
huāng méi qì
  • Raw gas;raw coke oven gas
荒煤气[huāng méi qì]
  1. 以合理有效的利用焦炉荒煤气的显热为出发点,提出了利用热焦炉荒煤气作为气流内热式低温干馏炉的气体热载体的设想。

    Considering reasonable utilization of the physical heat of hot raw coke oven gas ( COG ), this paper puts forward the notion of hot raw COG as hot carrier on inside airflow pyrogenation oven to realize low temperature carbonization .

  2. PLC在焦化荒煤气自动放散点火系统的应用

    Application of PLC on Auto Igniting System of Impure Coal Gas Spreading

  3. 6m焦炉焦侧荒煤气导出系统的拆除

    Meters Coke Side of Coke Oven Gas Shortage of the Removal of Export System

  4. 焦炉荒煤气显热回收利用的研究

    On using the sensible heat recovery of coke-oven raw gas

  5. 焦炉荒煤气微压自动调节的改进

    An Improvement on the Micro-pressure Auto control of Raw Gas from Coke-oven

  6. 荒煤气管道增设缩径管在炼铁生产中的应用

    The usage of adding shorten pipe to original gas pipe in ironmaking

  7. 概述了单台油制气炉荒煤气流量检测方法的探索;

    And summerizes the testing method of crude oil gas of single reactor ;

  8. 简便的焦炉荒煤气点火放散装置

    Simple Ignition Bleeding Devices of Coke Oven Crude Gas

  9. 荒煤气导出系统的大修

    Overhaul of Raw Gas Collecting System

  10. 焦炉荒煤气热能的回收利用是炼焦工业中的一个重要课题。

    The recovery of sensible heat of coke-oven raw gas is an important problem in coking industry .

  11. 分析了应用激光多普勒流速计检测单台油制气炉荒煤气流量的可行性。

    And analyzes the feasibility of the crude oil gas flow of the single reactor with laser Doppler speedometer .

  12. 分析了重油催化裂解制气炉荒煤气流量的检测难点;

    This article analyzes the detecting difficulties of crude oil gas flow in heavy oil catalysis cracking gas - making reactor ;

  13. 介绍了焦炉荒煤气自动放散点火装置的工作原理、使用情况与改进措施。

    The paper introduces operating principle of automatic ignition device , its application and improving measures for waste gas of coke oven .

  14. 简述了传统炼焦工艺和新开发荒煤气裂解的两产品炼焦工艺的优点及有待解决的问题。

    This article summarized the advantages of the traditional coking process and a new developed coking process which is two products of splitting raw coal gas .

  15. 通过对高炉荒煤气工业测试,获得高炉荒煤气的温度及与高炉炉顶温度的关系;

    Through industrial measurement of blast furnace raw gas ( after gravity dust separator ), the relationship between humidity of blast furnace raw gas and top temperature of blast furnace ;

  16. 应用气动阻尼器,实现焦炉直立炉荒煤气微压自动调节,稳定生产工艺,提高经济效益。

    By means of an air damper , the micropressure of raw gas from coke-oven can be auto-controlled , so that the operation is smooth and the economic benefits are improved .

  17. 应及时对评价内容与评价重点做出调整。考虑到煤气净化过程中含有酚氰废水,荒煤气中含苯并等,因此需要将水环境影响评、环境风险评价也作为评价的重点问题。

    Because there are hydroxybenzene and cyanogens in wastewater and toxin gas in the course of gas purification , water assessment and risk assessment must be included in environment impact assessment dissertation .

  18. 其中炼焦炉周边、荒煤气净化车间、焦油和粗苯加工车间是焦化厂污染最严重的区域。

    The surrounding area of the coke oven , the raw coal gas purification workshop and the coal tar and crude benzene processing workshop would be the most serious pollution area of the coking plant .

  19. 介绍荒煤气导出系统损坏程度、更换的准备、设备制造及拆、装过程,更换后操作正常,焦炭质量良好。

    The damage degree of the raw gas collecting system , preparation of replacement , manufacture of equipment and dismantling and installing process are described . After the replacement the system operates normally and coke quality is good .

  20. 系统采用炉温反馈控制系统,根据上升管荒煤气温度的变化进行火落时间的判定,实现了焦炉加热过程的优化控制。

    The system adopts oven temperature feedback control system , the determination of time at carbonization end is judged by means of temperature of crude gas on standpipe , the optimizing control in coke oven heating is realized .

  21. 介绍了焦炉煤气化学产品回收时氨的焚烧及硫磺生产的工艺原理,重点分析了氨尾气及硫尾气返回荒煤气对外送净煤气以及系统生产的影响。

    The process principle of burning ammonia and sulphur production in recovery of chemical products from gas of coke oven is introduced , the influence to clean feeding-out gas and system production when ammonia - and sulphur-bearing tail gas come back to raw gas is analyzed as emphasis .