
  • 网络Boiler ignition;Boiler Light Up
  1. 450t/hCFB锅炉点火与启动技术初探

    A Preliminary Discussion on Ignition and Startup of 450 t / h CFB Boilers

  2. 对大型循环流化床(CFB)锅炉点火特性进行了研究分析。

    The igniting characteristics of large scale circulating fluidized bed ( CFB ) boiler are analyzed .

  3. 国产200MW机组锅炉点火系统改造技术方案分析

    Analysis on Technical Program of Ignition System Rebuild for Domestic 200 MW Boiler

  4. 煤粉锅炉点火节油探讨

    An approach to oil-saving for ignition of pulverized coal fired boilers

  5. 一种用于煤粉锅炉点火和稳燃的煤粉直接点火燃烧器

    A Burner for Pulverized Coal Direct Ignition and Stable Combustion

  6. 锅炉点火油系统控制方式的改进

    The Improvement of Boiler Ignition Oil System Control Method

  7. 470t/h循环流化床锅炉点火启动和操作运行

    Experiences of the Ignition and Operation in 470 t / h CFB Boiler

  8. 煤粉锅炉点火技术及其发展

    Ignition Techniques of Pulverized Coal Boiler and its Development

  9. 一种循环流化床锅炉点火启动方式分析

    Analysis on one ignition and starting up procedure for circulating fluidized bed boiler

  10. 循环流化床锅炉点火的一些体会

    Brief introduction of the ignition for circulation fluid-bed boilers

  11. UG-480/13.7-M型循环流化床锅炉点火启动优化

    Optimization firing of the UG-480 / 13.7-M CFB boiler

  12. 流化床锅炉点火启动方式的分析与比较

    Research on start-up mode for fluidized bed boiler firing

  13. 微油点火技术在1036t/h锅炉点火器改造上的应用

    Micro-oil Ignition Technology in the 1036 t / h Boiler Ignition Application Transformation

  14. 大型循环流化床锅炉点火装置设计探讨

    Port-fire Design of Large-scale Circulating Fluid Bed Boiler

  15. 瓦斯锅炉点火程序控制熄火保护装置的设计与实践

    The design and practice of gas boilers ignition procedure control and extinction protective equipment

  16. 流化床锅炉点火装置的自动控制电路设计

    Electric Circuit Design for Automatic Control of the Ignition Facility at a FBC Boiler

  17. 循环流化床锅炉点火装置与锅炉的安全运行

    Safe Operation of CFB Boiler Ignition Equipment

  18. 等离子装置在2023t/h锅炉点火和稳燃方面的应用

    Application of plasma device in ignition and combustion stabilization of 2023 t / h boiler

  19. 提高了锅炉点火系统运行的自动化水平。

    The automatic level of operation in the system of boiler ignition has been increased .

  20. 循环流化床锅炉点火燃烧器耐火材料脱落原因分析

    An Analysis of the Reason for the Break of the Fire-resistant Material on Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

  21. UG-75/5.3-M3型循环流化床锅炉点火时存在的问题

    Some Problems Occurring During the Ignition of UG 75 / 5.3 M 3 Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler and Countermeasures Adopted

  22. 低压燃油喷嘴在670t/h煤粉锅炉点火中试验研究与应用

    Test study and application of low pressure fuel oil atomizer in ignition of 670 t / h pulverized coal boiler

  23. 等离子点火技术在宣威电厂10号机组中的应用等离子点火技术是一种新型的燃煤锅炉点火及助燃技术。

    Application of plasma igniting technology for boiler No.10 in Xuanwei Power Plant Plasma ignition is a new ignition and burning-support technology for coal-fired boilers .

  24. 为解决这一问题,将等离子技术引入电站锅炉点火技术中形成新型锅炉点火燃烧技术。

    To solve this problem , the plasma technique is introduced to the ignition of boiler in power station and form the novel technique of ignition of boiler .

  25. 指出循环流化床锅炉点火或低负荷投油助燃所采用的床上启动燃烧器、风道燃烧器和床枪的特点及选择原则。

    The start-up burners for igniting circulating fluidized bed boiler or combustion-supporting with oil under low load mainly include over-bed start-up burner , in-duct burner and bed lance .

  26. 韶钢热电厂140t/h流化床锅炉点火启动技术分析

    The Ignition and Start Operation Technique Analysis of 140 t / h Bobbling Fluidized Bed Boiler at Thermal Power Plant of Shaoguan Steel and Iron Group Co. Ltd

  27. 在燃用贫煤、无烟煤等难点燃煤种的锅炉点火过程中,传统油枪需要消耗大量燃油。

    In the ignition process of the boiler burning the coals difficult to ignite such as lean coal and anthracite , conventional oil gun needs to consume large quantity of fuel .

  28. 本文利用生物质气化技术,初步研究并开发了一种适于电站锅炉点火助燃的系统和设备。

    With the utilization of biomass gasification technology , we preliminary research and develop a kind of system and equipment which is suitable for ignition and combustion supporting of power station boiler .

  29. 等离子点火系统可以在完全不需要任何燃油的情况下达到点燃煤粉及稳燃的目的,是一种有效节约锅炉点火、稳燃和调试用油的可靠技术。

    Plasma ignition system can ignite pulverized coal and stabilize flame without any oil , which is an important mean to save oil used for the boiler ignition , flame stabilization and commissioning .

  30. 随着世界性的能源危机,原油价格不断上涨,火力发电燃油愈来愈受到限制,因此锅炉点火和稳燃用油量被作为一项重要的指标来考核。

    With the world energy crisis and crude oil prices rising , fuel for power is limited more and more , so boiler ignition and burning oil consumption is an important index for examination .