- Originating;beginning;initiative;make a start;inception;dawn;germ

(1) [initiative;make a start]∶开端;创始(如一个过程或一连串的事件)
(2) [dawn;beginning]∶初现,开头
Civil society make a start on ancient Greece , state politics practice and constitutional idea citizen is the important foundation of civil society .
According to the view of scholar Xu liyi , managerialism learns to make a start and begins to influence the public administrative theory and practice from the traditional administration .
Establish the FPGA design structure of the whole system and finish the interface definition of every sub-module .
When the transmitter and the receiver use more than one antenna , MIMO channel is constructed .
During the period of flower initiation , both the activity of POD and the content of lignin decreased .
Performance and application of transmitting diversity in Rayleigh channel with QPSK modulation
The indication of ' The Efficient Market Hypothesis ' is at the early 19th century .
The transmitter first performs DSTBC , then OFDM modulation , and finally signals are transmitted from two antennas .
It supports full-speed remote USB transmission by adding a pair of optical transceivers on both sides of local host and remote device , which are linked by a pair of single-mode optical fiber .
International Political Economics ( IPE ) is a rising subject which begins in Europe and America in the late 1970s . The main content of this subject is the researches on the interaction between international politics and economy .
The photoperiod response of the formative flowers of common evening primrose belonged to another kind of type that the point of formative flower required LD strictly , bu the development of flower required day intermediate .
Board-level circuit implementation includes EPP parallel port expansion , the power circuit design , the IF signal transceiver end of the design and status signal receiver design .
Shanghai cooperation organization & SCO , transformed from Shanghai Group Five , which originated from the boundary negotiations . SCO plays an important role in regional and international anti-terrorism actions .
In comparison with insulin , the DPI molecule is relatively loose and unstable . In the outset of reality it has relatively loose space of present regulation .
Measured waveforms show that the design of OQPSK modulation and demodulation system meets the design requirements to achieve the right side of the transceiver modem .
Receiving data from received file is equalized by RLS adaptive equalizer , then recover the received image , which shows this practical UAC process accurately realized the transmission of information between the sender and the receiver .
Multi-input multi-output ( MIMO ) system , a system implemented with multiple transmit antennas and multiple receive antennas , which can exponentially increase wireless channel capacity without extra frequency band and transmit power , is proved to be a key technique in wireless communication system .
The conventional methods to measure one-way delay rely on GPS receiver or NTP protocol to keep synchronization between sender 's clock and receiver 's clock . However , GPS receiver is not ubiquitous in price and environment and NTP protocol is low in accuracy .
This paper mainly introduces the system analysis and architecture design for the EPG system in the DTV field , and it particularly states the design plan and practical realization methods for the4 modules : edit-end , broadcast-end , Monitor-End and database .
Set up a FPGA testing platform for DVB-T coding and modulation system . Several key modules have been tested on the circuit board and the frequency spectrum of modulated signal have been analyzed with the aim of verifying the correctness of the design .
Under the assumption of ZF processing at both transmit end and receive end , simulation results show the proposed DZF-GCM algorithm can achieve higher system capacity than the existing schemes , and the gain is more pronounced in the low SNR regime at the relay nodes .
This article pays much attention to the stock issue market .
During the conveying information , the transceiver synchronization is monitored .
The Beginning of Public Opinion Studies during the May Fourth Period
Cultivation and Reclamation in North Jiangsu as Epitome of Industrial Revolution
Pure Poetry theory was made a start in the Occident .
On Hypotheses of Controlling Flower-bud Initiation in Fruit Trees by Phytohormone Signals
But this will be against a backdrop of multiculturalism and tolerance .
The culture wars started by the Lords Elgin are still raging .
Rome , which began its republican history as a city-states