
  1. 我一上午直打喷嚏。

    I 've been sneezing all morning .

  2. 他们看起来已经厌倦了这些演讲,直打哈欠。

    They looked bored and yawned at the speeches .

  3. 一想到他差点儿就失去了一切,他心里直打哆嗦。

    It scared him to realise how close he had come to losing everything .

  4. 脚踝突然又一阵疼痛,痛得我直打哆嗦。

    Another surge of pain in my ankle caused me to give an involuntary shudder .

  5. 我从恶梦中醒来,吓得直打冷战。

    I woke cold and shaking from the nightmare .

  6. 两军直打到深夜。

    The opposing armies battled on until night .

  7. 紧接着是忧郁的女低音,谁都禁不住直打寒战。

    With the gloom of the contraltos added , one could scarcely help shuddering .

  8. 听到那个消息,他吓得直打哆嗦。

    He was trembling like a leaf at the news .

  9. 每年万圣节,孩子们都喜欢被这恐怖故事吓得直打哆嗦。

    Every Halloween , children enjoy being frightened by this scary story .

  10. 她吓得两腿直打哆嗦。

    She was so frightened that her knees knocked together .

  11. 天蝎星攻打太阳,直打得太阳和月亮沉落

    Scorpion fights against the Sun until the Sun and Moon go down

  12. 那些男人,吃得直打饱嗝,解开了背心的钮扣。

    The men , gorged with food , had unbuttoned their vests .

  13. 这食物中的胡椒味儿呛得我直打喷嚏。

    The pepper in the food caused me to / made me sneeze .

  14. 杀人的场面使很多在场的人吓得直打哆嗦

    The scene of killing made most of the people tremble like a leaf

  15. 盛怒和失望使她浑身直打哆嗦。

    She was trembling with rage and frustration .

  16. 他的冗长的故事听得我直打呵欠。

    His long boring story made me yawn .

  17. 天气寒冷彻骨,而且又下着大雪,纷纷扬扬的雪花直打在她脸上。

    It was bitterly cold and a heavy snow was falling beating into her face .

  18. 她看到那可怕的情景直打哆嗦[发抖]。

    She throbbed at the dreadful sight .

  19. 范.哈尔惊慌地坐在他的转椅里,脸色发白,直打哆嗦。

    Vann Harl was in his swivel chair , looking alarmed , pale and shaken .

  20. 伊斯顿往前走着,冻得直打哆嗦。

    Easton shivered as he walked .

  21. 寒气袭人,我直打哆嗦。

    I shivered in the cold .

  22. 这是什么?我问道,心里害怕得直打冷战。

    ' What is it ? 'I asked , with a cold fear in my heart .

  23. 吉米从学校回到家里时,冻得直打哆嗦。

    When Jimmy got home form school , he was shaking like a leaf from the cold .

  24. 胡椒粉弄得我直打喷嚏。

    Pepper makes me sneeze .

  25. 老师直打得胳膊发累,戒鞭有明显磨损时才住手。

    The master 's arm performed until it was tired and the stock of switches notably diminished .

  26. 可是我们全都浑身大汗,直打哆嗦,我决不骗你。

    But we were all of a sweat and a tremble , so I won 't deceive you .

  27. 冬天的清晨阴湿寒冷。我匆匆沿着车道走去,牙齿直打哆棘,看门人的卧室亮着灯光。

    Raw and chill was the winter morning : my teeth chattered as I hastened down the drive .

  28. 我爬上三层积满灰尘的楼梯,禁不住凄然泪下,又加衣衫单薄冷得直打哆嗦。

    I went up three dusty flights of stairs and I cried , shivering in my thin coat .

  29. “他和一个女孩子动手动脚被他的妻子发现时,他吓得直打哆嗦”

    " When he was caught spooning with a girl by his wife , he trembled like a leaf "

  30. 我立即走了出来,因为一想到要被这个杰克硬拖出去,身子便直打哆嗦。

    And I came out immediately , for I trembled at the idea of being dragged forth by the said Jack .