
zhèng luó ji
  • positive logic
正逻辑[zhèng luó ji]
  1. 在数字电路中,每个将高电平识别为逻辑l。把低电平识别为逻辑0的电路,被称为使用正逻辑。

    In digital circuitry a circuit , which recognizes a high level to be a logical 1 and a low level as a logical-0 is said to use positive logic .

  2. 思维方式正属于逻辑思维能力的范围。

    Now it belongs to the scope of logical thinking ability .

  3. 这正是逻辑谬论肯定后件的典型例子。

    This is a clear example of the logical fallacy called " affirming the consequent " .

  4. 博弈中的逻辑推理正是逻辑思维、方法应用于博弈的尝试。

    The logic in Game is an attempt of applying logical thinking and methods to the game .

  5. 而本论文主要研究对象正是逻辑门的远程实现和远程态制备。

    The exploring objects of our thesis are just the implementations for quantum logic gates and remote state preparation .

  6. 英语偏正结构的逻辑关系及翻译探析

    Analysis of the Logical Relationship between an Attributive Modifier and the Noun It Modifies & the Chinese Translation

  7. 正是量子逻辑门和纠缠态的在量子信息处理中的重要地位,引起了人们广泛的研究和关注。

    Due to their importance in quantum-information processing , quantum logic gates and quantum entanglement attract much attention .

  8. 如果说知道逻辑、信念逻辑等是“正”的逻辑的话,怀疑逻辑则是“负”的逻辑。

    Logic such as knowledge logic , belief logic , deontic logic and so on , can be regarded as'positive'logic , and doubting logic can be regarded as'negative'one .

  9. 面对民粹主义极左势力的严峻挑战,社民党正抛弃经济逻辑,在生存竞争中力求成为左翼的天然家园。

    Facing a fierce challenge from the populist ultra-left , the party is now casting economic logic aside in its fight for survival as the natural home of the left .

  10. 在此基础上,文章详述了怎样建立不同原点、单位和正方向的逻辑坐标系,对坐标系的构建原理进行了深入剖析。

    Based on this , the paper expands how to set all kinds of logic coordinates with different origin , unit and orientation , then anatomizes the principles of these coordinates .

  11. 本文首先讨论了正、负逻辑体制的缺点,然后阐明混合逻辑的概念、符号系统及其应用,着重指出混合逻辑在实用中的清晰性和灵活性以及形成这些优点的原因。

    Then , it demonstrates the concepts , notation and symbol systems of mixed logic convention and their applications , emphasizing its usefulness in clarity and flexibility of logic design and demonstrates why it possesses these advantages based on the related material published abroad and the experience in teaching .

  12. 将运动物体保持在画面的正中央似乎合乎逻辑。

    It seems logical to keep a moving subject exactly in the middle of the picture .

  13. 不过,正是这种无视逻辑和合理性的壮举,《速度与激情》系列才会如此有趣。

    Still , it 's this heroic disregard for logic8 and plausibility9 that makes the Fast & Furious franchise10 so much fun .

  14. 正是这一逻辑,确保了美国《1933年银行法》(usbankingactof1933)做出明确隔离吸收存款的商业银行与投机性投行业务的规定。

    It was this logic that ensured a clear separation in the US banking act of 1933 between deposit-taking commercial banks and the speculative investment banking business .

  15. 基于模糊正态划分的逻辑推理诊断方法及应用

    The diagnosis method based on fuzzy normal partition logic reasoning and its application

  16. 明故知类有所止而正&中国古代逻辑中关于说的谬误

    Recognizing the classification and Reasoning with Range & Fallacies about Logic Reasoning in Ancient China

  17. 本文正是在这种逻辑框架下研究贵州省财政与经济的可持续发展。

    It is in this framework that mis paper researches in the sustainable development of the fiscal revenue and the economy of GuiZhou Province .

  18. 传统经济学研究总结出来的具有内在能动性的要素与组织正是在理论逻辑上将复杂经济系统建构为能够实现自组织演化体系的必要前提。

    The key factors and organizations which were summarized by the research of the traditional economics and possess the internal activities , can construct the complex economic system in theory and logic to be a prerequisite for the realization of self-organization evolutionary system .

  19. 不过,正是这种无视逻辑和合理性的壮举,《速度与激情》系列才会如此有趣。第一部《速度与激情》是关于非法街头赛车手的低成本警察惊悚片,但是续集一部比一部拍得更盛大也更荒唐。

    Still , it 's this heroic disregard for logic and plausibility that makes the Fast & Furious franchise so much fun . The first film was a low-budget cop thriller about illegal street racers , but the sequels have grown bigger and sillier every time .