头儿说。

    ' That 's coral , that is , ' said the old man .

  17. 但当然了,这事儿说不准。

    But of course there are no guarantees .

  18. 倩儿说,她像树一样,需要风暴来显示她的力量!

    Qianer says , she like trees , need storms to reveal her strength !

  19. 好文章,正如楼上的哥们儿说的,文章只是从短期角度来看问题。

    A good article , but again like Chulo said , very short term .

  20. 我说。他只在乎我们的外貌。金儿说。他对马懂得很少。

    Only about how we looked , replied Ginger.He knew very little about horses .

  21. 你把这事儿说得太难听了

    Oh you make it sound so crass .

  22. 丽诺儿说她要月亮。

    Lenore said she wanted the moon .

  23. 这儿的墙上全都糊满了猪皮;猪皮上印着金花。墙儿说:镀金消失得很快,但猪皮永远不坏!

    " The gilding decays , but hog 's leather stays !" said the walls .

  24. 有一个人曾经推过我一次,老头儿说。

    ' One of ' em pushed me once , ' said the old man .

  25. 也许您能行行好,给大伙儿说一说您干吗要站起来?

    Perhaps you will be good enough to explain to the house why you rise .

  26. 那你最好还是快点儿说

    Well , you better make it fast

  27. 吉姆悄悄儿说他觉得挺不对劲儿,叫我跟着他走。

    Jim whispered and said he was feeling powerful sick and told me to come along .

  28. 万一葛儿说中了呢?

    What if gail 's right ?

  29. 大伙儿说实话吧,男人自以为是宇宙的主宰,结果却成了灾难的源头。

    Fess up , fellows : The masters of the universe have turned out to be masters of disaster .

  30. 然后对大伙儿说:“地主有一千多亩庄稼,咱们全给他收了!”

    Then he said : " The landlord has a thousand mow of land , let 's harvest his crop . "