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qiàn ān
  • not very well in health;not feeling well physically
欠安 [qiàn ān]
  • [not very well in health] 婉辞,指人身体不适

  • 老爷子身体一直欠安

欠安[qiàn ān]
  1. 爷爷今天身体欠安。

    Grandpa is not feeling very well today .

  2. 圣躬欠安。

    His majesty is slightly indisposed .

  3. 闻悉贵体欠安,希早日康复。

    I 've heard you are slightly indisposed these days . I wish you a speedy recovery .

  4. 我的朋友们告诉我说你近来身体欠安。

    My friends told me that you 've been unwell .

  5. “他身体欠安,不能呆下去了,于是我们便派人把他送回家去”

    " He was too sick to stay . accordingly , we sent him home . "

  6. 他以考试期间身体欠安来作为他失败的藉口。

    In excuse of his failure he say that he have not is well during the test .

  7. 其它还有几家广播电台和杂志要采访师父,但因为师父身体欠安而无法与他们见面。

    Reporters from several radio stations and magazines wanted to interview master , but again , her health condition prevented her from meeting with them .