
ɡuó jì hánɡ xiàn
  • International routes;international navigation route;international transport line
  1. 复杂线路节省更多:复杂的国际航线其实有更多的省钱机会

    Big Ticket ItemsBig Savings-Complex international itineraries can offer opportunities for significant savings .

  2. 目前韩国已有两家廉价航空公司济州航空(jejuair)和韩星航空(hansungairlines)预计济州航空将获准从今年下半年起运营国际航线。

    South Korea already has two budget carriers Jeju air and Hansung airlines with the former expected to receive approval to fly to international destinations from the second half of this year .

  3. 教保证券(kyobosecurities)分析师kimjin-sung表示:“随着消费者对廉价航空公司和高端服务的需求出现两极分化,它们正纷纷追赶这股潮流,瞄准短途国际航线。”

    Kim jin-sung , an analyst at Kyobo securities , said : " they are jumping on the bandwagon , targeting short-haul international routes as consumer demand for budget airlines and premium services is polarised . "

  4. 航行国际航线船舶代理费收项目和标准

    Charges and Standard of Agent for Ships Sailing in International Route

  5. 有些人把原因归为海湾地区一些航空公司在国际航线上的崛起。

    Some blame the rise of Gulf airlines on international routes .

  6. 然后它将执飞国际航线。

    And then it will be used on an international route afterwards .

  7. 没有公平就没有合作&国内民航在国际航线上合作的可能性分析

    Possibility Analysis of Domestic Airlines ' Cooperation on International Service

  8. 旅客们还会发现一些国际航线也大幅降价。

    Travelers can also find generous price cuts for international air routes .

  9. 两家公司均报告净亏损,并大幅缩减国际航线。

    Both reported net losses and slashed domestic routes .

  10. 国际航线乘客空中分娩一例

    An international airline passenger 's childbirth in the air

  11. 所有开展国际航线的协会人员。

    All international carries who are members of IATA .

  12. 那家航空公司将开办一条新国际航线。

    The airline is starting a new international service .

  13. 联合航空公司表示,他们计划于6月10日复飞787国际航线。

    United says the plans to restart its 787 international flights June 10th .

  14. 克什米尔官员希望这些国际航线能够促进克什米尔处于挣扎状态中的出口和旅游业。

    Kashmir officials hope the international link boosts Kashmir 's struggling exports and tourism .

  15. 中国民航国际航线网络的现状及存在的问题

    The Present Situation and Problem of International Airway Network of China 's Civil Aviation

  16. 地区和国际航线网络与国内支干线航班有机结合。

    The regional and international combo network is integrated with domestic trunk and feeder lines .

  17. 中国大陆国内航线的限定使用日期同样适用国际航线中的国内段。

    Blackout dates of China domestic routes also apply to China domestic sector of international routes .

  18. 韩国政府已准许韩国各航空公司从今年1月份起将国际航线的燃油附加费提高一倍。

    Seoul has allowed Korean Airlines to double their fuel surcharges for international flights starting in January .

  19. 国际航线按全票百分之十付费的儿童,不享受免费交运行李的优待。

    No free baggage allowance is granted to an infant paying 10 % of the adult fare .

  20. 全球石油价格趋于稳定,允许一些航空公司下调某些国际航线的燃油附加费。

    Global oil prices are moderating , allowing some airlines to reduce fuel surcharges included in some international routes .

  21. 宇航船务公司是从事国际航线干散货货物运输的中小型民营企业。

    Yuhang shipping company , as a moderate private enterprise mainly operates international ocean-going dry bulk cargo vessels for transportation .

  22. 除国内航线以外,大韩航空计划运营中短程国际航线,以满足不断增长的需求。

    Korean Air plans to operate short and medium-haul international routes as well as domestic ones to cater for surging demand .

  23. 口岸设有可飞抵澳门、台北、新加坡、马来西亚、越南、泰国和韩国的国际航线。

    There are international flights heading for Macao , Taipei , Singapore , Malaysia , Vietnam , Thailand and South Korea .

  24. 目的为对民航机组人员飞行中所受宇宙辐射剂量进行全面评估,实测两条国际航线中子剂量并进行分析探讨。

    Objective To evaluate the altitude and latitude dependence of neutron dose of cosmic radiation encountered by aircrew of international airlines .

  25. 按照华沙条约的规定:国际航线的交运行李,每公斤赔偿最多不得超过20美元。

    Our maximum liability for international checked baggage is limited to US $ 20 per kilogram in accordance with the Warsaw Convention .

  26. 迄今为止,监管部门都在小打小闹,包括取消燃油附加税,鼓励航空公司减少国际航线。

    So far the regulator has done the easy stuff , including scrapping fuel surcharges and encouraging carriers to scale back international routes .

  27. Vistara表示,该公司计划在不久的将来走出印度,将此项服务推广到国际航线。

    Vistara says it plans to expand beyond India in the near future -- and intends to provide this service on international flights .

  28. 他说昨天飞国际航线,在饭店打了几通电话,又过了一整夜。

    He says he flew cross-country with it yesterday , made some phone calls at his hotel , then left it on the table overnight .

  29. 机场航站楼的商店宣称能给国际航线的旅客省钱。旅客们常以为那里的商品价格更低。

    Shops in airport terminals trumpet the ' savings ' available to those flying overseas , with shoppers often assuming the products will be cheaper .

  30. 而由村上春树、日本动漫的影响所呈现的,是一条应予重视的西方→日本→中国之时尚大众文化影响的国际航线。

    And the effect of Murakami and Japanese cartoons manifests an international West - Japan - China route of fashionable pop culture , which deserves study .