
yā zhà
  • press;squeeze;exploit;expression;oppress and exploit;mechanical expression;bleed white
压榨 [yā zhà]
  • (1) [squeeze;press]∶挤出汁水或内含物

  • 压榨出葡萄汁

  • (2) [oppress and exploit;bleed white]∶比喻剥削或搜刮

压榨[yā zhà]
  1. 他们用沉重的木制压榨机把橄榄压碎。

    They crush the olives with a heavy wooden press .

  2. 研究讨论了PLC在带式压榨机上进行相关控制运用的可行性和具体实施方案;

    Research has been discussed on the feasibility and concrete implementing scheme of the PLC which used on the controls of the vacuum belt filter press .

  3. 物主靠压榨农民而赢得暴利。

    The owner is making huge profits at the expense of downtrodden peasants

  4. 批评家声称他压榨黑人音乐家谋求私利。

    Critics claim he exploited black musicians for personal gain .

  5. 富国压榨穷国长达数十载。

    For decades rich nations have been screwing money out of poor nations .

  6. 我们被一点一滴地压榨了12年。

    We have been gradually bled for twelve years

  7. 高利贷者压榨穷人。

    The usurer squeezed the poor people .

  8. 资本家倾向于压榨工人。

    The capitalists tend to exploit the working people .

  9. 把葡萄压榨成酱。

    Squash the grapes into a pulp .

  10. 压榨机压制出汽车模型。

    The presses moulded the car bodies .

  11. 对环境保护主义的反对者来说,转基因食品是邪恶的,是一种未经研究的、可能有害的工具,被大型农业企业用来控制全球种子市场和压榨当地农民。

    To environmentalist opponents , GM foods are simply evil , an understudied , possibly harmful tool used by big agricultural businesses to control global seed markets and crush local farmers .

  12. 甘蔗糖厂压榨生产线PLC集成控制

    PLC Integrated Control on the Productive Line for Grinding Cane in Sugar-refinery

  13. 介绍了PLC在糖厂压榨车间均衡输蔗自动控制系统中的应用。

    The application of PLC to the automatic control of the balanced transportation system of sugarcane is introduced in this paper .

  14. 用CO2气体保护焊方法采用适当焊接工艺及焊接材料,对压榨机辊轴轴颈进行了补焊修复实验研究。

    The study and experiment on the repair of roller journal CO_2 shield welding with proper welding technics has been done by us .

  15. 纸机压榨部与BOM毛毯

    The press section of paper machine and BOM felt

  16. 从压榨区的榨螺上取样进行磨面及磨损表层截面的SEM观察表明;

    The SEM examinations of the wear face and section through the subsurface show that the wear mechanisms of the sleeves are ;

  17. 利用三种方法对牡丹籽进行萃取:机械压榨法、有机溶剂萃取法、超临界CO2萃取法提取牡丹籽油。

    The use of three methods for extraction of peony seeds Mechanical crushing extraction method , Organic solvent extraction method , Supercritical CO_2 extraction method .

  18. 但是一些大买家像美国家用品公司HomeDepot或者沃尔玛也在压榨船运公司来降低其总体成本。

    But large bulk purchasers , such as Home Depot or Wal-Mart , are also squeezing the shipping companies to keep the overall bill down .

  19. 采用挥发性酸和碱调节鲜笋壳压榨液pH值,分别获得无盐FractionⅠ和fractionⅡ;

    Using volatile acid and alkali to regulate the pH of pressed juice from bamboo shell , saltless Fraction ⅰ and Fraction ⅱ were got separately .

  20. 方法:将48只成年SD大鼠在右侧坐骨神经压榨损伤术后随机分为TGFβ1组和生理盐水(NS)组。

    Methods Forty-eight rats were crushed on the right sciatic nerve and then randomly divided into 2 groups : TGF β _1 group and NS group .

  21. 同时用压榨法进行红松种仁不饱和脂肪酸提取的对比实验,结果显示在实验条件下其提取的收率要远低于超临界CO2萃取法。

    Carry on Korean pine nut unsaturated fatty acid extraction experiment by the press way , whose results indicate the yield was much lower than the one done by supercritical CO2 extraction method .

  22. 希望最大限度的除去漂白TMP中的阴离子垃圾,常用压榨机。

    It is desirable to maximize the removal of anionic trash from bleached TMP , a press is used for this purpose .

  23. 压榨15s和30s组,口肌初级突触间隙接近正常。

    M. oscular primary synaptic cleft was near to normal in groups 15 s and 30 s.

  24. 在实验室中模拟纸机生产工艺着重研究了助留体系、浆料pH、填料种类、压榨部压力、干燥部的干燥温度和干燥时间等因素对阳离子树脂型AKD施胶效果的影响。

    The factors such as retention system , sizing pH , the kind of fillers , the press pressure , the drying temperature and drying time were studied .

  25. (举个例子,请看我最近的一篇文章,写的是亨氏(Heinz)如何遭受其私募股权所有人的压榨。)

    ( as an example , see my recent story on how Heinz is getting squeezed by its PE owners . )

  26. 用Basic语言在IBMPc计算机上计算出理论平均压榨比与压榨时间(UT(?)-√)的关系,并同实际情况作比较,其结果符合良好。

    The relation of theoretical value of average consolidation ratio calculated by the present model and the expression time is given by IBM-PC computer with BASIC programme and compared with experiment data The theoretical values are in good agreement with the experimental results .

  27. 结果:压榨5s组的平均神经兴奋传导抑制时间为(35.1±16.6)min;肌纤维钙泵活性正常。

    RESULTS : In the 5 s squeezed group , the average inhibition time of stimulation conduction was ( 35.1 ± 16.6 ) minutes , and the Ca pump activity of muscle fibers was normal .

  28. 尽管NOPA公布的压榨量小于预计,但这仍属于正常的季节性下降。

    Although the NOPA crush was smaller-than-expected , it reflected a normal seasonal downturn in the crush .

  29. 细叶小檗(Berberispoiretiischneid)之红色浆果,经压榨得鲜果汁。采用醋酸铅沉淀,正丁醇提取的纯化方法,得到纯化色素。

    The red pigments from the fruits of Berberis poiretii schneid were purified by lead acetate precipitation and n-butanol extraction .

  30. 结果表明:压榨和预榨&浸出工艺中的蒸炒工序对TIs活性影响最大,TIs失活率分别在90%和95%以上;

    The results indicate that the strongest influence occurred in cooking step for press and pre press solvent extraction , the inactivation rate of TIs were above 90 % and 95 % , respectively .