
  • 网络Positive Cycle;direct cycle
  1. 正循环机械回转钻孔灌注桩在卵石层中的应用大口径冲击反循环钻进方法在岩溶地层中的应用

    Application of the Positive Cycle Mechanical Rotary Boring Grout Pile on the Pile Construction of the Pebble Bed APPLICATION OF BIG BORE REVERSE-CIRCULATION CORING CABLE DRILLING TO CAVERN OF LIMESTONE

  2. 十值TTL或门及正循环门电路的研究

    Discussion about the Circuit of Deka ? value TTL OR Gate and POS Loop Gate

  3. 正循环钻孔桩钻进中预防坍孔的分析方法

    The method of prevention of hole collapse during the hole drilling

  4. 反循环钻孔桩是一种技术性能比较优越的非挤土型桩,其承载力比正循环钻孔桩平均提高10%&20%,特别在软土地层,桩的质量和技术经济指标优于正循环钻孔桩。

    Reverse circulation borehole pile is a non-squeezing pile .

  5. 我们进入了一个不断改善的正循环,

    you get a cycle of continuous improvement ,

  6. 泥浆在正循环钻孔中的应用

    Application of mud for normal-circulation drilling

  7. 正循环回转钻深孔施工监理质量控制方法与手段

    The Measures of Control Quality of Construction of Drilling Deep Holes With Normal Circulation Slewing Drilling Machine

  8. 本文主要从理论上论述钻孔桩反循环成孔工艺在技术上明显优于正循环成孔工艺,并由此在质量、经济上带来的有利影响。

    This article mainly investigates the pile drilling technology by inverse circulation and its priority over the drilling technology by circulation .

  9. 正循环法钻孔灌注桩施工介绍及控制砂砾含水中正循环钻进水井施工初探

    Introduction and Control of Constructing Cast-in-place Pile by Normal Circulation Method Water well construction using directional circulation drilling technology in sandy gravel aquifer

  10. 承载力方面:正循环成孔工艺比反循环对其桩周摩阻力的增大有利;

    On the bearing : normal-circulation pore-forming process is more helpful to the increase of frictional resistance around the pile than reverse-circulation pore-forming process .

  11. 砂砾含水中正循环钻进水井施工初探反井钻机表土层小井灌浆施工技术的研究

    Water well construction using directional circulation drilling technology in sandy gravel aquifer On the application of raise-boring machine in small shaft construction assisted by grouting in top-soil

  12. 结合浙江省仙居县地税大楼基础的设计方案,介绍了正循环钻孔灌注桩基础的设计。

    According to the design plan of the foundation of Dishui building in Xianju county of Zhejiang province , this paper introduces the foundation design of positive circulating boring piles .

  13. 环空管道后台阶突扩流动是空气正循环钻井过程中十分重要的关键部分,直接决定了钻探岩屑是否能够顺利上返地面。

    The flow over a backward facing step of an annular tube is a very important part of air drilling , determining the detritus going back to the ground successfully .

  14. 结合正循环钻孔灌注桩的施工实践,介绍了每道作业工序的施工关键,提出了应采取的质量预控措施。

    According to the construction practice of cast-in-situ bored pile with a positive circulation boring machine , the construction cruxes of each operation procedure and quality preventive measure are introduced and analyzed .

  15. 以加热炉步进梁正循环为例,阐述了三个主要电液换向阀的结构及动作原理;并详细分析其每一动作中控制油路压力油的变化情况;

    Taking normal circulation of heating furnace walking beam for example , the structure and operating principle of three main current change valves are raised with the emphasis on the pressure oil change under each action .

  16. 最后介绍了双级压缩正升压循环实际流程空气制冷机的应用。

    The application of two-stage compression forward bootstrap air refrigeration cycle is introduced .

  17. 所以现在我们有了正反馈循环,将会加剧天平的倾倒。

    And so now we have this positive feedback loop that 's going to accelerate the tipping of that scale .

  18. 危险在于,迅速纠正这些问题可能引发一个正反馈循环,导致一轮远比预期剧烈的经济减速。

    The peril is that a rapid correction would cause a positive feedback loop and so a far sharper than expected economic slowdown .

  19. 正因为循环流化床机组的自动控制相对困难,一直以来都是研究的热点。

    Because the automatic control of circulating fluidized bed unit is relatively difficult , it has always been the focus of our research .

  20. 正辛醇循环使用4~8次时,没食子酸正辛酯的总得率为79.53%95.32%。

    The total yields of n octyl gallate were 79.53 % ~ 95.32 % at the condition of recycling n octanol 4 ~ 8 times .

  21. 生态工业园(Eco-industrialpark,EIP)正是根据循环经济理论和产业生态学原理建立起来的新型工业组织形态。

    Eco-Industrial Park ( Eco-Industrial Park , EIP ) is a new form of industrial organization based on the theory of circular economy and industrial ecology principles .

  22. 天然气正逆联合循环动力及经济性匹配研究

    Study on gas joint positive and negative cycle power and economy matching

  23. 氨水功冷正逆耦合循环的经济性分析

    Economic analysis of an ammonia-water power / refrigeration cogeneration system

  24. 在森林生产力上所表现出的类似规律性正是养分循环速率变化的反映。

    The changes of forest productivity corresponds to the changes of nutrient cycling rates .

  25. 潜孔锤冲击挤密钻进成孔法的探讨钻孔灌注桩正、反循环钻进成孔工艺

    Discussion on Drilling Hole with DTH Ramming and Displacement Drilling technique for bored piles with direct and indirect flushing methods

  26. 而我国目前产业结构体系所表现出的低层次性、非生态性和非循环性等特征,正是发展循环经济的瓶颈所在。

    However , the low level , non-ecology and non-cycle displayed in Chinese industrial structure are exactly the Bottleneck of developing circulating economy .

  27. 避免了传统的并联机构运动学标定中通过位置正解和循环迭代求解杆长结构参数而产生的一系列问题,求解过程比较简单,同时可避免精确测量动平台的位姿。

    The solving procedure is simpler which avoids the necessity of solving the forward kinematics and iteration calibration problem in the general kinematics calibration of parallel mechanism , and the precision measuring of the posture of the motion platform .

  28. 现在我们正处在一个循环,一个连续不断的生命循环。

    Here we are in a circle , the continuous circle of life .

  29. 摩托车可变配气正时发动机的循环仿真与分析

    Cycle Analysis and Simulation of Motorcycle Engine with Switching Cam Profile VVT System

  30. 正丁烯水合工艺循环水的控制

    Control on Cycle Water of n-Butene Hydration Process