
qiàn tiáo
  • IOU;a bill signed in acknowledgement of debt;chit
欠条 [qiàn tiáo]
  • [IOU] 借债的字据

欠条[qiàn tiáo]
  1. 这是买方开给卖方的欠条(iou),实际上是递延付款的一种形式。

    This is an IOU from the buyer to the seller , effectively a form of deferred consideration .

  2. 在数百年前你们能做的,在今天还是能够做到的就是,到银行出示这份合约或欠条,问,你们根据它能给我多少钱

    What you could do hundreds of years ago and can still do it today was go to a bank and present this bond or IOU and say ," What will you give me for it ?"

  3. 然而,随着美国预算赤字突破国内生产总值(gdp)的13%,无资金准备的债务达到gdp的4倍,美国大量开具全球储备货币“欠条”的资金优势如今面临着最重大挑战。

    Yet the funding advantage of issuing copious ious in the global reserve currency now faces its biggest test as the US budget deficit hits 13 per cent of gross domestic product and unfunded liabilities reach four times GDP .

  4. 惠誉分析师道格拉斯奥弗曼(DouglasOfferman)表示,通过为卖方账单和退税等被视为非优先支付签发欠条,加州正在采取措施,确保近700亿美元一般义务债券的偿还。

    By issuing the IOUs for what is considered non-priority payments , including vendor bills and tax refunds , the state is taking steps to ensure debt service on California 's nearly $ 70bn in general obligations bonds , Douglas Offerman , an analyst at Fitch , said .

  5. 他以一张欠条代替现金付给我们。

    He gave us an i.o.u.in lieu of cash .

  6. 欠条上的时间,从他接到录取通知书,到一个月前。

    IOU slip the time , he received from the admission notice , a month ago .

  7. 他开始大肆挥霍,直到所有的财富都成了欠条。

    He started squandering and squandered with such spirit , that all his worldly wealth was I.O.U.

  8. 美国的社会保障信托基金可看做是一个装满欠条的巨型饼干罐。

    One way of viewing the American Social Security Trust fund is as a massive cookie jar filled with IOUs .

  9. 但是这些规定影响不到这些银行已经开给高管的欠条,也无法使得这笔模模糊糊的欠款变得更为透明。

    But the rules won 't affect what the banks already owe their executives or make these opaque debts more transparent .

  10. 惠誉表示,按照目前的方案,对非优先支付打欠条可以应对今年9月前的资金短缺。

    The use of IOUs for non-priority payments would offset cash shortfalls into September 2009 , as currently projected , Fitch said .

  11. 这种纸币与我们现在使用的不同,更象是一种欠条。

    It wasn 't quite the paper money that we know , it was more like a piece of paper saying a promise to pay .

  12. 当然,偶尔也会因为急需,不得不动这种小金库,不过用钱的人会留下一张写明数目的欠条,因而也不会觉得有什么内疚。

    Just occasionally this petty-cash fund had to be tapped for immediate needs , and raiders would ease their consciences by leaving an IOU for the requisite sum .

  13. 当然,蜡烛匠也能用“我欠你一根蜡烛”的欠条去直接交换面包,前提是面包师也有自己消费不了的多余面包。

    Again , the transaction could only be successful if the baker actually baked bread that he did not consume himself and was therefore able to loan his savings to the candlestick maker .

  14. 与其东跑西颠地找寻完美礼物,不如花半个下午时间在电脑上设计一张漂亮的免费家庭晚宴欠条。

    Instead of running around trying to find the perfect present for your paramour , take half of an afternoon to design a pretty I.O.U. certificate on your computer for one free home-cooked meal .

  15. 而且就算铁路网或个别线路最终真出现亏损,政府还可以像过去那样,给自己打个欠条,并为其铁路公司和银行纾困。

    And if the network or individual lines do end up losing money , the government can just write itself an IOU and bail out its rail companies and its banks as it has done in the past .

  16. 但没过多久他们就发现,在正常时期,客户每年只想提取所存资产很小的一部分,所以只要他们的欠条被普遍接受,他们就可以安全地借出数倍的储蓄。

    But it did not take long for them to discover that in normal times their customers would only wish to withdraw a limited proportion of their holdings each year and they could safely lend out a multiple of their deposits , provided their ious were generally acceptable .

  17. 与其东跑西颠地找寻完美礼物,不如花半个下午时间在电脑上设计一张漂亮的“免费家庭晚宴”欠条。然后写上他的名字,打印出来,用缎带裹起来,就完成了。

    Instead of running around trying to find the perfect present for your paramour , take half of an afternoon to design a pretty I.O.U. certificate on your computer for " one free home-cooked meal . " Then fill in his name , print out the document , wrap it with a ribbon , and you 're done .