
  • 网络illegal production
  1. 国家取缔非法生产、贩运和滥用麻醉品高级委员会

    High National Commission on the Fight against Illicit Production , Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotic Drugs

  2. 论非法生产经营药品医疗器械行为的刑事责任

    Discussion on the Criminal Liabilities of Illegal Activities in Manufacturing and Supplying of Drugs and Medical Devices

  3. 非法生产商可能禁不住高锑价的诱惑而行贿,以恢复生产。

    With antimony prices so high , illegal producers might be tempted to pay bribes to resume production .

  4. 但是,当前安全生产行政处罚领域对非法生产、非法经营行为违法所得的认定标准存在不合理性。

    However , in the current safety administrative punishment field , the standard of the determination of illegal income is unreasonable .

  5. 第二百八十三条非法生产、销售窃听、窃照等专用间谍器材的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制。

    Article 283 Whoever unlawfully manufactures or sells any specialized espionage equipment or devices such as those for eavesdropping or secret photographing shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years , criminal detention or public surveillance .

  6. 周一官方媒体报道,河南一家煤矿发生瓦斯爆炸后,已有28名矿工遇难,16人在井下下落不明。这家煤矿在接近一年前因安全问题被命令关停,但事发前仍在非法生产。

    On Monday , state media reported that 28 miners had died and another 16 remained missing underground after a gas explosion at a coal mine in Henan province that had illegally remained in operation after being ordered shut down nearly a year ago because of safety concerns .

  7. 居民们持续和蒈察发生冲突并摧毁他们的部分财产,因为他们认为当局以某种方式参与了非法酒类生产。

    The neighborhood went on a rampage against police and destroyed some police property because they believed the authorities were somehow involved with the illegal alcohol vendors .

  8. 达能上周开始回击,指责宗庆后建立非法业务,生产、销售与合资企业相同的产品。

    Danone hit back yesterday , accusing Mr Zong of setting up an illegal operation to make and sell identical products to the ones made by the joint venture .

  9. 死亡人数下降得益于政府主导的一次安全整顿行动,其中包括关闭成千上万的小型私营煤矿,这类煤矿常常都是非法经营,生产条件很差。

    The falling casualty toll is the result of a government-led safety crackdown , which has involved shutting down thousands of small , privately owned coal mines that were often illegal and poorly run .

  10. 取缔非法开采和违法生产活动;

    Banning illegal exploitation and unlawful production ;

  11. 目前该技术的非法应用使音乐生产的资本循环发生了问题,损害了版权者的利益。

    However , the current illegal application of the technology on sharing copyrighted music files breaks the capital circle of music production , infringes on copyright holders ' interests .

  12. 非法与合法的生产能同时进行,或者军民两用的化学生产设施可以随时转产。

    Illicit and legitimate production can go on simultaneously ; or , on a dime , this dual-use infrastructure can turn from clandestine to commercial and then back again .

  13. 该系统根据用户的所拥有的权限,自动判断登录用户是否具有相应资质以及对应资质是否过期,以达到杜绝非法用户参与电厂生产管理的目的。

    According to the users ' permission they own , the system can automatically determine whether the logged-on user with the appropriate qualifications and the corresponding qualification has expired or not , in order to prevent unauthorized users to participate in power plant production management .