
  • 网络abnormal;abnormal behavior;abnormal behaviour;unusual behaviour;perversion
  1. 称重法生长BGO晶体时的反常行为

    Abnormal Behaviour during BGO Crystal Growth by Weighing Technique

  2. 退火a-Ge/Pb叠层膜的扩散机制与电阻率的反常行为

    The mutual diffusion and abnormal resistivity behaviour in annealed a-ge / pb layer

  3. 茹素是比较严重的反常行为。

    To abstain from meat was a serious deviation .

  4. 几年来这种反常行为让科学家们很困惑。

    For years this anomalous behaviour has baffled scientists

  5. 伊恩的怒气越来越大,反常行为也愈发恶劣。

    Ian 's rages and aberrant behavior worsened .

  6. Bi系高Tc超导体动态热膨胀反常行为理论初探

    The theoretical study of dynamic thermal expansion of Bi-based high t_c superconductors

  7. 硅中注入BF2~+辐射损伤的反常行为

    Anomalous damage behaviour Of BF_2  ̄ + implantation in silicon

  8. A-15化合物低温电阻率反常行为的探讨混合泥质砂岩通用电阻率模型综合研究

    A STUDY ON THE ANOMALY OF LOW-TEMPERATURE ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY IN A-15 COMPOUNDS Comprehensive Research on Generalized Resistivity Models in Laminated and Dispersed Shaly Sands

  9. 掺杂钨丝再结晶反常行为的研究

    Investigation of unusual behaviour in recrystallization of the tungsten wire

  10. 她的反常行为引起了不少闲话。

    Her strange behavior caused a good deal of comment .

  11. 他的反常行为表现出他有麻烦。

    Abnormal behavior reflects he is in trouble .

  12. 妈妈的反常行为使我深感不安。

    My mother 's strange behaviour troubles me .

  13. 王水溶样所引起铱的反常行为及其络合物探讨

    The Abnormal Behaviour of Iridium and Its Complex Caused by Dissolving Samples in Aqua Regia

  14. 动物反常行为预测地震

    The Use of Animals in Earthquake Prediction

  15. 最近科学家们的调查表明,动物的反常行为可能有助于预测地震。

    A recent investigation by scientists shows that strange animal behavior might help predict earthquakes .

  16. 真实成本可能体现在由于监管过度导致人们为了应付政策而表现出来的反常行为中,而这些成本是难以量化的。

    The real costs may be found in the hard-to-calculate perversion of behaviour that over-regulation causes .

  17. 可见性则更为微妙;它要对付内存缓存和编译器优化的各种反常行为。

    Visibility is more subtle ; it deals with the vagaries of memory caching and compiler optimizations .

  18. 当地政府根据震前先兆与动物的反常行为,发出了地震预警。

    Based on studies of precursor events and unusual animal behavior , a warning was issued by local authorities .

  19. 官方可以把阿布格莱布丑闻描绘成人们可以理解的那种低水平部队的反常行为。

    Abu Ghraib could be written off as an aberration of the sort to be expected from low-level troops .

  20. 如果忘了吃药,就会喜怒无常,但他从没有过这样的反常行为

    He gets a little moody if he forgets his medication , but he 's never acted out like this .

  21. 可尽管一些科学家同意动物吃土是正常行为,他们仍旧认为人类吃土是反常行为。

    Despite this , some of the same scientists who consider geophagy normal in animals still see it as abnormal in humans .

  22. 政治哲学采取这种方向,当然不是一种意外现象,不是出于政治哲学家的偶然性偏爱或反常行为。

    That political philosophy took this direction was of course no accident , no chance preference or perverse whim of political philosophers .

  23. 在一个以反常行为和波动无常著称的行业,竞争对手肯定不忘挖苦这番话。

    The irony of those comments will not be lost on rivals in an industry known for its irrational behaviour and volatility .

  24. 这些反常行为只是证明了一条定律&对于当今时代动荡的地缘政治剧变,他的典型反应是漠不关心。

    These are exceptions to prove the rule . His typical response to the present era of tumultuous geopolitical upheaval is insouciant indifference .

  25. 这种声学反常行为可以用均匀弹性应变场与软模坐标涨落的非线性耦合来解释。

    The conclusion is that this acoustic anomaly may be interpreted by nonlinear coupling of the elastic strain field to the fluctuation of the soft-mode coordinate .

  26. 第四,迫使银行永久性地持有大量政府债券,会令它们容易受到债券市场反常行为的伤害。

    Fourth , forcing banks to hold , permanently , large amounts of sovereign debt will make them vulnerable to the vagaries of the bond market .

  27. 铁电双层膜性质奇异的反常行为表现是源于结构过渡层和界面间耦合之间的竞争偏离平衡点。

    The abnormal behaviors of a ferroelectric bilayer film are ascribed to the competition between the surface transition layer and interfacial coupling deviated from the equilibrium point .

  28. 丽奇称,自己的反常行为始于几个月前。不过,她认为,这与发生于“自己小时候的几则轶事”息息相关。

    Rikki says her abnormal sleep behaviour is only a few months old , which she thinks stemmed " from a few incidents as a child . "

  29. 局域电流密度随时间变化的反常行为从不同磁通动力学模型随空间的时间的转换理解。

    The unusual behavior of the local current density as function of time was understood by the different vortex dynamics models crossover with location and / or time .

  30. 当描述随机射线无序程度的参数小于或等于0.5时,随机射线的概率分布有反常行为,使得计算得到的平均接收功率发生发散。

    When a parameter representing the anomalous level of stochastic rays is less than 0.5 , there is abnormal behavior in pdf of stochastic rays , which causes the mean received power to diverge .