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  • pressure group
  1. 丹麦压力团体playthegame表示,其他几座在建的体育场同样毫无意义。

    Several other stadiums under construction are equally pointless , says the Danish pressure group play the game .

  2. 例如,总部设在多伦多的压力团体etc对其所称的企业利用“极端基因工程”尤其关注。

    For example etc , a pressure group based in Toronto , is particularly concerned about corporate exploitation of what it calls " extreme genetic engineering " .

  3. 任人唯亲和压力团体(pressuregroup)占据主导地位,而不是基于质量、服务和价格供应产品的做法。

    Cronyism and pressure groups dominate , rather than supply based on quality , service and price .

  4. 行动网是个小P的政治态度:影响他们的邻近地区这些地区活动跟压力团体的结论发言权。

    Action Network is politics with a small'p ' : local campaigns and pressure groups having a say in decisions that affect their neighbourhood .

  5. 接近该公司的消息人士称,华为与呼吁该公司撤出伊朗的美国压力团体联合反对核伊朗(UnitedAgainstNuclearIran)举行了商谈。

    Sources close to the company said it had held talks with United Against Nuclear Iran , an American pressure group which had called on Huawei to pull out of Iran .

  6. 这些压力团体无疑是具有影响力的。

    These pressure groups are clearly influential .

  7. 但这项功能已经遭到众多机构组织的强烈指责,如压力团体“隐私国际”就已经对谷歌公司提出诉讼。

    The project has already been strongly criticised by associations like Privacy International , a pressure group which has launched legal action against the IT company .

  8. 那段经历及他之前在欧洲压力团体为自由民主党和英国担任新闻发言人的工作经历,如今可以派上用场。

    That experience and his previous stint as a press officer for the Lib Dems and the Britain in Europe pressure group could now come in useful .

  9. 决策所受到的外部影响因素主要包括市场因素、政府法律因素、社会文化因素、社会道德水平、消费者因素和压力团体等;

    External influential factors mainly contain market situation , governments and laws , social culture environment , social ethics level , consumer power and tensional organization and so on ;

  10. 不过现在很清楚,共和党对巫术的执着和过去一样坚定,一部分是由压力团体来执行。

    But it 's now clear that the party 's commitment to deep voodoo enforced , in part , by pressure groups that stand ready to run primary challengers against heretics is as strong as ever .

  11. 大型企业的领袖必须在一个矩阵式结构(地区对职能,本地对全球)的内部矛盾与政治人士、公众、压力团体等外部人士的需求(过去他们往往能够忽略这些需求)之间找到平衡。

    Leaders of large organisations must balance the internal tensions of a matrix structure region versus function , local versus global and the demands of external constituents such as politicians , the public and pressure groups , which they often used to be able to ignore .

  12. 中国的工作准则是基于社会压力和团体附属品的,而美国的工作准则似乎更多的是基于个人的导向。

    While the Chinese work ethic is based on social pressure and community belonging , the American work ethic seems to be more individual oriented .

  13. 从量化数据统计分析结果来看,多途径压力管理团体辅导对实验组成员的压力应付方式由消极应对向积极应对方式的转变上具有立即性辅导效果。

    Quantitative data from the statistical analysis result show that group counseling make the members to deal with stress from negative pressure to active respond . 3 .

  14. 最后,在问卷研究的基础上,按照情绪应对的理论,我们设计了压力管理的团体训练,对19名大学生自愿者进行了临床干预。

    Based on these , 19 undergraduates were included in our study of clinical intervention which was designed according the theory of EAC .

  15. 不再要求提供担保了,取而代之的是同伴的压力,即团体成员确保每个人偿还他或她的贷款。

    Instead of collateral , there is peer pressure ; i.e. , group members make sure that each person pays back his of her loan .