
fā shè tǒnɡ
  • missile/rocket launcher
  1. 使用有限元程序SAP5对某新型导弹发射筒内的适配器的强度进行了计算。

    An analysis of the adapter strength of one new missile is given through SAP5 FEA software , and some useful results are obtained .

  2. 同心式发射筒流场计算及结构优化

    Calculation for a New Concentric Canister Launch System and Structure Optimize

  3. 舰艇导弹发射筒开盖机构模拟装置数学模型研究

    Research on Mathematical Model for the Simulation Equipment of a Ship Machine

  4. 同心发射筒燃气开盖技术

    Techniques for the Automatic Cover Opening in Concentric Canister Launcher

  5. 超音速射流对发射筒底箱的冲击流场计算

    Flow field calculation of supersonic jet impingement on canister-launched plenum

  6. 那些核飞弹?它们还在发射筒里坐着呢

    Those nuclear missiles ? They sit in their silos .

  7. 发射筒内弹道性能参数可靠性评估方法探讨

    Methods Discussing of Reliability Evaluation of the Canister 's Inner Ballistic Functional Parameters

  8. 同心发射筒出口导流板设计的数值模拟

    Design of the Exit leading Board at the Concentric Launch Canister by Simulation

  9. 发射筒内导轨直线度测量方法研究

    The Study on the Measurement of the Straightness for Inner Guideway of Launcher

  10. 发射筒内弹道的相似准则

    Similarity Criteria of Interior Ballistics in Launch Canister

  11. 箱式火箭炮贮运发射筒电磁兼容性设计与分析

    The Design and Analysis of EMC for Store and Launch Canister of a Box Rocket Launcher

  12. 分瓣式隔水膜是一种密封装置,是发射筒的一个组成部分。

    Split impermeable membrane is a sealing device and it is an integral part of the launch tube .

  13. 同心发射筒内燃气流对密封盖冲击的数值仿真

    The Numeral Simulation of Impact of Combustion-gas Stream in the Concentric Canister Launcher ( CCL ) on Hermetic Lid

  14. 此外,计算过程还揭示了发射筒口燃气泡发展、导弹表面温度变化等过程的基本规律。

    Furthermore , the developing process of the gas cavity and the temperature variation on the missile surface were discovered during the calculating process .

  15. 电子罗盘获取发射筒当前所指向的方位,显示屏显示目标的方位、距离、航迹和射击筒方位信息。

    Electronic compass get the azimuth information of electropult , and the azimuth , distance and track of object will be displayed on EL display .

  16. 计算中将安置在发射筒内的导弹作为运动实体,随着导弹运动,相应流场计算域边界发生变化。

    It takes missile laid in the launch canister as movement entity , with the missile moving , the boundary of the corresponding flow field will change .

  17. 建立了发射筒散热的数学模型,选取了几种典型的导弹发射模式,对发射舱内时间-温度变化过程进行了模拟计算。

    Where , the heat transfer equilibrium model in launch compartment is established and , time-temperature process of canisters releasing heat in launch compartment is numerically simulated .

  18. 滚弯型材是运载火箭制造领域的一种典型工件,是构成火箭发射筒的主要组成部分。

    Roll bending workpiece , An important component of carrier rocket manufacturing is the major structure type of the rocket launching tubes according to the traditional manufacture process .

  19. 像导弹发射筒盖等很多易碎复合材料结构传统上常常采用导爆索爆炸切割的方法来实现其瞬间碎裂功能。

    For many fragile composite structures , such as the cover of missile launch canister etc. , the function of disintegrating was implemented by explosive cut of blasting fuse .

  20. 在推导中考虑了重力、水动力以及水雷发射筒对锚索形状和张力的影响,并进一步给出了非稳流海流作用下对该数学模型的修正模型。

    The study takes account of the influences of gravity , fluid dynamic force and tension distribution . Also , a modify to this model in the case of non uniform stream is given .

  21. 采用局部非结构网格弹性变形方法和网格再生方法相结合的动网格技术,计算导弹与发射筒具有相对运动的燃气射流非定常流场。

    The thesis take an efficient way , dynamic mesh technology integrating partial unstructured grids ' with spring-based smoothing method and remeshing method , to calculate unsteady flow between missile and launch canister which include relative movement .

  22. 分析结果表明,内衬材料参数和厚度的增大对提高发射筒的综合力学性能是有利的,但内衬厚度的增大会显著增加发射筒的质量,同时改变发射筒的承载模式。

    The analysis result shows that comprehensive mechanical properties of launch canister will increase with the growth of liner material parameters and liner thickness , but with the growth of liner thickness , mass of launch canister also increase significantly and bearing mode will change .

  23. 根据课题中发射筒的导轨长(3-6米),直线度误差大(0.3mm/m)的特点,利用传统的准直光管或激光准直法很容易超出量程,提出了基于视觉测量的直线度测量法。

    Based on the characteristic that the guideway is long ( 3-6m ) and straightness error is big ( 0.3mm / m ), and it is very easy to go beyond the range to use conventional methods , so we bring forward the straightness measurement method based vision measurement .

  24. 同心筒式发射时筒内流场机理及内外筒间隙的影响

    The Effect of Flow Mechanism and Annular Sizes on Concentric Canister Launcher

  25. 潜载导弹发射装置筒盖系统的CAD/CAE集成化研究

    An integrated cad / cae study on the cover system of underwater missile launcher

  26. 导弹发射箱(筒)内燃气流特性分析&热态试验研究

    Characteristic analysis of missile combustion gas in a launching container ( launching tube ) & hot experiment study

  27. 本文叙述的是数值模拟金属软管被线控探测器从水下航行器发射管底盘绕筒中拖出、拖断,并继之被拖曳的整个过程中的力学行为、运动轨迹和稳定性。

    This paper simulates numerically the mechanical behavior , motion path and stability of a metallic hose , which is pulled out and broken by a wire guided detector , and then is towed by the underwater ship from which the detector is launched .

  28. 某型导弹多功能发射车调温系统发射筒半导体致冷器的优化控制,使用4个桥臂控制工作电流换向。

    The temperature regulation system optimizing control for multi-function launch vehicle of certain missile adopted 4 arms to control work current commutation .

  29. 文中针对三种不同内、外筒间隙的同心筒发射装置,对其发射过程中发射筒内的燃气射流流场进行了非定常数值模拟。

    The article calculates unsteady jet flow in concentric canister launcher with three different clearances between inner canister and outer canister .

  30. 针对舰载导弹同心筒发射装置,建立了燃气流与发射筒间的换热模型。

    A heat exchange model between the combustion-gas flow and the launching tube was constructed for shipborne missile concentric canister launcher ( CCL ) .