
  • 网络Boiler principle;Principle of Boiler
  1. 《锅炉原理》课程设计方式的探索

    Study on the Design Mode of Boiler Principle Course

  2. 直接接触换热热水锅炉原理及应用

    Direct Contact Heat Transfer for Gas-Fired Hot Water Boiler

  3. 高风温无焰燃烧锅炉原理探讨

    Discussion on the High Temperature Air Combustion Boiler

  4. 本文涉及专家系统原理和锅炉原理两方面的知识,以北仑电厂一号炉为实例,介绍了从电厂的原始数据得到诊断结果的整个过程。

    This paper relates to the principles of expert system and boiler system , and instances a boiler in the Beilun Power Plant to explain the intact process of starting at initial parameters ending in diagnosis results .

  5. 对蓄热电锅炉的原理及系统配置方法进行了介绍,提出了一种评估蓄热电锅炉系统移峰填谷效果的方法。

    The paper introduces the principle of electric heat-storage boiler and system configuration method .

  6. 蒸汽-热水联产锅炉设计原理

    Design principles of VAPOUR-HOT water combined boiler

  7. 论述了流化床锅炉脱硫原理及影响脱硫效率的主要因素,给出流化床锅炉脱硫系统改造设计中应注意的一些主要问题。

    The main factors influencing sulphur removal efficiency of FBC is discussed , and some problems in the refurbishment and design of FBC desulphurization system are put forward .

  8. 介绍了用于95/70℃供暖系统的湿法回收型直接接触换热冷凝式燃气锅炉的原理,分析了该锅炉的性能特点。

    This paper introduces the principle of wet-recuperated condensing gas-fired boiler with direct contact heat transfer which may be used in a 95 / 70 ℃ heating system . The boiler performance characteristic is analyzed .

  9. 本文将针对这一热工过程,提出基于BP神经网络解耦的自适应模糊控制方法。首先,分析CFB锅炉的工作原理及其特点。

    This thesis propose an adaptive fuzzy control method based on BP neural network decoupling for typical thermodynamic processes and study the control system . Firstly , this thesis analyzes the working principle of CFB boiler , structure and characteristics .

  10. 介绍了一种基于高风温无焰燃烧的新型锅炉的工作原理;

    The principle of high temperature air combustion boiler is introduced .

  11. 电厂锅炉压力控制原理与设计

    Principle and Design on Pressure Control of Boiler in Electric Power Plant

  12. 介绍热、汽联产沸腾锅炉的设计原理、特点、应用领域及各应用单位的运行情况。

    Study on anti-wear and anti-corrosion of buried pipes in an ebullition boiler ;

  13. 主要阐述鼓泡床锅炉的工作原理和其运行的优缺点。

    The working principle of ebullition bed boiler and merits and demerits of operation are elaborated .

  14. 论文根据船舶锅炉的工作原理,通过机理建模的方法,建立了汽压调节对象的模型和汽压在具体扰动下的数学模型。

    The accurate models of steam pressure controlled system were established in accord with the theory of marine boiler .

  15. 叙述了真空热水锅炉的工作原理、特点以及与常压热水锅炉的性能比较。

    Compared to atmospheric pressure hot water boiler , operational principle and characteristic of vacuum hot water boiler are narrated .

  16. 主要介绍了我国440t/h超高压中间再热型循环流化床锅炉的工作原理,及与清洗有关的锅炉基本参数和化学清洗临时配管的措施,此技术在开封火电厂440t/h锅炉清洗中获得成功。

    It introduced the principle and some parameters of 440t / h circular boiler . The temporary piping technology was successfully used in chemical cleaning .

  17. 本文介绍了第一台全烧高炉煤气的220t/h高温高压电站锅炉的工作原理、特点和工艺参数。

    The principle and characteristics and technical parameters of the first 200 t / h high temperature and pressure plant boiler with combusting pure BFG are introduced in this paper .

  18. 文章详细介绍了最新研制的煤气化燃烧一体化链条炉排锅炉的技术原理及其热工和环保方面的测试结果。

    In this paper , the technical mechanism of the integrative boiler of coal gasification and combustion with traveling grate was introduced , and the testing data in thermal performance and pollutants discharged of the boiler was presented .

  19. 文章阐述了燃气热水器和壁挂式锅炉的工作原理,并在分析燃气热水器和壁挂式锅炉现状及其未来发展方向的基础上探讨了壁挂式锅炉发展的市场前景。

    The paper introduced the working principles of gas water heater and wall-hung boiler and discussed the market prospect of wall-hung boiler based on analysing the present situation and development trends of gas water heater and wall-hung boiler .

  20. 本文描述了冷凝锅炉的工作原理和结构形式,分析影响冷凝锅炉效率的主要因素,从而提出了冷凝锅炉的运行条件,提供了几种冷凝锅炉供热系统设计事例。

    Describe the working theory and structure of Gas-fired Condensing Boiler , analyze the elements that effect on the boiler efficiency , then , put forward the working conditions of Gas-fired Condensing Boiler , offer two types of Gas-fired Condensing Boiler heating system model .

  21. 谈燃煤锅炉消烟除尘的原理

    Talking about the principle of eliminating the smoke and dust of burning coal boiler

  22. 锅炉脱硝的原理和技术

    Principle and Technology of Denitration in Boiler

  23. 该文介绍了适合负荷波动较大时应用的锅炉蓄热器工作原理、设计和校核方法。

    This paper introduced the operating principle , design and check of heat accumulator used in the boiler having a great fluctuation in load .

  24. 阐述了工业锅炉给水除氧的原理,并对常用的热力除氧、真空除氧、解吸除氧等技术进行了分析。

    There are many familiar oxygen removal methods of boiler feedwater all over the world , the advantages and disadvantages of which are analyzed .

  25. 在论文中简述了锅炉的基本工作原理,重点分析了燃烧系统的基本任务。

    In the paper , outlining the basic working principle of the boiler , the focus of the basic tasks of the combustion system is analyzed .

  26. 根据锅炉热平衡基本原理和燃烧理论,建立了基于在线监测参数的飞灰浓度计算模型,模型的计算值与实测值比较接近。

    On the basis of the basic theory of boiler thermal balance and combustion theory set up is an online monitored parameters based fly ash concentration calculation model .

  27. 简述了锅炉水系统稳压原理,介绍了锅炉补水控制系统的构成,并采用8031单片机进行硬件和软件设计。

    This paper has depicted the principle of stabilization pressure in boiler 's water system and has introduced the structure of filling water in boiler control system . Hardware and software designed based on the 8031 microcontroller .

  28. 结合华能淮阴电厂2#200MW机组锅炉给水系统,详细介绍了锅炉给水自动调节原理及自动调节系统的投入。

    Combine boiler feed water system of HuaNeng HuaiYin power plant 2 # 200MW units , detailed introduced boiler feed water automatic condition principle and throw in .

  29. 文章对船用导热油锅炉的系统组成元件逐一进行了介绍,并结合导热油锅炉的工作原理对锅炉的常见故障进行分析并提出了排除故障的方法。

    : In this paper the author introduces the component elements in marine heat-conducting oil boiler in detail , analyses the usual faults for such boiler with its working principle and puts forward ways to remove the faults .

  30. 对4.4MW新型复合循环锅炉技术进行了经济分析比较,阐述了改造后的复合循环锅炉的原理及结构,以现场热平衡测试的结果为依据,分析了复合循环锅炉的节能价值和经济效益。

    Cost effectiveness analysis is carried out for 4.4 MW combined circulation boiler . The principle and construction of the redesigned combined circulation boiler are elaborated . And taking test results of heat balance the energy saving effectiveness and economic performance are analyzed .