  • waste;desolate;barren;fantastic
  • famine;crop failure;wasteland;uncultivated land
  • neglect;be out of practice
  • 年成不好,收成不好:~年。灾~。防~。备~。

  • 长满野草,或无人耕种:~芜。~地。开~。

  • 废弃:~废。~疏。~置。业精于勤,~于嬉。

  • 冷落偏僻:~村。~郊。~落(luò)(a.荒凉冷落;b.荒疏衰退)。~颓。

  • 严重缺乏,不够用:煤~。

  • 不实在的,不正确的:~信。~唐(a.浮夸,不实在;b.行为放荡。“唐”均读轻声)。

  • 放纵,迷乱:~淫。~腆(沉湎于酒)。

  • 远,边远的地方:~远。~遐。八~。

  • 扩大:“天作高山大王~之”。

  • 包有:“奄有龟蒙,遂~大东,至于海邦”。

  • 工业上指没有经过精细加工的:~子(毛坯)。


(荒芜) waste:

  • 地荒了。

    The land lies waste [uncultivated].


(荒凉) desolate; barren:

  • 荒村

    deserted village;

  • 荒山

    barren hill


(不合情理) fantastic; absurd:

  • 荒诞无稽

    absurd and groundless


[书] (迷乱; 放纵) dissolute; self-indulgent:

  • 荒淫无耻

    given to debauchery; dissipated and unashamed


(未加工的; 粗制的) roughly processed; crude:

  • 荒子 {机}



(荒歉) famine; crop failure:

  • 储粮备荒

    store up grain against natural disasters;

  • 解放前每年有许多人在饥荒中死亡。

    Many people died during famines every year before liberation.


(荒地) wasteland; uncultivated land:

  • 垦荒

    reclaim [open up] wasteland


(严重的缺乏) shortage; scarcity:

  • 房荒

    housing shortage;

  • 水荒

    water shortage


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 荒欣

    Huang Xin


(荒疏) neglect; be out of practice:

  • 别把功课荒了。

    Don't neglect your lessons.

  • 他的英语丢荒了。

    His English is rusty.

  1. 地荒了。

    The land lies waste [ uncultivated ] .

  2. 黄土高原低荒资源的成因及其开发对策

    Formation and Development Countermeasure of Low and Waste Resources on the Loess Plateau

  3. 用工荒继续困扰该地区。

    Labour shortages continued to plague that area .

  4. 别把功课荒了。

    Don 't neglect your lessons .

  5. 他的英语丢荒了。

    His English is rusty .

  6. 要进行这项工作,他们就必须居住在荒天野地里。

    To carry on the work would involve living in desolate lands .

  7. 三苯基锡(Ⅳ)N,N-二丁基荒酸酯的合成、表征、晶体结构及生物活性

    Synthesis , Characterization , Crystal Structure and Bioactivity of Triphenyltin (ⅳ) N , N-Dibutyldithiocarbamate

  8. PLC在焦化荒煤气自动放散点火系统的应用

    Application of PLC on Auto Igniting System of Impure Coal Gas Spreading

  9. ~(99m)TcN-氨荒酸盐脑放射性药物的构效关系研究

    QSAR study on ~ ( 99m ) tcn-dithiocarbamate brain imaging agents

  10. 2为一单核四配位化合物,而在荒氨酸金属配合物中(除Ln,Ac系外)该结构类型非常少见。

    Is monomeric which is seldom appeared in metal ( except Ln , Ac series ) complexes with dithiocarbamate .

  11. 新显色剂哌啶荒酸哌啶萃取光度法测定Ni(Ⅱ)的研究和应用

    Extraction Spectrophotometric Studies of a New Reagent Piperidine Dithiocarbamate Piperidine on the Determination of Micro Amount of Ni (ⅱ) and its Application

  12. C罗已经为白衣军团在西班牙顶级联赛中打入230个进球,打破赛季初在皇马两场比赛的进球荒。

    Ronaldo , who has reached 230 goals for Los Blancos in the Spanish top flight , was in rampant form having failed to score in Real 's opening two league games .

  13. 以苯荒酸为配体的[Bu4N]2[W2Ag3S8(C6H5CSS)]钨银硫簇合物的合成和晶体结构

    Synthesis and Crystal Structure of [ Bu_4N ] _2 [ W_2Ag_3S_8 ( C_6H_5CSS ) ] with Dithiobenzoic Acid as the Ligand

  14. 6m焦炉焦侧荒煤气导出系统的拆除

    Meters Coke Side of Coke Oven Gas Shortage of the Removal of Export System

  15. 并对民工荒问题的利弊、民工荒的价值以及民工荒和WTO的劳工标准、社会倾销等重要问题结合起来进行深刻反思;

    Also profoundly turns over the advantages and disadvantages of the Worker shortage problem , the value of " workers shortage " and the WTO labor standards , social dumping , and other important issues .

  16. 控制热穿孔后荒管的冷却速度可获得F+B的双相组织,并减少冷拔过程中50%的退火次数。

    By controlling the cooling speed of pierced billet after hot piercing , the DP-structure F + B could be obtained . The times of annealing the process of cold , drawing could be decreased by 50 % .

  17. 本文介绍了氨荒酸膦酸树脂过滤器的制备方法,以及应用该过滤器分离与富集地面水、海水中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd多元素的适用条件。

    This paper introduced the preparation method on filter of phosphoric acid resin , and the conditions of application to separate Cu , Pb , Zn , Cd from the ground water and ocean water .

  18. 目的:用IgG抗体测定,对12座民工子弟小学学生进行麻疹抗体水平调查,并开展免疫状况调查,为丽水市计划免疫工作提供科学依据。民工荒产生的原因及对策研究

    Objective To test the level of measles antibody IgG and investigate immunity status quo in the migrant laborers ' children . Research on the Reason and the Countermeasure of the Shortage of Rural Migrant Laborers

  19. 海通证券(HaitongSecurities)的王伟(音)和他的同事们上周五向4000多名客户发出了主题为“如何利用中国的钱荒赚钱”的短信。

    Wang Wei and his colleagues at Haitong Securities sent out text messages on Friday to more than 4000 customers . The subject : How to cash in on China 's cash squeeze .

  20. 本文提出的简易、快速测定方法是用EDTA螯合锡(Ⅳ)、铜(Ⅱ)、铅(Ⅱ)和其它金属离子,然后分别用三羟基甲酸、巯基丁二酸和氨荒丙酸解蔽。

    The simple and fast determination method presented is based on initial chelation of Sn4 + , Cu2 + , Pb2 + and other metal ions with EDTA and its subsequent decomposition with trihydroxybenzoic acid , mercaptosuccinic acid and dithiocarbamic propanoic acid .

  21. KingsCanyon,NorthernTerritory帝王谷,北领地帝王谷位于荒远的澳大利亚中部,高270米,怪石嶙峋。佐伊•沃尔默之死和游客靠近悬崖边缘拍照的事实被曝光以后,当地导游告诉北领地新闻的记者,设置安全栏已经很有必要。

    Following Zoe Woolmer 's death at the rugged , 270m-high Kings Canyon in remote Central Australia , and the revelations that many tourists have posed too close to the edge of the cliff , local guides told the NT News that safety fences will be inevitable .

  22. 在疲弱的PMI数据发布之前,中国金融体系在过去两周出现了“钱荒”,推动银行间拆借利率飙升至史无前例的高位,并导致中国信贷市场暂时冻结。

    The anaemic data comes on the heels of a cash crunch that hit the Chinese financial system over the past two weeks , driving interbank rates to unprecedented highs and leading to a momentary freeze of the country 's credit market .

  23. 介绍了在Φ76mm自动轧管机组上试产小直径热轧荒管的有关工艺及参数,生产中需采取的技术措施。

    Introduced in the paper are relevant processes , process data and technical measures taken for the trial operation of the Φ 76mm plug mill line to produce small-sized hot-rolled mother tubes .

  24. 报告了以二乙基氨荒酸铅的氯仿溶液与试液中的Cu2+进行交换,将Cu(DDTC)2萃取进入有机相,然后用分光光度法来测定微量铜。

    This paper recommends that Cu 2 + in test solution can be exchanged with chloroform solution of diethyldithiocarbamate Pb 2 + . After being extracted , Cu ( DDTC ) 2 enters into organic phase and micro-copper ( Cu ) can be determinated by spectrophotometric methods .

  25. 介绍了用二辊或三辊轧机试轧φ57~76mm小直径热轧荒管的工艺参数、轧辊和芯棒的力能参数、荒管的表面质量及几何尺寸精度等。

    The article gives a description to the process parameters , roll and mandrel performance parameters , surface quality and dimensional accuracy of 57mm ~ 76mm small-diameter pipes hot-rolled on two-roll tube mill or on three-roll tube mill .

  26. 水合氯化镧与二乙氨基荒酸二乙铵配合行为的热化学

    Thermochemistry on Coordination Behavior of Lanthanum Chloride Hydrate with Diethylammonium Diethyldithiocarbamate

  27. 我希望阿毛里可以打破进球荒。

    I hope that Amauri can get himself off the mark .

  28. 我国东南民工荒问题的经济学分析

    The economic analysis on farm - worker shortage in south China

  29. 焦炉荒煤气显热回收利用的研究

    On using the sensible heat recovery of coke-oven raw gas

  30. 基于离散数据的汽轮机叶片荒加工的研究

    Research of a Turbine Blade Hogging Based on Scattered Data