
  1. 苗族史诗中的哲学社会思想萌芽

    The Embryos of Philosophic Social Thought in Miao Ethnic Epics

  2. 苗族史诗主要有创世史诗、婚姻史诗和迁徙史诗。

    Miao Ethnic epics are mainly made up of the ones of geneses , marriage and migration .

  3. 据苗族史诗记载,苗族先民最初在长江中下游完成了从旱作到稻作的转换。

    According to the ancient poems of Miao people , their ancestors finished the evolution from dry farming to the cultivation of paddy at the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze river .

  4. 在苗族史诗和故事传说是苗族最重要的文化传播渠道,同时也体现了苗族先民的审美趣味和价值追求,其中最突出的是口传叙事具有非理性的叙事之美。

    In the Miao ethnic group , epics and legends are the most important means of cultural transmission , meanwhile , they illustrate the aesthetic taste and value pursuit of the ancient Miao people , of which the most typical is the irrational beauty in oral narration of events .