- descendants;descendent;offspring;progeny

[descendent;offspring;progeny] 后代子孙
你虽然才艺出色,偏觉雅致,不似青楼习气,必是一个名公苗裔,今日休要瞒我,可从实说与我知道,果是何人?--明. 冯梦龙《喻世明言》
其苗裔耳。--〔英〕赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》
But thou Israel , art my servant , Jacob whom I have chosen , the seed of Abraham my friend .
And now here you are , a brood of sinners , rising up in your fathers'place to add still more to the LORD 'S blazing wrath against the Israelites .
In those days and at that time , I will let a branch of righteousness come up for david ; and he will be a judge in righteousness in the land .
Listen , o high priest Joshua and your associates seated before you , who are men symbolic of things to come : I am going to bring my servant , the branch .