
  • 网络huang yen
荒烟 [huāng yān]
  • [all over spreaded smog] 弥漫的烟雾

  • 荒烟蔓草间。--孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略.序》

  1. 荒烟漫草的年头就连分手都很沉默。

    In desolate and grassy days , no more than silence is separation .

  2. 翻开九月的篇章,密密麻麻尽是一片片山里红红的花朵,孤独地绽放,直到我的脚步莅临,它们忽然从荒烟里浮现。

    Opened in September of the chapter , dense patches of mountains full of red flowers , blooming alone , until my feet come , they suddenly emerged from along dirt inside .