
  • 网络direct computation
  1. 空域法主要是在空间域内对像素的灰度值直接运算处理;

    In the spatial domain method , the pixels are manipulated directly .

  2. 一种方法是对组合式直接运算,另一种则体现了数图结合的思想。

    One method is calculating the combination expression directly and the other embodies the idea of associating number with graph .

  3. 植物染色体图象的实验表明:本算法较在时域中直接运算约快6倍。

    The experiment on plant chromosome images shows that the present algorithm is about 6 times as fast as the direct space domain calculation .

  4. 本文给出一种由实测二阶和单延迟三阶相关函数或单延迟三阶和四阶相关函数经直接运算确定超短脉冲形状的方法。

    This paper presents a method for the determination of ultrashort light pulse shape by 2nd-order and single-delay 3rd-order intensity correlations or by single-delay 3rd-order and 4 th-order intensity correlations .

  5. 这种路径优化方法可以直接由运算结果确定网流的通路,不再需要反推最优路线。

    This method of path optimization can directly gain access of net-flow via result of operation .

  6. 寄存器:寄存器是一些直接参与运算并且中间运算结果的组件。

    Registers : Registers are some components directly involved in arithmetic , and store intermediate result of arithmetic .

  7. 小部分任务由于射线不稳定而丢失粒子时会直接结束运算-如果不是志愿者的零积分问题,我们还不会发现呢-抱歉!

    A small percentage of WU 's terminate very rapidly in the case where the particles are lost due to beam instability-which is very interesting for us if not for the donor 's credit-sorry !

  8. 直接函数运算法是以基准变量和基准参量为进给运算推进基准、以曲线方程为进给决策运算基础对非圆函数曲线的切割而实施的直接进给控制策略。

    The direct calculation method which uses reference variable and reference parameter as the advance norm for feed calculation and takes curve function as the calculation base of the feed decision making is the direct feed control tactics for cutting non circle curves .

  9. 本文提出解线性规划问题的一种方法,主要是对约束Ax=b求初始基可行解时,不必引入人工变量而可直接用旋转运算获得,之后就完全和单纯形法一样求最优解。

    This paper presents a kind of semi-simplex method for finding solution to linear programming and explains some questions of theory in the method .

  10. 用矩阵迭代的方法代替线性约束最小均方(LCMV)算法中的矩阵求逆运算,由于将对角加载合理而巧妙地运用到了矩阵分裂中,使得迭代算法的运算量明显低于直接求逆运算。

    We introduce diagonal loading into matrix split . So the matrix inverse operation of LCMV approach can be replaced by matrix iterative .

  11. 在公钥密码体制中,模运算是直接影响其它运算的关键运算。

    Modular operation is a key one that affects other operations directly in the public key cryptosystem .

  12. 在数控机床中,对解析函数曲线进行直接函数插补运算,可以得到高的精度和加工质量。

    Taking advantage of direct curve interpolation , CNC machine tool can achieve higher precision and machining quality .

  13. 检测水印时将混沌水印序列与水印图像直接进行相关运算,不需要原始图像。

    Watermark detection is performed by computing the correlation coefficient between watermarked image and chaotic sequence without resorting to the original image .

  14. 实验结果表明,特征识别具有直接性、运算量小等特点,为细胞显微图像的模式识别提供了可靠有效的方法。

    The experimental results show that character recognition is direct and simple , and it provides an effective and credible method for fuzzy pattern recognition in cell microscopic image .

  15. 相反,效率和风险之间则不能在数量上直接进行加减运算,所以,我们可以把分工带来的正效应和负效应简化为效率与风险这两个主题。

    In contrast , as there is no direct numeric relation between efficiency and risks , we can simplify the affirmative effect and negative effect into two subjects : efficiency and risks .

  16. 硬件计算机及其它直接参与数据运算或信息交流的物理设备负责维多利绍德苏州工厂备品备件的销售以及存货物流管理。包括设备升级和改造所与备件的管理。

    A computer and the associated physical equipment directly involved in the performance of data-processing or communications functions . Responsible for managing the stock flow of Spare parts and the components needed for Upgrades .

  17. 本文提出了用DYL系列器件构成的直接用十进制进行运算的十值电路;

    A ten-valued circuit of decimal arithmetical unit using DYL devices is presented .

  18. 对于雷达脉冲信号参数的实时性测量问题,由于DSP处理速度的限制,文中采用FPGA硬件实现。在FPGA内部直接实现比较器,运算器等模块,大大简化了测量系统,系统的灵活性也得到增强。

    Limited by the processing speed in DSP , radar pulse parameters measurement in real time is implemented in FPGA hardware , with the modules such as comparator and computing device implemented in FPGA directly . This scheme simplifies the measurement system greatly and enhances the flexibility .

  19. 对两个刺激项目进行直接比较判断或运算这两种加工的难易是不同的;

    The difficulty of different processing models direct judgment or numerical calculate was different .

  20. 基于数学形态学的盆地港湾提取方法,利用数学形态学直接与形态进行运算的优势,方便的获取盆地的港湾。

    The basin bay extraction method based on mathematical morphology adopts the advantage of direct mathematical morphology calculation , and extracts the basin bay conveniently .

  21. 使模平方运算在一个时钟周期内完成,比直接调用模乘运算提高了近一半的速度。

    The modular square operations to be completed within one clock cycle , leads to an improvement of nearly half the speed of modular multiplication operation .

  22. 根据模平方运算自身的特点,选用了多项式基进行运算,使模平方运算在一个时钟周期完成,比直接调用模乘运算提高一半以上的速度。

    Using multinomial radix , the modular square will be finished in one period of the clock , which is faster than using the point multiplication directly .

  23. 记住,整形数运算要比浮点数运算快得多,因为处理器可以直接进行整型数运算,浮点数运算需要依赖于外部的浮点数处理器或者浮点数数学库。

    Remember , integer arithmetic is much faster than floating-point arithmetic , as it can usually be done directly by the processor , rather than relying on external FPUs or floating point math libraries .