
  • Amti-Armor Weapons 缩写为 AAWs
  1. 分解者——这将给你的根除者提供一架近程反装甲武器

    Disintegrator-This will give your Eradicator Hexapod a close range anti-vehicle weapon .

  2. 反装甲武器对坦克内绵羊杀伤效应试验研究

    Investigation of the lethal effects of anti-armour weapons on the sheep in tank cabin

  3. 由于良好的反装甲武器和机动性,震波部队相当的有效。

    Shock Troops are very effective due to good Anti Armor weapons and high maneuverability .

  4. 等维新息模型预测国外装甲及反装甲武器发展

    Prediction of the developments of armor and anti-armor weapons with the equal-dimension and new-info gray model

  5. 该装备是一种老式反装甲武器,而且由于其巨大的声响和放出的火光会向敌人暴露自己的位置。

    It is an old-style anti-armour weapon which tends to make a huge blast on firing thus giving away its position to an enemy .

  6. 结论反装甲武器侵彻坦克后,致绵羊受伤率极高、伤情复杂、伤势严重,死亡率高,加之舱室类兵器机动性强,内部空间小等特点,给救治带来困难。

    Conclusion After the tank was pierced by anti-armour ammunition , injury rate of sheep was extremely high , the injuries were complicated and serious with a high death rate . The high mobility and the small inner space in the cabin made the treatment more difficult .