
  • 网络random thoughts
  1. 我思故我在&艺术笔记随想录

    I Exist Because I 'm Thinking & Art Notes Wandering

  2. 巴金与现代人学&《随想录》新论

    Ba Jin and Modern Studies of Humans

  3. 他撩起精神的伤口沉痛地边洗边说&读《随想录》中的怀人系列散文

    He Exposed his Spiritual Wound , Painfully Washing and Speaking & On the Serial Essays in " Essays from Memory "

  4. 但过去的《随想录》研究更多是把它作为文学文本,强调其在文学史上的价值。

    But in the past research , it was usually regarded as a literature text , its significance in literary history was emphasized .

  5. 主要从巴金晚年写作《随想录》和《再思录》是基于“历史感”和深刻的理性批判精神入手;

    It mainly bases on two work written in his later life " Thoughts " and " Afterthoughts " and with a profound and rational way of judgement .

  6. 巴金的《随想录》是一本沉甸甸的大书,单是其中的22篇怀人系列散文就使我们受益匪浅。

    " Essays from Memory ", written by Ba Jin , is a thick book , among which the 22 essays in memory of some ones enable us to benefit a lot .