
  1. 国家利益观:我国FDI政策的核心思想

    Safeguarding the National Interest : Core of FDI Policy

  2. 与此同时,国家利益观则决定了吉野评价各种国际问题时的基本立足点。

    While the idea of national interests was the essential standpoint when he evaluated various international problems .

  3. 国家利益观是一种以国家自身发展为出发点和战略考量的外交策略观。

    National interests is a kind of countries with their own development as the starting point and strategic considerations diplomatic strategy view .

  4. 他的国家利益观具有三个显著的特点:国家利益与人民利益的一致;

    Thereby he has developed his own unique concept of national interests , which bears three conspicuous characteristics & the consistence of national interests with people 's interests ;

  5. 随着全球化的深入和多极化的发展,和传统国家利益观相比,新世纪的国家利益观呈现出许多新的特点,值得各个国家进行重新审视和思考。

    Along with globalization , multi-polarization and the development of the " harmonious world " theory , national interest of this new century is showing more characteristics compared with traditional outlook of national interest .

  6. 这应该是马克思主义国家利益观的基本问题,也是我们对马克思主义国家利益观进行研究的出发点。

    These two aspects , which are clearly the starting point from which we study on the Marxism outlook on national interests , should also be the most fundamental issues of the Marxism outlook on national interests .

  7. 在国家政治利益观上,坚持独立自主的和平外交政策,倡导和平、发展、合作战略。

    In the national political interest , stands on independent and peaceful foreign policy , advocates development and cooperate strategy .

  8. 在国家经济利益观上,突出经济利益在国家利益中的地位,提出金融安全是经济利益的核心,加大实施走出去的战略的步伐。

    In the national economic interest , outstands the position of economic interest in the national interests , put forwards the financial security as the core of economic interest , implements the strategic pace of " going out " .

  9. 全球环境问题的兴起,对传统的国家主权观、国家安全观与国家利益观形成挑战,使科学家团体在国际政治中的地位上升,要求国际组织发挥更大的作用。

    The rise of the global environmental issues challenges the traditional state sovereignty view , national security view and national benefit view . It is upgrading the status of scientists group in international politics , requiring the international organization to play a bigger role .

  10. 本文第一章对国家、利益、国家利益及其基本性质、国家利益观进行解读和定位。

    The first chapter of this dissertation explains and defines interest , national interest and the national interest outlook .

  11. 2006年版《国家安全战略报告》中的亚非战略体现了国家利益和价值观的现实权衡,理想主义和现实主义并重的理论诉求。

    The Report is the embodiment of practical balance between national interest and values , and of equal theoretic attention paid to idealism and realism .

  12. 首先阐述了一些国家政府和学者对国家文化利益的探讨,接着通过对几种国家利益观的比较研究,阐明了本文要阐述的国家利益观,并对其内容做了较为详细的概括。

    It clarifies some governments ' and scholars ' research about national culture interest , and then compares them so as to definite national culture interest , and explains the contents in details .