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fā duān
  • Originating;beginning;initiative;make a start;inception;dawn;germ
发端 [fā duān]
  • (1) [initiative;make a start]∶开端;创始(如一个过程或一连串的事件)

  • (2) [dawn;beginning]∶初现,开头

  • 人类意识的发端

发端[fā duān]
  1. 市民社会的生成发端于古希腊,古希腊的城邦政治实践和宪政理念的发展是市民社会生成的一个重要基础。

    Civil society make a start on ancient Greece , state politics practice and constitutional idea citizen is the important foundation of civil society .

  2. 根据学者许立一的看法,管理主义从传统行政学发端就开始影响了公共行政的理论和实践。

    According to the view of scholar Xu liyi , managerialism learns to make a start and begins to influence the public administrative theory and practice from the traditional administration .

  3. 制定了整个发端系统FPGA实现的框架以及各模块的接口定义。

    Establish the FPGA design structure of the whole system and finish the interface definition of every sub-module .

  4. 当通信系统的收发端同时使用多天线的时候,发射机与接收机之间就构成MIMO信道。

    When the transmitter and the receiver use more than one antenna , MIMO channel is constructed .

  5. 花芽发端期间,POD活性和木质素水平均降低。

    During the period of flower initiation , both the activity of POD and the content of lignin decreased .

  6. QPSK调制方式下瑞利信道发端分集的性能分析及实现

    Performance and application of transmitting diversity in Rayleigh channel with QPSK modulation

  7. 有效市场假说(EMH)的发端可以追溯到20世纪初。

    The indication of ' The Efficient Market Hypothesis ' is at the early 19th century .

  8. 发端首先进行DSTBC编码,然后进行OFDM调制,再通过两根发天线将信号发送出去;

    The transmitter first performs DSTBC , then OFDM modulation , and finally signals are transmitted from two antennas .

  9. 它支持USB全速传输,在本地的主机一侧和远端的设备一侧分别添加一个光收发端机,中间通过一对单模光纤进行连接。

    It supports full-speed remote USB transmission by adding a pair of optical transceivers on both sides of local host and remote device , which are linked by a pair of single-mode optical fiber .

  10. 国际政治经济学(InternationalPoliticalEconomics,IPE)是20世纪70年代后期发端于欧美、主要研究国际范围内经济与政治互动机制的一门新兴学科。

    International Political Economics ( IPE ) is a rising subject which begins in Europe and America in the late 1970s . The main content of this subject is the researches on the interaction between international politics and economy .

  11. 月见草成花对光周期的反应属于花发端严格要求LD条件,而花发育要求中日条件。

    The photoperiod response of the formative flowers of common evening primrose belonged to another kind of type that the point of formative flower required LD strictly , bu the development of flower required day intermediate .

  12. 板级电路实现包括EPP并口扩展、电源电路设计、中频信号收发端设计和状态信号接收端设计。

    Board-level circuit implementation includes EPP parallel port expansion , the power circuit design , the IF signal transceiver end of the design and status signal receiver design .

  13. 上海合作组织(SCO)是发端于边界谈判的上海五国转变而来的,在地区和国际反恐行动中发挥了重要的作用。

    Shanghai cooperation organization & SCO , transformed from Shanghai Group Five , which originated from the boundary negotiations . SCO plays an important role in regional and international anti-terrorism actions .

  14. 总的来讲,DPI结构较胰岛素松散,稳定性亦下降。在现实发端上,又有比较宽松的现实制度空间。

    In comparison with insulin , the DPI molecule is relatively loose and unstable . In the outset of reality it has relatively loose space of present regulation .

  15. 实测波形表明所设计的OQPSK调制解调系统完全满足设计要求,实现了收发端的正确调制解调。

    Measured waveforms show that the design of OQPSK modulation and demodulation system meets the design requirements to achieve the right side of the transceiver modem .

  16. 接收数据文件通过RLS自适应均衡器后恢复出的图像表明该通信过程准确实现了通信收发端的信息传递。

    Receiving data from received file is equalized by RLS adaptive equalizer , then recover the received image , which shows this practical UAC process accurately realized the transmission of information between the sender and the receiver .

  17. MIMO系统是指收发端各自拥有多根天线的系统。在不增加带宽和发送功率的情况下,MIMO可以成倍地提高无线信道容量,改善系统性能,因此成为无线通信领域的关键技术之一。

    Multi-input multi-output ( MIMO ) system , a system implemented with multiple transmit antennas and multiple receive antennas , which can exponentially increase wireless channel capacity without extra frequency band and transmit power , is proved to be a key technique in wireless communication system .

  18. 常用的端到端时延测量方法大多依赖于GPS接收机或采用NTP协议来实现收发端时钟的同步,但由于GPS接收机价格较高不可能每台主机都能配备,NTP协议的精度不能满足要求。

    The conventional methods to measure one-way delay rely on GPS receiver or NTP protocol to keep synchronization between sender 's clock and receiver 's clock . However , GPS receiver is not ubiquitous in price and environment and NTP protocol is low in accuracy .

  19. 本文主要介绍数字电视领域中电子节目指南系统的系统分析和架构设计,详细阐述了epg系统中编辑端、播发端、监控服务以及数据库四个组成模块的设计思想和实现方法。

    This paper mainly introduces the system analysis and architecture design for the EPG system in the DTV field , and it particularly states the design plan and practical realization methods for the4 modules : edit-end , broadcast-end , Monitor-End and database .

  20. 搭建了一个发端测试平台,对设计的DVB-T编码调制系统中各模块进行板级测试,对调制后的信号进行频谱分析,验证设计的正确性。

    Set up a FPGA testing platform for DVB-T coding and modulation system . Several key modules have been tested on the circuit board and the frequency spectrum of modulated signal have been analyzed with the aim of verifying the correctness of the design .

  21. 在收/发端迫零处理的条件下,仿真结果验证了DZF-GCM算法比现有方法能够获得更高的系统容量,并且在中继节点处信噪比较低时,具有更明显的效果。

    Under the assumption of ZF processing at both transmit end and receive end , simulation results show the proposed DZF-GCM algorithm can achieve higher system capacity than the existing schemes , and the gain is more pronounced in the low SNR regime at the relay nodes .

  22. 文章发端于对这些不规范问题的关注,着眼于一级市场。

    This article pays much attention to the stock issue market .

  23. 在传送信息过程中,收发端依据监测规则,保证传送信息过程中的同步。

    During the conveying information , the transceiver synchronization is monitored .

  24. 论五四时期中国现代舆论学专业化研究传统的发端

    The Beginning of Public Opinion Studies during the May Fourth Period

  25. 两淮垦殖业及工业的发端:近代中国工业革命的缩影

    Cultivation and Reclamation in North Jiangsu as Epitome of Industrial Revolution

  26. 纯诗理论发端于西方。

    Pure Poetry theory was made a start in the Occident .

  27. 激素信号调节果树花芽发端假说的概述

    On Hypotheses of Controlling Flower-bud Initiation in Fruit Trees by Phytohormone Signals

  28. 但是这发端于多种文化和分歧容忍的大背景下。

    But this will be against a backdrop of multiculturalism and tolerance .

  29. 发端于埃尔金爵士们的文化战仍在激烈进行着。

    The culture wars started by the Lords Elgin are still raging .

  30. 罗马共和国,亦即罗马帝国的前身,是以城邦制发端的

    Rome , which began its republican history as a city-states