- 名pressure group

Several other stadiums under construction are equally pointless , says the Danish pressure group play the game .
For example etc , a pressure group based in Toronto , is particularly concerned about corporate exploitation of what it calls " extreme genetic engineering " .
Cronyism and pressure groups dominate , rather than supply based on quality , service and price .
Action Network is politics with a small'p ' : local campaigns and pressure groups having a say in decisions that affect their neighbourhood .
Sources close to the company said it had held talks with United Against Nuclear Iran , an American pressure group which had called on Huawei to pull out of Iran .
These pressure groups are clearly influential .
The project has already been strongly criticised by associations like Privacy International , a pressure group which has launched legal action against the IT company .
That experience and his previous stint as a press officer for the Lib Dems and the Britain in Europe pressure group could now come in useful .
External influential factors mainly contain market situation , governments and laws , social culture environment , social ethics level , consumer power and tensional organization and so on ;
But it 's now clear that the party 's commitment to deep voodoo enforced , in part , by pressure groups that stand ready to run primary challengers against heretics is as strong as ever .
Leaders of large organisations must balance the internal tensions of a matrix structure region versus function , local versus global and the demands of external constituents such as politicians , the public and pressure groups , which they often used to be able to ignore .
While the Chinese work ethic is based on social pressure and community belonging , the American work ethic seems to be more individual oriented .
Quantitative data from the statistical analysis result show that group counseling make the members to deal with stress from negative pressure to active respond . 3 .
Based on these , 19 undergraduates were included in our study of clinical intervention which was designed according the theory of EAC .
Instead of collateral , there is peer pressure ; i.e. , group members make sure that each person pays back his of her loan .