
  • 网络press cake
  1. 本实用新型公开一种两用压饼机。

    The utility model discloses a dual-purpose cake squeezing machine .

  2. 秸秆开模压饼工艺的试验研究

    Experiment and Study on Straw Wafering With Open End Die

  3. 注:压饼机为选购件。

    Note : press for the optional parts .

  4. 造粒通常是在辊子造粒机中将压饼破碎成粒完成的。

    Corning is accomplished by breaking up the press cakes into grains , usually in roll corning mills .

  5. 开模压饼工艺的试验研究为秸秆开模压饼机的设计以及秸秆压饼生产提供了重要依据。

    The experimental study on staw wafering and its results lay an important base for designing of straw wafering machine with open end die and wafer production .

  6. 该压饼机结构简单,一机两用灵活方便,减少了对饼料的污染,提高了出油率。

    The utility model has the advantages of simple structure double purposes in one machine , agility and convenience , and the utility model reduce the pollution of cake materials and enhance oil yield .

  7. 将90%的镍粉(纯度为99.9%)和10%的钨粉(纯度为99.9%)混合,在35MPa压力下压成饼状。

    Begin with a mixture of 90 % Ni powder ( 99.9 % purity ) and 10 % W powder . Mix and compact at appropriate pressures into a rod or billet .

  8. 介切机将涂叠压好饼片介切成合要求尺寸的小饼片。

    The Cutting Machine is used for cutting the cream-spread and laminated wafer into required size .

  9. 输送饼片机:将奶油涂层机叠压好之饼片送至介切机。

    Wafer Conveyor : delivering the wafer which has passed through the cream spreading , layup and lamination procedures to the cutting machine .

  10. 该仪器能够模拟温度、压差对泥饼形成的影响,具有测量精度(重复性)高、灵敏度高、体积小、便于现场使用的优点。

    It can simulate influences of temperature and pressure difference on mud cake formation , and it possesses advantages such as high accuracy , high sensitivity , small volume and easy using onsite .