
  • 网络granulating slag;granulated slag;grain slag
  1. 并相应对水渣微粉掺料混凝土绝热温升估算、温差禁区能否突破、冷却水措施等关键技术进行了探讨。

    The key technique including the cooling water , grain slag spike concrete temperature , close season breakthrough was discussed in the paper .

  2. 锰铁高炉湿法除尘在水渣过滤循环用水工艺中的运行

    Operation of wet dedusting for ferromanganese blast furnace in process of cyclic water for granulated slag filtering

  3. 本钢7号高炉水渣系统转鼓转速PID控制的研究

    Research on Drum Rotation Speed PID Control of BX STEEL 7 # BF INBA System

  4. 该系统通过自动化仪表、变频器、编码器及PLC的相互结合,可实现转鼓的精确调速,提高水渣品质。

    Drum rate can be accurately adjusted and water slag quality improved by combining automatic equipment , frequency transformer , coder and PLC .

  5. 研究了用HNO3浸取环境样品灰样及水渣样中的K和用简易酸碱法浸取土壤中K的方法。

    Leaching out K from ash of the environmental samples and slag of water samples using HNO 3 , as well as from soil using simple acid base are studied .

  6. 阐述了将DZL型热水锅炉锅筒排污管改为吸污引射两用管的具体方法,此方法能有效地预防锅筒底部水渣沉积和锅筒鼓包、破裂等问题的发生。

    This article illustrates the detail method to change the sewage discharge pipe of DZL type hot water boiler barrel to sewage induction and spraying pipe .

  7. 通过新老INBA工艺比较,基于现场使用经验,系统地阐述了新INBA冲渣法水渣蒸汽冷凝回收工艺。

    This technology 's water slag steam condensing recycling process is systematically expounded through comparison between the new and old INBA technologies and on the basis of experience from the field production .

  8. 同时新INBA冲渣法优化了吹制区域工艺,降低了劳动强度,降低了投资成本,降低了安全隐患,提高了水渣吹制率。

    The new technology has also optimized the process in the water quenching area , lowered labor intensity , investment cost and hidden danger of safety meanwhile it has increased the water quenching ratio .

  9. 增钙水渣墙地砖烧成机理分析

    The Mechanism Analysis of Added Calcium Water Slay Tiles Firing

  10. 高炉水渣细磨产品在全尾砂胶结充填中的应用

    Application of Fine Grounded Granulated Blast-furnace Slag in Whole Tailings Cementation Filling

  11. 宝钢水渣用作道路基层混合料的试验研究

    Test on Quench Slag from Bao Steel Co. for Road Base Mixture

  12. 西门子S7-400PLC控制系统在首钢水渣磨细中的应用

    SIMATIC S7-400 automatic control system for vertical mill in Capital Iron & Steel Co

  13. 提高水渣冲制率工艺技术

    Process technology to improve blowing rate of slag

  14. 高炉水渣处理新方法

    A New Method Handling Blast Furnace Granulated Slag

  15. 高炉水渣粒化装置用热强钢衬板的研制

    Development of Refractory Steel Plate Lining Used in the Water-Granulated Slag Apparatus of Blast Furnace

  16. 高炉水渣处理新技术《SG-MTC法》在首钢3号高炉的开发应用

    New Technology in Handling Blast Furnace Cinder

  17. 宝钢3号高炉通过对水渣设备系统进行完善和技术改造,显著提高了冲渣能力。

    The capacity of water granulated slag disposal system was increased remarkably through technical modernization .

  18. 异质(大暗)颗粒型膨体。热处理制度对增钙水渣微晶玻璃的影响

    Influence of Heat Treatment on Granulated Slag Containing High - calcium Oxide for Preparing Glass-ceramic

  19. 高炉渣处理综述及螺旋法水渣处理工艺的应用

    Overview of the Blast Furnace Slag Granulation and Applying of Screw - slag Granulation Process

  20. 因巴法水渣系统应用及评价

    Application and Assessment of Slag Granulation System

  21. 以高炉水渣为填料,采用水解酸化&好氧生物滤池处理炼油废水。

    Refinery effluent was treated by hydrolysis acidification-aerobic biofilter process with blast furnace slag as packing .

  22. 同时,对渣处理系统的水渣运输、蒸汽处理等遗留问题提出了改进建议。

    The principle and process flow of a new treatment system of flushing slag water were introduced .

  23. 宝钢的高炉水渣微粉已全面实现产业化。

    Now the micro-powder of Baosteel 's blast furnace water granulated slag has been put into commercial production comprehensively .

  24. 生产实践表明:该工艺安全可靠,水渣质量好,环保条件得到很大的改善。

    The practice shows that the process is safety , the quality of slag is good and environment is improved .

  25. 对宝钢高炉提高水渣冲制率的工艺技术措施进行了总结。

    The article analyses and summarizes the main factors causing low blowing rate of water granulated slag in blast furnace production .

  26. 攀钢高钛型高炉水渣属低钙富钛矿,活性很低。

    The high titaniferous blast-furnace slag as a mineral is more lower reactivity due to its low calcium and high titanium content .

  27. 为改善现场工作环境,利用水渣的松散性,研制了自动清渣机代替人工进行挖渣清沟。

    In order to improve working condition , based on water granulated slag 's looseness an automatic slag removal machine is developed to clean slag runner instead of manual work .

  28. 工业试验证明:高炉水渣可以替代40%~50%的水泥,充填成本可降低19.4%~24.2%。

    The field trial shows that the slag can replace 40 % ~ 50 % of the cement and the cemented filling cost can be reduced by 19 . 4 % ~ 24.2 % .

  29. 为了监测熔融铁渣流量和提高水渣质量,对出渣沟中流动的熔渣进行流量检测是非常必要的。

    To monitor the flow of the molten iron slag and improve the quality of the water residue , it is necessary to detect the flow rate of the floating molten slag in the slag ditch .

  30. 济钢第三炼铁厂的高炉水渣的室内试验表明:该厂的高炉水渣磨细具有较好的胶结性能,完全可替代部分水泥进行胶结充填。

    The laboratory tests for blast-furnace slag of the third smeller of Jinan Iron & . Steel Group show that ground slag has a better cementing property and can replace parts of cement for cemented filling material .