
The Midnight Sky is adapted from Lily Brooks-Dalton 's novel by Mark L Smith , the co-screenwriter of The Revenant .
With 10 nominations , " Fury Road , " directed by George Miller , was the second-most-honored film , but most of its support came from technical areas , like film editing , costume design and makeup and hairstyling .
Luke Azevedo , the film commissioner for Calgary Economic Development , said there had been a notable rise in production in Alberta , where large portions of the movie " The Revenant " and the television series " Fargo " were filmed last year .
Grace Dove had merely one credit in an obscure low-budget film and a recurring role in an action-adventure sports documentary series when she landed the part of the Native American wife of Leonardo DiCaprio 's fur trapper character in " The Revenant . "
A best picture trophy for " The Revenant " would have made Mr. I ñá rritu , whose " Birdman " was best picture last year , the first director in Oscar history to direct back-to-back winners .
Leonardo DiCaprio , for example , did some ghastly things to prepare for The Revenant .
China 's social media is no stranger to memes , or emoticons , of the Revenant actor .
It will be chaired by Brett Ratner , the producer of " The Revenant " and " Birdman . "
Lastly , I just want to say this , making The Revenant was about man 's relationship to the natural world
Revenge epic The Revenant was named best drama picture and DiCaprio and Inarritu walked to the stage to collect it together .
Since winning an Oscar for " The Revenant , " DiCaprio has remained away from the spotlight somewhat , having starred in absolutely nothing since early 2016 .
Between The Jungle Book and The Revenant , it seems that if youwant to see the photorealistic cutting-edge of digital imagery , then a bear hasgot to be involved .
In The Revenant , the swaggering star of The Wolf of Wall Street and the smooth charmer of The Great Gatsby is barely recognizable under a greasy mane , straggly beard and frostbitten face .
Among studios , 20th Century Fox had a very good morning , with three films in its stable - " The Revenant , " " Brooklyn " and " The Martian " - receiving best picture nominations .
DiCaprio 's fifth acting Oscar nomination , for his role as a fur trapper bent on revenge in The Revenant , will prove the charm , awards pundits say , and crown the actor 's transformation from teen heartthrob to Hollywood heavyweight .
It seems that the Russian history surely fascinates The Revenant actor as he said , " I think there should be more films about Russian history because it has many stories worthy of Shakespeare . That is fascinating for an actor . "
The actor - who is heavily tipped for his first Oscar this year - won the gong for best actor in a film drama for his role in The Revenant , beating rivals including Eddie Redmayne who was nominated for The Danish Girl .