
  1. 荒坡地上、中、下坡藻类结皮盖度和厚度差异不大。

    In the slopes , the upper , middle and downhill algae crust cover and thickness difference . 4 .

  2. 斑块形状受地貌形态因素的影响更为显著,集中体现在有林地和荒坡地上,其形状指数值大于其它景观类型;

    Yet the patch shape is mainly affected by landforms , being reflected by forest land and slope farmland with shape index bigger much than other landscape types ;

  3. 结果显示:人类活动对各种景观类型的优势度的影响十分显著,集中体现在坡耕地和荒坡地上,二者面积之和达到总面积的73.12%;

    The results show that the landscape structure has been obviously affected by human activities . The landscape is dominated by the slope farmland and wild slope land , whose area account for the 73.12 % of the total area .