
  1. 苗族银饰的兴盛同样也不是一蹴而就的。

    Miao silver is not the prosperity of the same quick .

  2. 苗族银饰品牌广告要传达出消费者的情感需求,以情打动消费者。

    Miao silverware brand advertising to convey the emotional needs of consumers love to impress consumers .

  3. 阴暗心理的象征:《西游记》中的妖魔及其佛教文化寓意湘西苗族银饰的符号寓意及文化心理

    The Symbols Connotation and Cultural Psychology with Silver Ornaments of Miao Nationality in The West of Hunan

  4. 苗族银饰上呈现出的“多”的艺术特征,也是十分惊人的。

    Miao silverware on the showing of the " many " of the art features , is also very striking .

  5. 银饰手镯在苗族银饰用于定情,僻邪,祭祖等活动。

    Miao silver bracelet in silver for the tokens of love , ward off evils , ancestor worship and other activities .

  6. 尝试探讨将贵州黔东南地区苗族银饰艺术在现代设计中的传承和发展。

    Attempt to explore the areas of Guizhou Southeast Guizhou Miao silver art in modern design of the inheritance and development .

  7. 简析苗族银饰与服饰所蕴含的形式美&以黔东南地区苗族银饰与服饰为例

    Analysis on the Formal Beauty reflected in Silver Ornaments and Garments of Miao Minority & Taking Examples of Miao People 's Silver Ornaments and Garments in Qiandongnan Areas

  8. 最后,分析探讨贵州黔东南地区苗族银饰引述的现状,提出将贵州黔东南地区苗族银饰艺术应用于现代设计的建议。

    Finally , the analysis of Guizhou Southeast Guizhou Miao silver quoted in the present situation of the Guizhou Southeast Guizhou Miao silver art used in modern design recommendations .

  9. 在此基础上,重点从苗族银饰的文化、美学和功能三个方面分析了苗族银饰所蕴含的研究和应用价值。

    On this basis , this paper is focusing on analyzing the research and learning value of the Miao silver jewelry from the Miao culture , aesthetic and functional .

  10. 产品的包装设计在满足功能的基础上,要体现出苗族银饰产品的个性和特色,包装要新颖别致,要体现出品牌形象。

    Product packaging design to meet the functional basis , to reflect the personality and characteristics of the Miao silverware products , packaging , novel , to reflect the brand image .

  11. 第四,从某种意义上来说,苗族银饰是极为少有的全身皆饰的民族,可以说从头到脚无处不饰。

    Fourth , in a sense , the Miao silver is extremely rare in the body of the nation are decorated , it can be said everywhere from head to foot ornaments .

  12. 通过苗族银饰品牌形象的设计,对于品牌名称、品牌标志和标准色以及品牌广告语的设计,使得时尚化的苗族银饰品牌形象越发清晰明确。

    Miao silverware design of brand image , brand name , brand identity , and standard color and brand advertising language design , making the Miao silverware fashion brand image more clear .

  13. 苗族银饰是苗族人民千百年来的劳动与智慧的结晶,苗族的银饰是苗族文化的载体,素有穿在身上的史诗之称。

    Miao Miao silver is a people for thousands of years of labor and wisdom , Miao Miao silver is a carrier of culture , has long been known to wear the body known as epic .

  14. 而在苗族银饰品牌视觉形象的运用中应该注重将苗族银饰自身的视觉元素解构应用。品牌产品的设计创新,应具有自身独特性和时尚性。

    Should focus on the use of the visual image of the Miao silverware brand Miao silverware visual elements of deconstruction of the application of brand products , design innovation , should have their own unique and stylish .

  15. 贵州黔东南地区的苗族银饰有着很高的艺术成就,其以强烈的视觉冲击力、造型题材十分广泛、精巧且复杂的构图、精湛的加工技艺要人们叹为观止。

    Guizhou Southeast Guizhou Miao silver has a very high artistic achievement , its a strong visual impact , modeling a wide range of topics , delicate and complex composition , exquisite processing technique to be amazing people .

  16. 苗族银饰造型古朴大气,制作工艺精湛奇巧,装饰效果华美豪奢,即便是在华夏工艺美苑中也堪谓一时之盛,鳌头独占。

    Miao Silver simple atmospheric model , the production of Kit Kat craft , decorative effect China and the United States , even in the Chinese technology is also worthy of the United States Court of that time-shoeing , Nags Taw exclusive .

  17. 拓展了服装设计发展的新前景,强调了苗族银饰文化在现代服装设计中的独特地位与价值,用现代的眼光解读古老的苗族银饰蕴含的深刻内涵。

    It improves the new prospect of fashion design development , emphasizes the unique position and value of Miao silver jewelry in modern fashion design , analysis the profound meaning included in ancient Miao silver jewelry , and discuses the relationship and effect between both combined with Miao costume .

  18. 很多苗族地区佩戴银饰讲究以多为美的。

    Miao silver wear a lot of stress in the region , mostly beautiful .

  19. 历史上,从皇族贵胄到平民富豪,对于银饰的制作和使用都极为盛行和普遍,但限于封建思想和阶级等级,少有民族能像苗族那样将银饰发展到极致。

    Historically , the civilian population from the royal family to rich , for the production and use of silver is extremely popular and widespread , but confined to feudal and class level , as very few ethnic Miao Silver as the ultimate development .