
fǎn dì
  • anti-imperialist;against imperialism
反帝[fǎn dì]
  1. 经过一百多年的反帝反封建斗争,灾难深重的中华民族终于站起来了。

    After more than a hundred years of anti-imperialist , anti-feudal struggle , the calamity-ridden Chinese nation at last stood up .

  2. 声援非洲人民反帝斗争团结周

    Week of Solidarity with the Anti-Imperialist Struggle of the African Peoples

  3. 这些事件导致反帝情绪高涨。

    These events led to a vast upsurge of anti-imperialist sentiment .

  4. 解放初期广州基督教会的反帝爱国运动

    Anti-Imperialist and Patriotic Movement of Guangzhou 's Christianity Just after Liberation

  5. 反帝会成立后,进行了规模大、独具特色、影响深远的抗战美术宣传。

    The author studies art activities and effect of Anti-Imperialist Association .

  6. 亚非拉反帝团结委员会

    Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Committee for Africa , Asia and Latin America

  7. 人民大众的反帝反封建的文化的历史考察

    The Mass ' Anti-Imperialism & Anti-Feudalism : Its Culture from a Historical Perspective

  8. 指一九二五年五月三十日爆发的反帝爱国运动。

    This refers to the anti-imperialist patriotic movement on May 30 , 1925 .

  9. 通过统一战线工作的开展,团结了一切可以团结的反帝爱国力量。

    The united front work united all can be united anti-imperialist patriotic forces .

  10. 近代云南沧源佤族人民反帝斗争的重大贡献

    The Significance and Contribution of Wa people to the Victory of Anti-imperialist War Contemporary

  11. 天津商界一直就有反帝爱国精神,在以往的历次反帝救国运动中,天津商界都发挥了积极的作用。

    In the past anti-imperialism movements , the Tianjin business circle played positive roles .

  12. 我们的反帝斗争是和全世界人民的反帝斗争紧密地联系在一起的。

    Our struggle against imperialism is closely linked to that of the world 's people .

  13. 一般说来,他们对反帝斗争是可以做出一些贡献的。

    Generally speaking , they might make some contribution to the anti - imperialist struggle .

  14. 革命就要反帝反封建,而帝国主义的支柱是封建主义。

    Revolution means fighting against imperialism and feudalism . Feudalism is the backbone of imperialism .

  15. 威廉·布莱克&反帝的狂人

    William Blake-A Madman Against the Empire

  16. 实现这两大历史性课题,开始了一个彻底的反帝,反封建革命。

    The fulfillment of these two historical tasks had to start with a thorough anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism revolution .

  17. 第二章描述辛亥革命前江苏立宪派的政治活动,主要包括领导江苏资产阶级的反帝爱国斗争、组织立宪团体、开展地方自治、筹设领导江苏咨议局、倡导国会请愿等。

    The second chapter states the political activities of the Constitutionalism Group of Jiangsu before the 1911 Revolution .

  18. 解放后,我国天主教会开展了轰轰烈烈的反帝爱国运动。

    After liberation , the Catholic church in China carried out the magnificent and victorious anti-imperialist patriotic movement .

  19. 在研究的主体线索方面,从阶级斗争、反帝斗争的主线向社会发展的主线转变;

    The thread of the research has changed from class struggle and anti imperialism struggle to social development ;

  20. 从国际关系学角度看,它是全球化时代反帝反霸反美斗争的一种新形式。

    In terms of international relations , it is a new kind of struggle against imperialism , hegemonism and USA.

  21. 1927年汉浔英租界的收回,是中国人民反帝斗争的伟大创举。

    The return of the Han-Xun English concession in 1927 is great unprecedented undertaking that Chinese people struggle against imperialism .

  22. 帝国反击战/星球大战2革命就要反帝反封建,而帝国主义的支柱是封建主义。

    Empire Strikes Back , The Revolution means fighting against imperialism and feudalism . Feudalism is the backbone of imperialism .

  23. 这支几百万人的军队,是反帝反封建的一个方面军,而且是一个重要的方面军。

    It is an army on one of the fronts against imperialism and feudalism , and an important army too .

  24. 自从他们的祖先从朝鲜迁入中国以来,就开展了自发的反帝反封建斗争。

    Since their ancestors moved from Korea into China , they have carried out the anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism struggle spontaneously .

  25. 他们的反帝斗争正在蓬勃开展。一辆大蓬货车和一辆拖斗车在1号高速公路上相撞。

    Their struggle against imperialism is developing vigorously . A van was in collision with an articulated lorry on the M1 .

  26. 排满和反帝是孙中山“振兴中华”革命途程中两个并不矛盾的阶段性任务和策略性步骤。

    They were not two exclusive tasks in Sun Yat-sen ′ s revolutionary course of " rejuvenating the Chinese nation " .

  27. 实现这个过程中的重要一环就是和中国各民族共同进行的反帝反封建的斗争。

    The most significant factor to realize the process is that all nations in China together fought against imperialism and feudalism .

  28. 要求人民创立了一个党工人阶级领导的,以指导中国反帝,反封建革命。

    The people demanded the founding of a Party led by the working class to guide a Chinese anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism revolution .

  29. 在伟大的五四爱国运动中,北京大学首先点燃了反帝反封建的革命火炬。

    In the Great May 4 Patriotic Movement , it was Peking University which first lighted the revolutionary torch of anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism .

  30. 近代粤西诗歌体现了反帝反封精神,具有一定的地方历史文献和诗歌鉴赏的价值。

    These poems reflecting the people 's anti-imperialist and anti-feudal spirit are valuable local historical documents as well as poetry for literary appreciation .