
fēi shēnɡ chǎn xìnɡ
  • unproductiveness
  1. 非生产性开支一直在下降。

    Nonproductive expenditures keep tapering down .

  2. Labourer指的是生产性农业工人,而servant则指代的是非生产性的农场仆工。

    Labourer refers to the productive agricultural workers , while the servant is refer non-productive farm male and female workers .

  3. 美国AdrianInternational的一项研究结果表明,施工现场生产率不高,工人有近50%的时间是非生产性的。

    A research result of American Adrian International shows that it is nonproductive for the construction productivity on - the - spot , near 50 % time is nonproductive .

  4. 论述了γ射线引发自由基型聚合的机理、非生产性γ射线对LDPE生产的影响,介绍了?

    Discussed γ - ray initiating the mechanism of free radical aggregation 、 non - productive influence of γ - ray vs LDPE production , introduced the influence and treatment of ?

  5. 哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)教授迈克尔礠森(MichaelJensen)后来批评企业集团存在“数十亿非生产性的资本支出和组织效率低下现象”,赞扬了企业朝着“更小、更集中、更高效”的方向演变的趋势。

    Michael Jensen , a Harvard professor , later criticised the " billions in unproductive capital expenditures and organisational inefficiencies " at conglomerates , praising the trend toward " smaller , more focused , more efficient " enterprises .

  6. 本文探讨了非生产性消费对生产发展的影响,在假设为独立随机向量族的条件下,给出了最大产出Y(n)(ω)分布由的分布决定的结论。

    In tis paper , We researched that consumption affect for the production under we suppose that is independent random variable with identity distribution , and obtained the conclusion of that the distribution of maximum production Y ( n )(ω) is determined by the distribution of .

  7. 由于寻租是一种人为的非生产性的活动,所以与人为控制的公司治理的关联性更大,与IPO公司的客观风险及财务状况的关联性小。

    As rent-seeking is a human activity and is unproductive , so it is more likely related with artificially controlled factor such as corporate governance and is more likely not related with objective factors such as risk and financial condition .

  8. 已采取措施以不使非生产性开支增加。

    Measures were taken to made the nonproductive expenses remain down .

  9. 第三章论非生产性劳动第三部分知识产权执法


  10. 企业家努力分为生产性努力和非生产性努力。

    Entrepreneurial effort is divided into productive efforts and unproductive efforts .

  11. 通常情况下,非生产性的开发和测试环境具有这些特征。

    Typically , non-production development and test environments fit this description .

  12. 大力发展农村经济,压缩各种非生产性开支;

    To develop rural economy and cut down various non-productive expenses ;

  13. 例如,可以先从几个非生产性系统开始。

    For example , start with a few non-production systems .

  14. 劳动因此而被分成生产性的和非生产性的。

    Labour has accordingly been distinguished into productive and unproductive .

  15. 引起生产性农药中毒主要由于药液沾染衣服引起,非生产性农药中毒以消化道途径进入人体为主;

    Nonproductive pesticide poisoning was mainly caused through digestive tract ;

  16. 我们应采取措施削减非生产性开支。

    We should take measures to keep down nonproductive expenses .

  17. 尽管他们的非生产性工作,他们大多是好钱。

    Despite of their unproductive work , they mostly make good money .

  18. 二是森林火灾的火源从生产性火源逐渐转向非生产性火源;

    The causes of forest fire turned from productive to non - productive ;

  19. 但这些“存款”却因此被锁定在非生产性投资中,而且无法自由流通。

    But these savings are locked in unproductive investments and cannot circulate freely .

  20. 为紧缩非生产性开支人们采取了措施。

    Measures were taken to keep down non-productive expenses .

  21. 全面负责广州工厂的非生产性物料采购工作。

    Take charge of NPP work in Guanghou Plant .

  22. 我们应该随着社会的发展,时代的进步,不断地修订和完善对生产性劳动与非生产性劳动的认识。

    We should unceasingly revise and perfect the recognition of productive and non-productive labor .

  23. 创业精神的生产性与非生产性:一个制度的视角

    Productive and Non-productive Entrepreneurship : An Institutional View

  24. 采购非生产性材料并且进行常规仓储的操作。

    Control Non-production materials and operate General store .

  25. 谁对生产既没有直接贡献也没有间接贡献,谁就是非生产性消费者。

    Whoever contributes nothing directly or indirectly to production , is an unproductive consumer .

  26. 但是,虽然社会不能靠非生产性劳动变富,个人却能靠非生产性劳动变富。

    But though society grows no richer by unproductive labour , the individual may .

  27. 我们已削减了非生产性开支。

    We have reduced the unproductive spending .

  28. 生产性废旧金属和非生产性废旧金属

    Productive and unproductive waste scrap metal metal

  29. 非生产性的或不能生产的。

    Not producing or capable of producing .

  30. 但房地产泡沫(由银行资助,而且属于非生产性资产)则具有双重破坏性。

    But bubbles in property financed by banks , on non-productive assets are doubly destructive .