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miáo xiù
  • Miao embroidery
  1. 在利用它进行现代设计之前,我们需要深入了解和掌握苗绣语言的特征,这样才能更好的利用和保护,也才会真正传达出苗绣独具特色的个性魅力。

    Use it for modern design , we require in-depth understanding and master Miao embroidery language features in order to better use and protection , but also will really convey the Miao embroidery unique personality charm .

  2. 苗族刺绣造型特征现代文明对黔东南苗绣图案的冲击

    Impact of Modern Civilization on Miao Embroidery Pattern in the East of Guizhou

  3. 苗绣是我国刺绣艺术中的一个重要门类。

    The embroidery of the Miao Nationality is one of the important categories in China 's embroidery art .

  4. 苗绣与传统绘画艺术形态不同,艺术处理手法却有异曲同工之妙。

    The seedling is different from traditional painting art appearance , the art handles however the skill has different in approach but equally good and wonderful .

  5. 文章介绍了苗绣在图案题材、色彩搭配、表现手法及刺绣工艺上的独特风格,富有艺术情趣。

    This article presents the unique styles and characteristics of Miao 's embroidery in terms of motif selection , colour matching expression technique and embroidery workmanship with profound tastes .

  6. 第三章以民间美术作品中的苗绣为例,苗族没有纯绘画性艺术,但其众多的艺术形态不得不让人惊叹。

    Chapter 3 takes the folks seedling art in the work embroidery as an example , the seedling race has no pure painting art , but the numerous of art appearance have to let person marveling !