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fǎn qīnɡ
  • anti-Qing
  1. 剪辫风潮与反清革命

    The agitation of cutting pigtails and anti-Qing Dynasty revolution

  2. 关于山西反清斗争几个问题的历史思考

    Some Historical Thoughts on the Anti-qing Struggle in Shanxi

  3. 农民阶级反清思想的刺激。

    Farmer social class counter-clear revolution thought stimulating .

  4. 满洲军队又花了17年与反清复明者、伪政权以及起义军作战。

    The process took another seventeen years of battling Ming loyalists , pretenders and rebels .

  5. 他迅速拥有了成千上万反清和反建制的追随者。

    He soon had a following in the thousands who were heavily anti-Manchu and anti-establishment .

  6. 尽管明朝战败,到中华民国成立以前仍然有许多小规模的反清复明运动。

    Despite the Ming defeat , smaller loyalist movements continued till the proclamation of the Republic Of China .

  7. 本文以文本为根据,从老赞礼形象塑造、春秋笔法等五个方面论证了《桃花扇》是一部具有反清爱国思想的作品。

    This article proved there is patriotic feeling in The Fan Up Which Peach Blossom Is Drawn from five aspects .

  8. 反清复明只是一个口号,就同和尚经常说阿弥陀佛一样!

    Overturn Qing Dynasty and reinstate Ming Dynasty that is only a slogan , same as what monks usually say .

  9. 李根源在家族影响和亲身经历的基础上,逐步形成了资产阶级反清革命思想。

    On the Li Gen-yuan basis in clan effect and personal experience , the bourgeoisie have taken form Anti-Qing revolutionary thought .

  10. 现在大家都反清复明,搞得皇帝老子没钱。

    At present , everyone is to overturn Qing Dynasty and reinstate Ming dynasty , which compelled emperor to lack money .

  11. 从孙中山组织革命的小团体起,他就进行了几次反清的武装起义。

    From the start , when he organized a small revolutionary group , Sun Yat-sen staged armed insurrections against the Ching Dynasty .

  12. 东北会党从它诞生之日起就以“反清复明”为宗旨;

    Northeast Clan declared that " against the Qing Dynasty and supporting the Ming Dynasty " is its main purpose at its birth .

  13. 因此许雪秋反清斗争的突出贡献和辛亥革命功勋的重要地位必须充分肯定。

    Therefore , Xu Xueqiu 's remarkable contributions to anti-Qing Dynasty and his distinguished status as a pioneer of Xinhai Revolution must be confirmed .

  14. 其革命舆论动员,对清末革命舆论的建构做出突出贡献,对反清革命运动的兴起起过极大的推动作用。

    The revolutionary public opinion Make outstanding contributions to the the construction of the revolutionary opinion and the rise of revolutionary movement against Qing dynasty .

  15. 清鸦片战争以后中国的社会矛盾空前激化,各地反清运动此起彼伏。

    After the Opium War of Qing Dynasty , the social contradictions unprecedented sharpened and the movements against Qing Dynasty were rising here and subsiding there .

  16. 通过一系列的策划活动稳固了革命政权,使黄兴领导的武汉反清武装斗争有一个较为坚实的后方环境。

    Revolutionary regime was stabilized through a series of scheme activities so as to armed fight of opposing Qing dynasty leaded by Huang Hsing had a more solid rear surroundings .

  17. 在太平天国为中心的全国反清大起义的猛烈冲击下,清王朝为什么能够危而复安,摇而不坠?

    Under the violent impact of the national Anti-Qing Uprisings centered on the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom , why could the Qing Dynasty change the crisis into the safety , and avoid being overthrown ?

  18. 他参加过反清志士的秘密团体暗杀团,发起并领导过反清斗争的革命组织岳王会。

    He once joined the secret " Assassinating Group " organized by anti-Qing personages , and co-founded and led the anti-Qing revolutionary " Yue Wang Hui " ( Society of General Yue ) .

  19. “会党”是以孙中山为代表的中国资产阶级革命派对一切以“反清复明”为宗旨的民间秘密团体的总称。

    " the society " is sends take Sun Yat-Sen as representative 's China bourgeois revolution to all take " counter-to regain eyesight clear " as the objective folk secret society 's general name .

  20. 20世纪初,《苏报》主人陈范,在革命派的影响下,与立宪主义决裂,走上反清革命之路。

    In the early 1990s and under the influence of revolutionaries , Chen Fan , chief editor of Su Newspaper , broke away from the constitutionalists and engaged himself in the straggle against the Qing Imperial Court .

  21. 廖观音事件是20世纪初成都农村下层民众发动的一次以反清灭洋为口号具有秘密宗教性质的反帝反封运动。

    Liao Guan yin Event that lower rural people launched in Chengdu at the beginning of 20th century was a secret religious anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movement with the slogan turning over Qing Dynasty and eliminating foreign religions .

  22. 他积极提倡改良最易与民众沟通的戏剧艺术形式,提出新的理论以宣传反清思想,从而鼓动民众进行社会革命。

    Energetically he called for amending the drama form which was the easiest way to communicate with the masses . Moreover , he advanced new theory and publicized anti-Qing Idea so as to encourage the people to fight .

  23. 青帮最早是漕运水手的互助组织,红帮最早见于史料记载的是天地会,以反清复明为宗旨。

    Green gang was first transport sailor mutual aid organizations , first found in the records of Hong band is the Heaven and Earth Society , " Overturn Qing Dynasty and reinstate Ming Dynasty " for the purpose .

  24. 这场歧争促进了反清革命的胜利,同时也使黄帝子孙称谓发生短暂错位。

    This dispute provided impetus to the victory of the revolution of overthrowing the Qing Dynasty , and at the same time , caused the temporary displacement in the appellation of " the offspring of the Yellow Emperor " .

  25. 作为城市反清起义,有着不同于太平天国农民起义的诸多特点,并对上海城市近代化走向产生了重大影响。

    As a city 's uprising of resistance against the Qing dynasty , Xiaodaohui Uprising evinced many characteristics different from those of the Peasant Uprising of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom , and had an important influence on the modernization of Shanghai .

  26. 清初,以郑成功集团为首的抗清势力集中于福建沿海地区,反清活动频繁,福建海防战略地位凸显。

    The early Qing Dynasty , due to the opposition group led by Zheng chenggong concentrated in the coastal areas of Fujian province and engaged in actions against the Qing government , the coastal defense strategic position of fujian appear important up .

  27. 经济紧张、与西方国家交战失败和反清的情绪共同导致了广泛的动荡,尤其是在南方地区。中国南方是最后一片向清朝屈服也是最早受到西方影响的地方。

    Economic tensions , military defeats at Western hands , and anti-Manchu sentiments all combined to produce widespread unrest , especially in the south . South China had been the last area to yield to the Qing conquerors and the first to be exposed to Western influence .

  28. 首先倡导国家观的是具有留学于日本经历或者具有反清的政治资本的中国知识分子,对于这些知识分子而言,政治资本和学历成为他们之间彼此认同的资本。

    First the initiates that the nation view is the intellect who has the abroad study to experience in Japan or have the democratic political capital China intellectual , for these intellectual , the political capital and the school record become between them each other regionalize capital .

  29. 脉冲反吹清灰袋式除尘器计算机控制系统设计

    The Design of the Computer Control System of the Bag Filter

  30. 操作参数对陶瓷过滤管脉冲反吹清灰过程的影响

    Influence of operating parameters on pulse cleaning process of ceramic filter