
  • 网络coal mining under water body
  1. 可视化空间分析在水体下采煤中的应用

    Visible space analysis applied to coal mining under water body

  2. 研究了第四系底部黏土层在水体下采煤中的作用,认识到当底黏厚度大于3m时,上部含水层对工作面充水量很小。

    The functions of clay layer under Quaternary in under-water mining is studied , and when thickness of clay layer is larger than 3m , work face water inrush quantity is very little from upper water bearing layer .

  3. 试论江西地区水体下采煤的若干问题

    Some aspects of extracting coal under water bodies in Jiangxi area

  4. 断层对水体下采煤的影响及其防治

    Influence of fault to mining under water bodies and its control

  5. 试论水体下采煤的综合研究技术体系

    A Discussion on the Synthetic Technology System for Mining under Water Bodies

  6. 为今后评价黏土层在水体下采煤中的阻隔水作用提供理论参考。

    It provides reference in order to evaluate the resistance function of clay layer in under-water Honing .

  7. 水体下采煤,其覆岩三带以及上覆含水层赋存的构造状态是至关重要的问题。

    The structural state of overlying three-zones rock is significant in the process of coal mining under water .

  8. 前言:覆岩破坏规律探测是“三下”采煤,尤其是水体下采煤不可缺少的部分。

    It is indispensability of overburden failure law for mining under buildings , water bodies and railways , especially mining under water bodies .

  9. 水体下采煤是涉及到采矿、地质、水文地质、地球物理勘探、岩石力学、矿山测量、计算数学等多个学科领域的边缘学科。

    Mining under surface water is a marginal subject involving several fields , such as mining , geology , hydrological geology , geophysical exploitation , rock mechanics , mining survey and calculation mathematics etc.

  10. 在处理水体下采煤问题时,主要考虑开采引起的覆岩中的裂缝是否互相连通以及互相连通的裂缝是否波及到水体。

    When treating with coal mining under water , we should mostly consider if the cracks resulting from mining in the overburden are interconnected and if the interconnected cracks spread to the water .

  11. 我国煤矿水体下安全采煤技术的发展及展望

    The development and prospec of safe technology on excavating coal under water in china

  12. 小型水体下的采煤实践

    Mining practice under small water body