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huāng tang
  • absurd;nonsense;preposterous;fantastic;dissipated;loose;flustered;flurried;grossly exaggerated
荒唐 [huāng táng]
  • (1) [absurd;fantastic]∶广大而不着边际。引申为夸大不实或荒谬无理

  • 荒唐透顶

  • (2) [dissipated;loose]∶放荡

  • 荒唐的生活

  • (3) [flurried;flustered]∶慌张

荒唐[huāng tang]
  1. 不用遵照那套荒唐愚蠢的投资策略也可以做到。

    It can be done without following some absurd , off-the-wall investment strategy .

  2. 那项提议几乎是荒唐的。

    The proposal borders upon the absurd .

  3. “别荒唐了!”帕特生气地回答道。

    ‘ Don 't be ridiculous ! ’ Pat retorted angrily .

  4. 你这个人就是会想出这种荒唐的主意来!

    Trust you to dream up a crazy idea like this !

  5. 认为此计划会取得成功是荒唐的。

    It was ludicrous to think that the plan could succeed .

  6. 依我看,这样做是很荒唐的。

    It was a ridiculous thing to do , to my mind .

  7. 他的一些建议都快到了荒唐的地步。

    Some of his suggestions verged on the outrageous .

  8. 直到后来她才看出了那种局面的荒唐。

    It was only later that she could see the absurdity of the situation .

  9. 天气这么糟糕还要去旅行,太荒唐了。

    It would be sheer insanity to attempt the trip in such bad weather .

  10. 那是一次荒唐的审判。

    It was a farcical trial .

  11. 她的解释显然是荒唐可笑的。

    Her explanation was patently ridiculous .

  12. 想让她那样有经验的人为这点钱工作真是荒唐。

    It 's grotesque to expect a person of her experience to work for so little money .

  13. 这个想法真荒唐!

    What a crazy idea !

  14. 警方的调查简直荒唐可笑,完全是在掩盖真相。

    The police investigation was a joke . A total cover-up .

  15. 这太荒唐了,不过恰恰证明了裁判的前后矛盾。

    It 's crazy and just shows the inconsistency of refereeing .

  16. 我感觉那是对我们生活的一种干扰,让人感到荒唐可气。

    I felt it was a grotesque intrusion into our lives .

  17. 我说:“听着,这简直荒唐之极。”

    I said , ' Listen , this is completely insane . '

  18. 政客们只是蜻蜓点水般辗转于一个又一个荒唐的计划之间。

    The politicians simply flitted from one madcap scheme to another

  19. 他那些快节奏的小说里充满了怪诞的场景和荒唐的行为。

    His fast-paced novels are full of bizarre situations and madcap antics .

  20. 这不是真的,就像儿时的某个荒唐的噩梦一样。

    It was unreal . Like some crazy childhood nightmare

  21. 杰克不愿扯上这种荒唐的事。

    Jack would have nothing to do with such capers

  22. 不要发愁,玛丽。这只是个有些荒唐的错误。

    Don 't fret , Mary . This is all some crazy mistake .

  23. 一上飞机我们就按捺不住,大笑起这事的荒唐。

    Once aboard we were soon helpless with laughter at the absurdity of it

  24. 你要知道,依我看,这事简直太荒唐了。

    From my standpoint , you know , this thing is just ridiculous .

  25. 乘客没有受到任何防火保护,这让我觉得十分荒唐。

    I find it ludicrous that nothing has been done to protect passengers from fire

  26. 新颁布的法律荒唐至极。

    The new laws coming in are utterly ridiculous

  27. 荒唐!究竟是谁提出了这样的建议?

    Ridiculous ! Whoever suggested such a thing ?

  28. 这主意真是荒唐透顶。

    It 's a completely ludicrous idea .

  29. 整个想法都荒唐透顶。

    The whole idea was preposterous .

  30. 他矢口否认那些有关他憎恨所有英国人的推测,声称这些指控是“荒唐的”。

    He has denied suggestions that he hates all English people , claiming the allegations are ' laughable ' .