
  • 网络water treatment;Boiler Water Treatment
  1. 锅炉水处理剂EM配方

    E-M Mixture , Water Treatment Chemicals for boilers

  2. 模糊自调整PID控制在电厂锅炉水处理中的应用

    Application of fuzzy self-adjusting PID control process in boiler water treatment of power plant

  3. HF防垢剂在锅炉水处理中的应用探讨

    Application of HF Preservative in Boiler Water Treatment

  4. 实验选取六种典型锅炉水处理工况下的模拟水相,跟踪电导率和pH随温度变化的情况。

    Six typical working conditions models of boiler water have been chosen to manage the changes in electrical conductivity and pH , which are traced at different temperatures .

  5. HF防垢剂是工业锅炉水处理的新型药剂,使用这种药剂进行水处理用量小、无污染、经济实用、工艺简单。

    HF preservative is a new kind of medicament for treating boiler water with the advantages of small amount needed , no contamination , being economic , practical , and simple .

  6. 介绍了集工业控制计算机、MCGS组态软件、PLC、变频器于一体的锅炉水处理自动监控系统。

    The paper introduces boiler water processing automatic monitoring and controlling system with the use of the combination of industrial control computer , MCGS configuration software , PLC and transducer .

  7. 弱酸H-Na离子交换系统在蒸汽锅炉水处理中的应用

    The application of weak acid h-na ion exchange system in the treatment of steam boiler water

  8. 本文阐述了锅炉水处理的必要性,指出了钠离子交换法的不足,探讨了HF防垢剂的防垢原理和使用效果,从技术经济上具有推广应用的良好前景。

    This paper expounds the necessity to treat boiler water , presents the disadvantages of the sodium ion exchange method , and discusses the scale - preventing principles of HF preservative and its effect . It has good prospects for application and dissemination .

  9. 回程式离子交换器在锅炉水处理中的应用

    The application of return stroke type softener in boiler water treatment

  10. 锅炉水处理系统除氧器的研制

    Experiment of deoxidize equipment for water process in industrial boiler system

  11. 浅谈热水采暖锅炉水处理技术

    Talking about Boiler Water Treatment Technique for the Hot Water Heating

  12. 低压锅炉水处理运行的现状分析

    Analysis of the Water Treatment Operations of Low Pressure Boilers

  13. 锅炉水处理设备改造工程

    The water treatment improvement project of equipment of the boiler

  14. GB/T16811-1997低压锅炉水处理设施运行效果与监测

    Running result and the monitoring and testing of low-pressure boilers water-treatment equipment

  15. 750t/h锅炉水处理系统的安装

    The installation of 750T / h boiler water treatment system

  16. 锅筒式蒸汽锅炉水处理工艺设计计算

    Calculation of the Water Treatment Technological Design of a Drum Type Steam Boiler

  17. 锅炉水处理固体废物用作燃煤锅炉炉内脱硫

    The Solid Waste of Boiler Water Treatment Used for Desulfurization in Coal Combustion

  18. 电厂锅炉水处理过程中智能控制系统设计

    Design of the intelligent control system for boiler water treatment in power plants

  19. 有机阻垢剂在锅炉水处理中的阻垢性能

    Research of Inhibitory Properties of Organic Inhibitors in the Water Treatment of Boiler

  20. 浅谈锅炉水处理的经济运行技术指标

    Talking about Technical Indexes of Economic Operation in Treatment of Boiler Feed Water

  21. 锅炉水处理装置的自控系统设计

    Design of autocontrol system about boiler water treatment unit

  22. 锅炉水处理现存问题及对策

    Existing Problems concerning Boiler Water Treatment and Countermeasures

  23. 稠油污水回用锅炉水处理设备腐蚀与防护

    Corrosion and corrosion protection of water treatment equipment in boilers reusing heavy oil wastewater

  24. 锅炉水处理初探

    Preliminary Discuss on Disposing of Boiler Water

  25. 小型贯流蒸汽锅炉水处理技术研究

    Technology of Automatic Steam Boiler Water Treatment

  26. 工业锅炉水处理设施设计及验收应注意的几个问题

    Several Problems in Design , Check and Accept about Water Treatement Facility of Industrial Boiler

  27. GB/T14792-1993锅炉水处理设备术语

    Boiler water treatment equipments & Terminologies

  28. 锅炉水处理与节能

    Treatment of Boiler Water and Energy-saving

  29. 分析了离子交换树脂在锅炉水处理中常出现的问题,并提出了相应的解决方法。

    Project designing and technical & economic analysis of boiler make-up water treatment in power plants ;

  30. 工业锅炉水处理钠离子交换再生时盐耗高的原因分析

    Analysis on the Reason of High Salt Consumption in the Exchange of Sodium of Water by Industrial Boiler