
  1. 《午夜天空》改编自莉莉·布鲁克斯-道尔顿的小说,编剧马克·L·史密斯曾参与编写《荒野猎人》的剧本。

    The Midnight Sky is adapted from Lily Brooks-Dalton 's novel by Mark L Smith , the co-screenwriter of The Revenant .

  2. 《疯狂的麦克斯4:狂暴之路》由乔治·米勒(GeorgeMiller)执导,获得10项提名,仅次于《荒野猎人》。但它所获得的支持大部分来自技术领域,诸如最佳剪辑奖、服装设计奖及化妆和发型设计奖。

    With 10 nominations , " Fury Road , " directed by George Miller , was the second-most-honored film , but most of its support came from technical areas , like film editing , costume design and makeup and hairstyling .

  3. 卡尔加里经济发展局(CalgaryEconomicDevelopment)电影专员卢克·阿塞韦多(LukeAzevedo)表示,艾伯塔省的制片活动显著增多。去年,电影《荒野猎人》(TheRevenant)和电视剧《冰血暴》(Fargo)的很多场景都是在卡尔加里拍摄的。

    Luke Azevedo , the film commissioner for Calgary Economic Development , said there had been a notable rise in production in Alberta , where large portions of the movie " The Revenant " and the television series " Fargo " were filmed last year .

  4. 格蕾丝·达夫(GraceDove)在《荒野猎人》(TheRevenant)中饰演莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(LeonardoDiCaprio)饰演的皮草猎人的印第安妻子之前,仅出演过一部不出名的低成本电影,在一部动作冒险体育系列纪录片中多次亮相。

    Grace Dove had merely one credit in an obscure low-budget film and a recurring role in an action-adventure sports documentary series when she landed the part of the Native American wife of Leonardo DiCaprio 's fur trapper character in " The Revenant . "

  5. 去年,伊纳里多的《鸟人》(Birdman)就获得了最佳影片奖,如果《荒野猎人》再次获得最佳电影奖,将会令伊纳里多成为奥斯卡历史上第一个蝉联最佳影片奖的导演。

    A best picture trophy for " The Revenant " would have made Mr. I ñá rritu , whose " Birdman " was best picture last year , the first director in Oscar history to direct back-to-back winners .

  6. 比如莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥为准备拍摄《荒野猎人》而做的一些可怕的事情。

    Leonardo DiCaprio , for example , did some ghastly things to prepare for The Revenant .

  7. 中国社交媒体上关于这位出演《荒野猎人》的演员的表情包广为流行。

    China 's social media is no stranger to memes , or emoticons , of the Revenant actor .

  8. 其中评委会主席为《荒野猎人》、《鸟人》的制片人布莱特·拉特纳。

    It will be chaired by Brett Ratner , the producer of " The Revenant " and " Birdman . "

  9. 最后,我想说的是,《荒野猎人》讲述的是人类与自然的关系

    Lastly , I just want to say this , making The Revenant was about man 's relationship to the natural world

  10. 复仇史诗电影《荒野猎人》获评剧情类最佳影片。小李子和导演伊纳里图一同上台领奖。

    Revenge epic The Revenant was named best drama picture and DiCaprio and Inarritu walked to the stage to collect it together .

  11. 自从凭借《荒野猎人》收获奥斯卡奖后,迪卡普里奥就有些远离聚光灯,自2016年年初以来就没有主演过任何作品。

    Since winning an Oscar for " The Revenant , " DiCaprio has remained away from the spotlight somewhat , having starred in absolutely nothing since early 2016 .

  12. 就像《奇幻森林》和《荒野猎人》这两部电影中,如果你想看到最先进、逼真的数字影像,用熊来表现是最佳不过的了。

    Between The Jungle Book and The Revenant , it seems that if youwant to see the photorealistic cutting-edge of digital imagery , then a bear hasgot to be involved .

  13. 在影片《荒野猎人》中,曾经《华尔街之狼》中的时髦明星,以及《了不起的盖茨比》中的迷人绅士都已寻觅不见,取而代之的是一个蓬头垢面、满目沧桑的迪卡普里奥。

    In The Revenant , the swaggering star of The Wolf of Wall Street and the smooth charmer of The Great Gatsby is barely recognizable under a greasy mane , straggly beard and frostbitten face .

  14. 在各大制片公司中,20世纪福克斯公司迎来了一个不错的早晨,它的三部重要影片《荒野猎人》、《布鲁克林》和《火星救援》都获得最佳影片提名。

    Among studios , 20th Century Fox had a very good morning , with three films in its stable - " The Revenant , " " Brooklyn " and " The Martian " - receiving best picture nominations .

  15. 迪卡普里奥凭借饰演《荒野猎人》中一心要复仇的皮草猎人,获得了他的第五次奥斯卡提名。奖项专家表示,此次提名是他实力的见证,他已经成功从俘获少女心的小鲜肉蜕变为好莱坞重量级大咖。

    DiCaprio 's fifth acting Oscar nomination , for his role as a fur trapper bent on revenge in The Revenant , will prove the charm , awards pundits say , and crown the actor 's transformation from teen heartthrob to Hollywood heavyweight .

  16. 俄罗斯历史似乎也很吸引这位《荒野猎人》的主演,他说道:“俄罗斯历史上很多故事都不比莎士比亚笔下的作品逊色,我觉得非常值得拍成电影。这对演员来说太有吸引力了。”

    It seems that the Russian history surely fascinates The Revenant actor as he said , " I think there should be more films about Russian history because it has many stories worthy of Shakespeare . That is fascinating for an actor . "

  17. 莱昂纳多凭借他在《荒野猎人》中的演出斩获最佳男演员奖项,打败了埃迪·雷德梅尼等劲敌。埃迪凭借在《丹麦女孩》中的演出获得金球奖提名。坊间盛传小李子有望在今年夺得他人生中第一座奥斯卡奖杯。

    The actor - who is heavily tipped for his first Oscar this year - won the gong for best actor in a film drama for his role in The Revenant , beating rivals including Eddie Redmayne who was nominated for The Danish Girl .