
huāng shū
  • rusty;rustiness;out of practice;neglect;absurd;flurried;neglect practice
荒疏 [huāng shū]
  • (1) [neglect]∶没有注意而失礼

  • 我一时的荒疏,未能看见寨主,得罪,得罪!--《小五义》

  • (2) [absurd;flurried]∶浮躁、荒唐

  • 举止荒疏

  • (3) [out of practice]∶久未练习;怠惰不勤于学

荒疏[huāng shū]
  1. 我不能流利地说英语,因为我已荒疏了。

    I can 't speak English fluently as I am out of practice .

  2. 她对唱歌荒疏了。

    She was out of practice at singing .

  3. 最近我的网球荒疏了。

    My tennis is very rusty these days .

  4. 我的英语荒疏了,我得重新温习一下。

    My English has got rusty ; I must brush it up .

  5. 好多年不拉提琴,现在都已荒疏了。

    I haven 't played the violin for many years so I 'm out of practice .

  6. 几个月不用,我的法语又荒疏了。

    I haven 't practiced my French for months and it 's getting rusty .

  7. 你的英语要继续学下去,否则会荒疏的。

    Keep up your English , or it will get rusty .

  8. 你要把英语继续学习下去,外国语是很容易荒疏的。

    Keep up your english . a foreign language soon grows rusty .

  9. 你的英语已经荒疏了,必须重新学过。

    Your English has got rusty ; you must brush it up .

  10. 六年的待业并未使他的技术荒疏。

    A six-year lay-off has not rusted his skills .

  11. 我太忙了,所以荒疏了钢琴练习。

    I 'm out of practice on the piano because I am so busy .

  12. 我很想偶然教教书以免荒疏了教学业务。

    I shall really love to do some occasional teach to keep my hand in .

  13. 没想到我的琴法竟然没有荒疏。

    my skills hadn 't rusted away .

  14. 由于忽视以致在技术上荒疏的。

    Impaired in skill by neglect .

  15. 在每个足球赛季的前几场比赛中,我的球艺总有一些荒疏。

    I 'm always a bit rusty for the first few games of the football season .

  16. 我的打字技术过去比现在好,因为荒疏而不熟练了。

    My typing was better than it is now . I 've gotten rusty in it .

  17. 把研究工作者的注意力引向这一重要的但是很荒疏的力学领域。

    They direct the attention of research workers to this important but barren area of mechanics .

  18. 尽管已经退休,里德先生仍不荒疏他的工作。

    Even though he 's retired , Mr. Reed likes to keep his hand in the business .

  19. 我的荷语有些荒疏。

    My Dutch is rusty .

  20. 你在战争中干什么?她尽力用她荒疏了的俄语凑成一个句子。

    " What are you doing in the war ?" she asked , straining her rusty Russian to compose the sentence .

  21. 这种缺陷因为一个人不得不设法掩盖,遂使他在别的方面也作伪,以免有荒疏之虞也。

    Which because a man must needs disguise , it maketh him practise simulation in other things , lest his hand should be out of use .

  22. 即使杰克不参加比赛时,他仍然在当地的酒店练习掷镖运动,以使技能不荒疏。

    Even when he 's not playing in competitions , Jack still has a game of darts in his local pub to keep his eye in .

  23. 兰人。现在这里很多西方人,都说英语。我的荷语——怎么说?你昨天教我的词怎么说?荒疏?对啦——荒疏。我的荷语有些荒疏。哈!

    many Western here , all speak English . My Dutch is - how you say ? What that word you teach me yesterday ? Rusty ? Yes - rusty . My Dutch is rusty . Ha !